I had to take eight long days off from our program due to the heat wave. It finally broke this weekend! Today, for my first run back, I met up with a group of newbie runner friends. We are doing our first 5K together in August. It is an eclectic group, and lovely to see that I am the oldest in the group by a good 15 (nay 20) years. 🙄
The highlight for me, though, was my younger daughter joined us as she was in town for the weekend from Philadelphia. (She is the one who originally inspired me to try this program!) The trail we used is a 100-year-old trolley line converted into a lovely multipurpose trail. Fairly level, with a steady incline and a whopping hill at the beginning/end.
We did walking and running intervals. Since this is our first time together, we were all sorting it out. I got the distinction of being the fastest walker and the slowest runner LOL
Since we are a mixed group, I wasn’t able to do my next run of the program, w7r1. I was a little frustrated about that, but in hindsight, that was probably for the best. The long incline and steep hill were new terrain, and gave my heart and lungs quite the workout! (The phrase “huffing like a freight train” comes to mind)
So, the moral of the story is that I will stick with our program and start adding in some hill work to mix it up. I’m really looking forward to my “official” run of w7r1 on Tuesday.
The picture is my girl Meg running ahead of me on the trail. ❤️