I've just finished week 3 and am getting a bit nervous about week 4, any tips anyone please?? 😊
Advice for week 4: I've just finished week 3 and... - Couch to 5K
Advice for week 4
I think you will find many people get nervous about what's coming next. My advice to you would be, don't be! You've completed week 3, you're ready therefore for the next run. It's always just one run at a time. Kick the nerves into touch, and simply enjoy the run. Take it slow and steady, and smile 😎. You can do it.
I've done W4 R1&2 this week - R3 tomorrow. It was honestly fine! Weeks 1-3 have prepared you. Just take it slow and steady. You will be fine!
Hi! I am not and never have been a runner- however following this programme I ran for 20 mins today trust in the app don’t let any negative thoughts in- just try every run, what’s the worst that can happen? Good luck I bet you do brilliantly 😊
I was nervous too. Just trust in the programme, it’s brought you this far. Take it slow, no slower than that! And you’ll be fine. Good luck 👍
You’re not alone running4katie! We all get nervous, but you have done the preparation for the next run and you’ll find that you are ready and you can do it! 😁❤️
I was nervous going into W2R1 and I absolutely loved it tonight so just 'keep moving forward my friend!' and you'll do great!
This may help healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
I've been nervous before every new week, but I don't know why! Each step up has been just right. You'll be grand. Trust in the programme (<- need to listen to my own advice! 🤔😆)
I did r1 w4 this morning and even though it was quite hard, especially the last run, I felt good afterward! Just realise you CAN do this, and you've got it.
Go slowly and have faith in yourself and the programme. You are already more of a runner than you realise.