I’m doing w1 r2 this weekend and just wondering if I’m gonna notice anything 2nd run....... is it any easier and less painful? 😕
Shin splints : I’m doing w1 r2 this weekend and... - Couch to 5K
Shin splints

Should be easier because you've done it once and you can beat it. If you've got sore shins you need to be a bit careful tho. Shin splints are usually a combination of any of three things: the wrong shoes for you running gait; doing too much too soon, so slow down; overstriding (your forward foot should land in line with your hip, not in front of it). If you think deliberately of a pseudo-cycling motion and pulling your foot back a bit before it lands then that should fix it.
Shin splints are nasty beasts and can lay you up for a while if you don't take care. But relatively easy to fix!
Let us know how you get on...
Thinking about it, might be doing too much as my feet were well past my hips..... Thankyou for advice 👍
Smaller steps should fix it then, but be careful. (And smaller steps mean more steps per minute. Blurghhh.... )
It is unlikely you will have given yourself shin splints first time out. When you start doing anything it is going to be uncomfortable for a while as the muscles and soft tissues adapt t the new demand.

Have you checked this post for Newbies out..lots of advice there
Take it slow and take it steady..if your shoes and your socks are correct, try to land lightly... relax your body... we do have a tendency to thump down in the early weeks..
It may not get easier...But... you get stronger with each and every run