Hi. I've just finished Week 3 and am feeling good about managing the runs and moving up to Week 4, except... I've been getting pain on the inside of both my calves. It started W3R1 and has come back with each run. On other days it has worn off gradually afterwards but today the pain has carried on most of the day. I'm wondering if I've strained something and ought to let it rest for a while? Kind of weird it's in both legs though? Has anyone else had this? Do people do stretches before running - I don't but wondering if it could be down to that?
Calf pain: Hi. I've just finished Week 3 and am... - Couch to 5K
Calf pain

Hi MCR73, yes you ought to do some light stretching. The warm up and down is kind of designed to do this a bit. But if your noticing tightness in the calves, a good stretch before and after will help. Also if this happens more frequently as the distances increases see a running coach to get your running technique assessed. Most running shops know of people who can help. Gait analysis and step analysis is vital to ensure your running correctly and hopefully avoid injuries so you can continue to enjoy your runs.
Thanks for the reply and good advice. Tightness is right - I realise I should have thought about stretching. The way it feels right now I think I need to let it calm down for a couple of days maybe.
Yes, I wouldn't attempt a run if your really feeling tight (uncomfortable to run on). If I felt like that I would do a light calf stretch and walk the 5min to loosen up and get the blood flowing. If I didn't feel right within the first min of running, I wouldn't risk a run any further and give it a couple of days, no more than that before trying again. This is more for mentally keeping yourself positive rather than physical. If it still doesn't seem right go see a doctor/physio.

Stretch after the run... be very careful with stretches before running. You need to do the walk and towards the end maybe put some dynamic stretches in. Static stretches before the run are dangerous to the muscles if you’re cold and still risky on the ligaments if warm. The links in the pinned posts refer to post run stretching I think. Have a look at them first. Also make sure you use your legs on rest days, just don’t run.
Good job finishing week 3

I’m going to add the words ‘foam roller’! Now I’m no expert at using mine (no need yet), but by all accounts they’re amazing and work wonders for tight muscles.
Someone will come along and explain the process I’m sure - or of course there’s plenty of advice online. May be worth a look? 😀
Good luck! 😀

Well done you!
Some do stretch before runs..dynamic stretching, of course, many, many runners don't.
Great warming up well is essential though. Post runs stretching even more so... there are many exercise you can do to alleviate the calf aches.
If they do not help, then rolling or using a massage stick could help loosen the muscles.
If your shoes and socks are okay then try to land really lightly.. i call it kissing the ground with your feet
If the pain persists, do stop running.. and do get it checked out... a sports physiotherapist is your best bet.
Having had a slight muscle tear... ( and I do everything by the book, believe me), and if you check my posts at that time... you will see, it is not to be ignored
This was my, return to run post, after several weeks on the IC !
Hope this sorts for you soon

Thanks for your reply, and the range of suggestions. I really don't want to stop the programme as I feel I have good momentum now, so good to hear ideas to try whilst keeping going.