I’m enjoying my runs but what to do in the bad icy/snow conditions. I don’t want to start at the beginning again or should I go to the gym winter months and use a treadmill?
Winter: I’m enjoying my runs but what to do in... - Couch to 5K

Yes that would be a very good idea Gillian, what we call here on C25K the dreadmill, the treadmill be correct, gets you inside from the cold at the gym. I was passing a gym today and there was what looked like a 22 year old lady on a treadmill near the window, she was really going fast, I would say at around 25 minutes for a 5K.

You can... some weeks it’s going to be easier than others to avoid running on ice. I’m considering treadmill for days that I can’t run outdoors.

I was wondering this myself! I would say yes, gym for a run on the treadmill, starting again seems such a shame so get yourself to the gym if you can 😊

I'm doing it a the gym on a treadmill as I knew I wouldn't do it in the cold , wet and dark. It's ok and at least I'll be ready to do some 5k runs when the weather improves. Go for it!

Winter weather is great......... admittedly I live in the balmy South West of England........ but ice is not so much of a problem if you run off road wearing trail shoes. I have only run in very shallow snow and can imagine that it could make things really difficult.........but like most things, the anticipation is often worse than the reality.
Try it and see.