In a bout of self-confidence I ran 5K for the first time in a comfortable but slow 46.5 mins for my W8R3 but now I'm wondering whether to now start W9 running 5K each run or stick with the planned 30 minute runs. If I can run the distance now are there any issues in carrying on doing so, or are there advantages in just doing the three planned 30 mins runs this week?
Should I change W9 runs?: In a bout of self... - Couch to 5K
Should I change W9 runs?

I say if you are comfortable, do what you please. Why hold yourself back now?
Woohoo!! 5k!!
I'm in week 7 and have done a couple longer sessions on weekends but stick to the programme most of the time. I think if you read guidelines on running, the amount you should increase per week is a bit more conservative than that... so to avoid injury you might want to do one longer run a week and keep the others to the allotted time? An increase from 3x 28mins to 3x ~45mins sounds like a big jump? But you know your body best!

That's a fair point especially thinking about what running another 15K in one week might do to me. I will probably do another 5K on R3 to prepare for organised final 5K run the following week at the club. Starting C25K was a huge challenge and getting this far is amazing so one more week or so following plan won't hurt. Thanks 😀

Well..... I would stick to the programme as it is intended to build up gradually, not by leaps of 16 minutes or so.
My guess is that your injury risk is going to be significantly higher if you don't follow the plan.
That said, that would be my advice, which is not necessarily the advice you want to hear. 😏

Thanks for your comment 😀 and I get exactly what you're saying as it's a couple of hours now after my run and I'm feeling it! Haha at least I know what I can do but looks like I'll be towing the line this week 👍👍

Stick to the plan. Although from week 7 my run 3 was 5k in the ParkRun.

As forum party pooper, I can do nothing but advise you to stick to the tried and tested plan, but you can do as you please. Probably about time to read the guide to post C25K running which may help you formulate your plans.
The graduation badge faeries don't take kindly to those who deviate from the programme.
Take care.
See how you feel after a couple of day. If you are suffering greatly then obvs no, stick with the 30 mins. If you are feeling okay, go for the 5k. The guidelines fo the programme are a guideline not strict sport science. Just as some people progress slower and need to repeat weeks and take longer longer to complete the 30 minutes, others will progress faster.
Listen to thy body shall be all of the law, to paraphrase Aleister Crowley (possibly the first time that rennowned running gurur has been quoted on here, i suspect)

The advice from this C25k support forum remains the same....... Stick to the programme. and enjoy !