I have just completed W8R1, but I still find it a battle between wanting to stop and trying to push myself to continue. I imagined it would have felt easier by now. I did manage to complete it which I need to remember! Are there any graduates out there that were at this point and can now run 30mins comfortably or at least without so much battle in your head?
Does it get easier??: I have just completed W8R... - Couch to 5K
Does it get easier??

Hello. I graduated in december and I was finding it ok. Had days when it was really hard. Had to take 5 weeks off as my son broke his leg. Then when I got back out there I really struggled to run 5k without stopping for along time. Think to be fair it took months to dig deep and remember I could do it. I managed 8k on monday without stopping but still had to dig deep. You will get there and find the inner strength. Good luck

Hi, I graduated in April so, very new! Have been finding longer runs a little easier than expected (something about settling in to a rhythm?) but have recently had calf problems which means I'm taking more rest days. Well done for coming so far, not long until you get there!!

I find that the 'battle in your head' is the real battle. Yes, and after several months, I can run 5k in under 30 minutes regularly now, but if I leave the house with doubt in my mind...... It can all go wrong pretty quickly.
I too dig deep for longer runs, but isn't that part of the attraction of all this? The sense of achievement? You've just got back in the swing of it again after a break. I reckon you'll be fine in time. It won't be 'easy', but the difference will be that you will delight in pushing yourself and take pride in winning that mental battle.

It is eleven months since I started C25k and I clearly remember thinking that I did not enjoy the runs in week 8. Run 2 of week 9 just happened to be a glorious run and did give me the belief that things would get better. Every now and then I still get gremlins telling me to stop, but dismiss them but maybe slow down a bit to keep them quiet. I have run ten miles and now run at least one 10k and a couple of 5ks per week and yes, it does get easier. Once you have graduated, it is essential to have at least one run per week when you just run at an easy pace, forgetting about speed. This will give you the opportunity to appreciate what your body is capable of and remember how far you have come and just enjoy running.
In about week 8, I replied to someone who was finding it hard work, saying that I hoped that eventually, running 5k, would seem no more daunting than running for five minutes was in those early weeks. Well, I suppose I am just about there and love my running even more now that it is a total part of my life. You will get there.
Keep running, keep smiling.

I graduated Sept last year & it was a struggle right up to the end & beyond. When I say struggle, I too think it's in my head & not much compares with a good run. I have only once (&that was wk7) regretted going out running. I must admit the 1st 5 minutes does put me off going out & I really feel like turning back during that time & I have to remind myself that this doesn't last. After that it's fine, hard but enjoyable & I love to think "I can run". Still holds amazement for me. Think it always will.

I too graduated last Sept and sometimes 'the voices' still tell me to stop, such that I only managed 1 of a 2 circuit timed 5k run a couple of weeks ago - even when the chap said, "but we know you can do it", I still couldn't. I can only say that there are sometimes bad runs and some runs are good and it is worth still continuing for the fitness and sense of achievement. Good luck, you CAN do it. Many of us have managed and you can too, even if the voices can sometimes be quite persuasive!
Thanks guys! I think I have to remember how far I have come and how I couldn't even run for a minute when I started. I'm also getting worried about not using the app. I think Laura is the only reason I have got this far. Like others though, the feeling of achievement is probably what keeps me going. I still can't believe I can run 28 minutes without stopping. Amazing!