Anyone else getting random followers which, shall we say are more about pictures and other kinds of cardio workouts? I don’t use the app but I have it and barrack/encourage a friend in it after his runs... but maybe once a week I’m getting these random followers. I’d get in touch with them all, but I’d like some energy left for running, oh and Mrs UNM would remove bits of me that I’m quite attached to 😂
Question for Strava users: Anyone else getting... - Couch to 5K
Question for Strava users

I use Strava, but not received any randoms, I do keep it very locked down though to my friends only.
Nope I don't get any of that. Have you check your settings in your profile?

Yes I have randoms. I think it’s to do with being in groups because it started after I joined a couple.
Ah... here’s me telling people to use the groups to find running routes and that’s what may be causing this... I must remember to leave them again 😂
Yeah. Being in a virtual group opens you up for these random messages.
I just ignore them
I’m new to all this social media stuff... I have had a Facebook since it was new... maybe logged in 10 times since making it 😂

Yes I had 1 person want to follow me . It said something about pictures and sex just deleted it you get some nutters out there 😊😂
Yes I got one as well - and all Ive done is download the app, haven't even used it!
Maybe they need another section on there to reflect this... cycling, running and... hehe
Yeah... I was gonna say bonking, but that’s a running term.
Which? Other or bonking?!
Bonking... we used to hear about “the wall” in marathon... now it’s a head bonk or a leg bonk, and other bonks!

Make your account private then you can screen all requests to follow you...

Lol! If you don’t respond I guess they’d go away!! I can only handle one app at a time, so no issues for me!! 😂❤️
I’ll send them a message and give them your NRC name 😂

I live on strava. I use it for cycling, rowing and now running. I want to beat last year's record in overall activities. I try throw pictures in.
I do get random followers. But I don't contact them, it may get Mr Shadow a tad jealous.
I do follow back, because I think some of the people are amazing with the mileage their doing in various activities.

I am always cautious about follower requests. First step is to see who else is following them. If I don't recognise anyone then normally I reject it. It's difficult someone's because HU names do not match Strava names and mostly my followers are HU people.
Do you have your account locked down to ensure that they have to request to follow you rather than it automatically having!?

I'm on Strava but no randomer wants to follow me or bonk me or do any other kind of activity with me. I don't know if I should feel relieved or offended, but until I can run fast enough to get out of the way of psychopaths I suppose relieved is the best option!

Nope... too old for any kind of request I guess...