How far are we actually running each week
How far: How far are we actually running each... - Couch to 5K
How far

sometimes to heaven, other times to the very depths of hell - it depends on how the run goes.

How fast are you running?

Which week are you on...

Use an app like MapMyFitness to measure

Does it matter? Our focus is on duration not distance or pace...
Just far enough
Depends on which week we are all on. Also key focus is completing the runs not distance or pace. 😊

The guide to the plan explains that you are never asked to run any specific distance in the programme and only have to run at an easy conversational pace, so the answer to your question is different for everyone.
W6R1 - 34 mins - 4.6K
After success with R5R3 and knowing we had walking breaks we increased the pace a bit. Once we graduate we plan to do a speed run, a tempo run and an easy or long run per week. Unless we discover a more exciting plan by then of course!