I was dreading this . . : I’m autistic, which in... - Couch to 5K

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I was dreading this . .

ButtercupKid profile image
43 Replies

I’m autistic, which in my case means I’m great at compartmentalising - separating aspects of life so they don’t interfere with each other. This is often a strength, but when it comes to transitioning (moving between or on) it can make life difficult. And so it has proved with graduation. I’ve been dreading the first consolidation run: the Panic Moth has been fluttering in my chest since Wednesday, I’ve been having nightmares and waking with gritted teeth and my muscles all locked. . . Anyway, I woke this morning and hubby was still flat out, so I got up and out I went, Moth and all. I got to the park and the Voices were going mad: “You’ve graduated now ! You don’t have to do this any more !” But I started off anyway, Sanjeev talking me through 9:1, thinking, “If I get to half way I can stop.” My legs were still moving at 15 mins so I decided I could stop at 20 . . . or 25. . . and then there was no point stopping because I was nearly there. And when I slowed to a walk, I noticed that the crocuses were out, and a robin came right up and bobbed to me. I think it was a compliment !

The photo shows the IT Perimeter, named in honour of IannodaTruffe, who has kept me on the straight and narrow path 😄

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ButtercupKid profile image
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43 Replies
molly1973 profile image

Well done for getting out there. It is odd not having the clear structure of the programme. You always have the big hill as an aim 👍

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to molly1973

It’s a far distant aim 😄 3k on the nearly flat is as good as it gets just now !

molly1973 profile image
molly1973Graduate in reply to ButtercupKid

It’s more than good enough 👍

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to molly1973

It’ll do for a start 😂

johnt46 profile image

Hi BCK, good on ya! getting out for consolidation run, and your attitude is inspiring! I'm doing C25K again with my partner,(she had to pack up last July because of knee injury and other issues she has to deal with), walking at her pace on my rest days from consolidation runs with the occasional "trot"😂 alongside. Your next step is what you are doing, consolidation runs. Then trying Bridge to 10K? Something to aim for and we both know that it doesn't matter how long it takes, it's something to motivate us and aim for. I'm doing Park run tomorrow again, my third one, and I will be thinking of you. Keep that mental attitude up, and love yourself, you are brilliant, no you don't have to do it anymore, but then you wouldn't see the wonders of nature as each season unfolds. Well done again!!!🎖 🏃‍♂️

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to johnt46

Thanks JT. All the best to you and your partner with your joint running: hope she’s overtaking you soon 😂 Enjoy the Parkrun x

CRAZYCATME profile image

Well done to you Buttercup!! :D If you are noticing nature it cant all be bad. I found it hard too! I have just gone my own way with some different tunes and doing 5k 3 times a week. It is strange though not to be told where you are in the run. I am going to carry on this way for a month then start on the what next podcasts. There is a forum for bridge to 10k I found by accident? Have a lovely sunny day...you certainly deserve it and a happy weekend! :) x

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to CRAZYCATME

Thanks CCM. I’m going to keep on with Sanjeev for a bit: repeats of week 9. But I have this strange desire to work towards a hill climb, so I’m planning to alternate those runs with a repeat of C25k - but uphill ! 🤪

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

That sounds an interesting plan.😊 I’m about to start W9 and have been really wondering what would work to give a bit of structure after C25K. Think I’ll borrow your hill idea in some form - then I can imagine you leading me on, just like old times! 😊 Enjoy the flowers by the wayside! 🥀🌾🌿

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Granspeed

You too - lovely that Spring is arriving early ! It’s a good idea to finish with a new goal already in mind. I’ve been watching posts from recent graduates for a while, and people do seem to find it easier to keep going if they have something specific to aim for. I suppose that’s true in every area of life !

Couchpotato2 profile image

Love IT perimeter sounds like an apt name, plus it looks lovely. Well done!

I’ve started counselling and today I mentioned the what after question anxiety? You even got a mention :-) and all the people on this forum. I was saying how supportive it was and how it was easy for me to see other people’s achievements and encourage them but that I found it had to see mine or be kinder to myself. I’m working on it and saying that, I am now off for my run. I’m going to enjoy it and if I manage to run the 28’ great, if not I’ll do it next time.

I am always happy to see your posts 🤗

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Couchpotato2

Well done you for starting counselling: it shows that however impossible it seems just now, somewhere inside you know things can get better. I’m working through “Teach Yourself CBT” myself and finding the process helpful, but it’s much braver to work through the process with someone else. Hope you find it interesting and helpful. And you’re my Friday Hero 🏅

ktsok profile image

Well done BCK! I felt the flutters in my final week; it’s like you are approaching the end of the gangplank/diving board... diving into the unknown is always a bit daunting, particularly when we have barely outgrown our running armbands. But there is a lovely sparkling sea of possibility out there and you have just explored your first half an hour of it. Well done 😊

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to ktsok

Thanks ktsok. Loving those metaphors 💕😄

ktsok profile image
ktsokGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid


AlMorr profile image

Well done to you BCK on running your first consolidation run, I am so happy to know that you enjoyed it. Compertmantelising, a big word, as you know I recently did a course on Futurelearn about Autism, it gave me much more knowledge and information about Autism is.

Have a nice weekend before you run the second 30 minute consolidation run 🏃 😊 🎓.

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Thanks AlMorr. I’m planning to alternate consolidation runs with redoing C25k uphill, so the next few weeks should be interesting 😄

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid


Oh how brilliant ButtercupKid , see, you can totally do this, you're awesome :) Many people, me included, struggle with the transition, and for you to do that given what you shared re. the autism, is really amazing. Huge well done to you!

p.s. Maybe in a couple of weeks the Couch to 5K+ podcasts might be worth a try

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to

Thanks for the suggestion ! I’m slowly digesting IannodaTruffe’s post-C25k information - looks like there’s plenty of life after graduation 😄

Tonkabella profile image

Fantastic 🎉🎉🎉. Your doing better than great... your fantastic 🎉🎉. The spring is nearly here and with it all the spring flowers, shrubs blossoming and birds tweeting their beautiful songs.... let’s get out there and enjoy it... I’m with you all the way😊😊🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Tonkabella

Glad and proud to have you along 😄

Buddy34 profile image

Brilliant as you said you had the option of stopping when where you wanted and you ran 30 minutes , don't put too much pressure on yourself and do what works for you . I also noticed the beautiful flowers that are out this time of year. Good luck on your future runs 😊😊

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Buddy34

Thanks Buddy. I usually find that going to see what I can manage works better for me than trying to bully myself into finishing 😄

Shelley2310 profile image

Yayyyy well done, you gave those gremlins whatfor, you showed them they are powerless as your a graduate and CAN do it. I let gremlins win as I’ve only just managed to get back to 30 mins. The gremlins won with me at 18-20 mins for couple of weeks. You’re a star 🌟🏃‍♀️🏅🏃‍♀️

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Shelley2310

Thanks Shelley. It really is tough getting out there without the C25k targets to aim for ! Well done you for getting back to it ! ⭐️ Have you a goal just now ?

Shelley2310 profile image
Shelley2310Graduate in reply to ButtercupKid

Next February I want to do the London Winter Run which is 10k but other than that I’m in ‘limbo’ a bit. I can only just cover 3k in the 30mins atm so I’d have to ‘run’ for nearly 2 hours 😂😂. So I’m going to try and gradually run for a bit longer and hope my pace increases a little in the process!! 😱😱🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Shelley2310

I’m a 3k-er too ! A winter goal sounds a great idea. I’m obsessed with the local hill climb, but it’s 10k at the end of August; not an impossible goal, but I know from previous experience that pressure tends to prolong depression. So like you, I’m going to try to build up pace, distance and time gradually. I’m going to repeat C25k uphill ! And I hope to enter for the 2020 race - as good a way to celebrate turning 50 as I’ve come across 😂 All the best with your own targets. Keep me posted !

Shelley2310 profile image
Shelley2310Graduate in reply to ButtercupKid

You WILL do it, perhaps not this year (but does it really matter) but it will be a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday. Tbh I don’t mind coming in last (the first over and last get the most cheers anyway)! We can both do anything we put our minds to, our bodies will follow 😂

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to Shelley2310

Quite right too ! I’ve never been competitive: I’d just like to get round for my own curiosity 😁

IannodaTruffe profile image

I am honoured..........

............the best is yet to come.

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Looking forward to it, and enjoying the process 😄

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

And the company, of course ! 😂

John_W profile image

There's LOADS of life post C25K - I did it early 2015 and I'm now training for my 2nd marathon ...

Jundal profile image

Bck: well done for completing c25k. I know where you are in your head right now. 'It goes like this: yaaay! I did it! I did it! Sh*t, what now? Umm, carry on? But... It's boring I have nothing to aim for! What. Do. I. Do?'

You see, I did this once, many years ago. I earned by black belt in wado-ryu karate, in one of the most brutal, punishing things I've ever done, in a grading run by the most savage psychopathic granny you've ever met. (Honestly, she was brutal. Amazing too, I adored her, the memory of her inspired me frequently) But when I'd got what I'd spent nearly four years working for, it was like I'd stepped into free fall. I didn't know what to do. Until I spoke to a man called Andrew. Andy was a semi professional body builder, built like a man mountain. And he told gave me a book he'd written, about climbing mountains. Not real ones, but metaphorical ones. It basically said this:

Each time you conquer a mountain, look for the next one you want to beat.

And I've said on here that each time I beat a hill, I want a bigger one. A bigger hill, a harder trail, a longer route. Make them uphill, downhill, longer, shorter, faster, slower. But I have a hill in mind right now that's my Everest. It's a stretch around four miles long. All savagely uphill, with short dips for recovery. That MY Everest. But what will I do when I've beaten it? (I'll do it if they have to cart my cold dead corpse off it.)

I'll find an Olympus Mons. A bigger, better, badder mountain.

And I'll beat that too.

So go make a list of all your running goals. Aim for each one with hard training, patience and understanding of your own limits, along with the willingness to surpass them.

Go find your Everest.

Then make it your b!tch.

SaskAlliecat profile image

The immediate post graduation time was tough for many of us that crave structure. I found I continued with my 30 minute runs for a bit then I jumped onto the ju-ju's bridge to 10k plan, which worked for me. Enjoy these next few 30 minute runs, taking in the beauty of your surroundings and all that Nature is offering you, then decide what your next plan is. Is it to conquer that hill you talked of before? The maybe work on building some short hill work into your runs. Is it to build up to 5k? Then slowly add a little bit of time to one of your weekly runs, keeping the other 30 minutes or shorter. Or maybe you'll find you like not having the pressure of a goal and can just run for the pure pleasure of it. The key is finding what works for you and going with it as long as you don't let the pressure get to be too much. I'm not on the Spectrum but I crave structure and do best with a clear plan in mind but sometimes my job and life don't allow it. What I have found for me is that running has allowed me to be more flexible and to switch a bit more "on- the- fly" and sometimes that means just running for the pure joy of running. You have showed us how tenacious you are working through your struggles and I have full faith you will figure out what works for you and carry on with this amazing journey.

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

Thanks SAcat. At the moment I plan to repeat week 9 till I’m confident with it, alternating with a repeat of C25k on uphill tracks. That should keep me focused for a while 😂

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate in reply to ButtercupKid

Sounds like a great plan!

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

I’ll keep you all posted 😀

orcadia profile image

Well done on your first consolidation run. I like your idea of doing C25k on a hill interspersed with consolidation runs. Think I'll borrow that idea too.

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to orcadia

Worth a try ! Keep us posted on your progress 😀

SpanishShuffle profile image

Hey Twin! We seem to be even more Twinny than I thought 😉

Nice to know another brain works in a similar way to mine.


Did my 2nd after graduation run this morning, with Michael for a change.

Keep the faith ✊

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to SpanishShuffle

Well done you ! I’m tied up all weekend and desperately trying to work out how to fit in a run on Monday. No going back 😁

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