W3R3 Complete, yay! However... when I run and only when I run, I get pain in my right shoulder just below the neck. I'm a southpaw so its my weaker side. Curious if anyone knows of possible causes? Appreciate this isn't a medical forum, but wonder if there is a common cause of this for runners from experience? Cheers 🤔
Shoulder pain only when running, possible causes? - Couch to 5K
Shoulder pain only when running, possible causes?

I don’t know that particular pain, but if only when running it doesn’t sound serious... have you tried YTW exercise? Could help if it’s an issue with joint mobility.

Keep an eye on it and if it gives you too much trouble get it checked out. One possible cause could be you are tensing your shoulders while you run. This can make them ache a bit. I find that when I feel under pressure my shoulders rise up towards my ears and my whole upper body feels tense. To combat this I try and relax and shake my arms a bit to feel a bit more relaxed.

Probably tension..many folk, during the early runs hold themselves very tightly when running..( sheer concentration perhaps).
Try to relax, shake out your arms, hands and drop your shoulders...we have this happen to a lot of the folk on here
Try to land lightly, I call it kissing the ground with your feet... relax your hands as if you were gently holding a bag of crisps.. and not crushing them You will get the idea and it will get easier...
Try these exercises in this article too..

Are you carrying something in your hands?........phone or water bottle...... This can create tensions and asymmetry, so best avoided.

I find I occasionally tense up. I try to check my shoulders are not rising a few times during the run. I also try to remember to exercise hands and fingers so I'm not holding them in the same position throughout. I do simple neck and shoulder exercises after running to try and ensure no lasting tension/pain. Just a few minutes is needed 👍

Hi, as it doesn't sound like it is a common problem I would recommend speaking to your GP. It may only be when you are running but if running is the only time you are increasing your aerobic activity and heart rate then it could be related to a medical issue that should be checked. As you say this isn't a medical forum but I haven't heard it come up before and there are lots of runners. Better to be safe than sorry.