Just got back from my run Wk6R2 and feel a bit despondent😣After running for 20mins last week, I really struggled with my two 10 minute runs. I wasn't out of breath but my legs felt like lead and ached so much. Now I'm dreading my 25minute run at the weekend. Perhaps I'm just having an off day! Hope so because I've been loving it up till now!
Weary legs: Just got back from my run Wk6R2 and... - Couch to 5K
Weary legs

The two tens are physically harder that the 20... and possibly even the 25... you’re ready and you can do it.
Heh. I'm doing W6 R2 tomorrow and am nervous now!

Everybody has an off day sometimes. You finished both the runs, so give Mr Despondency the bums rush right away.
Every run I start, my legs feel like I'm wearing deep sea divers boots. Normally it passes but occasionally it lasts for the whole run.
You're loving it so far and you've come a long, long way since week 1. Don't fear the next run, look forward to it, you can definitely do it.
Usual rules, rest, hydrate and start slow.
I look forward to hearing form you, being back up on top of world with another week in the bag.
You’ve done all the training SD61, your ready for this!! Blummin head gremlins!! Remember how you felt running for 20mins? Take that thought with you. 👍🏻
Put that one down to experience ... you are ready to do this. The program builds you run after run to progress with the next..
Rest, recover, hydrate and go do the run like you have done the others..
Leave those doubting thoughts behind. You can do it 😁