I have often used mapmyrun to plan routes, then memorised them for the run. I am away at the moment and want to follow a fairly complicated route of paths through parks and along and across roads. I would like to plot my meandering route, then have something direct me along that route as I run (something like google maps or a sat nav, but along a meandering route). I haven't found a way to get mapmyrun to give me audible directions via my phone, even once I've downloaded a route. Does anyone know of anything I could use to achieve this?
Route software giving directions during a run - Couch to 5K
Route software giving directions during a run

I really don’t know. Would Strava help with plotting the route once you have run it but not before? Sorry can’t help.

Pretty sure you can do that with Strava. I’m sure I have in the past. Doesn’t give directions as I recall but you can see where you are and if you’re off course.
Been a while as these days I set off with a vague route in mind and see where it takes me. But I understand why you might not want to do that somewhere new.

Maybe this? rungoapp.com
Rungo app appears to be major world cities. The goodrunguide app uses known runs, eg those saved by mapmyrun and strava etc There’s another one for walkers called Viewranger i think. It’s been discussed here before 🤔
RunGo I’ve never actually used, but it does let you create routes anywhere and import from Strava, but I don’t know if that’s just routes that you’ve run. I’ll have a play with the goodrunguide too.

I will get the GRG app and import a run I’ve done but forgotten the route of, but recall some bits, Apparently you have to be willing to “share” the run when you’ve done it
I can't think of any problem sharing this run - it's just a link up of several well known public trails and, as I'm on holiday, there's no revealing my home address or a route I regularly run. Many thanks

Probably. I used it free for ages for measuring routes and finding new ones do I subscribe. £14 a year you can upload runs into it search for races. All sorts 🙂

Just thought I would update this post as a couple of people were following it.
I had a look at Goodrunuide first but I couldn't find a way to set up a new route having not paid for membership (it may be possible, but I couldn't find a way).
However, I did manage to set up my route using Rungo (online) pretty easily, without paying for any membership. I couldn't find a way to show elevation which I use a lot in Mapmyrun, so I used the two alongside each other while I was planning my route. I saved my final route in Rungo online and there it was in the app on my phone! I set audible navigation on and it was pretty successful. I did most of my route as planned, getting a bit lost once and seemingly straying off course several times (though I'm not sure I was always off course). When I got confused, I got the phone out and could see where I was and where I should be - not ideal, but a good backup.
I will definitely use Rungo again, but I will play around a bit with where I put my way points in the hope that the directions will be smoother and that it will be quicker for the app to recognise when I am back on course.
An added bonus was that all the thinking about the app and directions made the run pass very quickly!