I get secretly embittered by all the people wh... - Couch to 5K

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I get secretly embittered by all the people who come out for the sun

Adam657 profile image
22 Replies

It's totally irrational of me, I don't 'own' my running route! After all, I've only done 3 weeks of it.

It's just I run along this canal, and usually there's a few people walking, some fisherman, people feeding swans, and they and I are out there in any weather.

But today there was groups and groups of people sat on the grass which is on the other side. And they WATCH me. I felt self conscious for the first time. With the casual dog walkers and such, no one cares. But when people are lounging in the sun in groups, there's very little to do. They don't just watch a little, their heads follow me.

I felt self-conscious for the first time!

Anyway as I say I realise I'm crazy and irrational! A small part of me just thinks I deserve it more as I'm out there even in the rain. It's a literal case of 'fair weather' people!

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Adam657 profile image
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22 Replies
DebJogsOn profile image

Let them watch - they're probably wondering where you find all that energy and commitment. And you do definitely deserve it more 😂

As I ran in 21 degree heat this afternoon I remembered back to all the times I've seen folk running in sweltering heat - thinking why on earth are they doing that in this heat - they must be mad. Seems that I am now suffering from the same obsession!

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to DebJogsOn

I didn't think the heat would bother me as much as it did today. I'm thinking 'it's 5pm and it's April, I'll be fine!' Completely forgetting that this time of year 3-5pm is often the hottest time since the air has just been getting warmer and warmer all day. It really does have to be morning, at the latest 11am when the temp starts rapidly rising. Or else it's 9pm! Can't be doing with that!

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOnGraduate in reply to Adam657

I ran at about 5.30pm yesterday and it was still hot - but it's so nice to be running in the sun after the snow, rain, storms and MUD of the last few months. I started C25K last August and used to love early morning running when it was sunny but cool.

I also liked it because there was no one much around as I worried more about people WATCHING then 😂

Bazza1234 profile image

Who knows what is in their mind? Perhaps there is absolutely nothing going on in their mind?. I watch people going by in much the same way as I watch a duck waddle by - with an interest that lasts for maybe 3 microseconds after they have passed. :)

Jullaly profile image

I understand how you feel, I live in a rural area so seldom, in fact never see anyone when out running. I haven't had the confidence to be out there in public. However, they are probably thinking ..I wish I had that energy and get up and go or I should be doing that. Keep going you are doing brilliantly

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to Jullaly

Good thing is as the weather improves people will slowly start emerging, so you'll be introduced to the public gradually! And don't lack confidence! People will be even more jealous of you (I'm assuming 'old lady' isn't just a name!) as they realise they have no excuse. People see an 17 year old run and say to their friend "oh I used to have that energy as a youngin, but we're too old now".

When they see you running at (what looks to be) 37, they'll be green with envy!

Jullaly profile image
JullalyGraduate in reply to Adam657

lol 37 ..I wish ..try adding another 20 .. Although I have to admit I'm starting to feel more 37 than 57

DeeRunning profile image

I think your response is perfectly natural. You may find it will dissipate though as your running confidence grows. You're doing great.

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to DeeRunning

Thanks for your kind words. However I fear the opposite is true! I was perfectly confident at the start (and that involved even more walking!). Now there's a lot more younger folk about 18-22 students mostly (I'm right near the student accommodation and one of the unis). I'm only 27 myself but I fear their judgement the most somehow, that I look silly. Teens don't bother me at all.

I think it's as most of the other joggers my age look all muscley and athletic, and I... don't. I wonder if they snigger at the contrast.

It's all very foolish as I know myself that not a second thought is given about random strangers once you're gone. But the half way point happens so quickly so soon I'm running back past them!

DeeRunning profile image
DeeRunningGraduate in reply to Adam657

Ah yes, the disdainful stare of the 18-22 year old. 'Tis a thing to be feared. They're horrible creatures lol.

You're not foolish, we're all self conscious to some level or another. I've only done 1 run (still recovering lol) but had to really let go of a lot of that self talk before I could do it. F*** em all. Then I realised that now I'm old I'm invisible, so was getting worried about nothing. 😅

RuthL profile image

I feel exactly the same way. In fact, what I hate most, is when they block the path. Grrrrr!

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to RuthL

I've not been too bad on that front, people have moved, even if I'm behind (they must hear the panting). It gives me chance to say 'thank you' so I know I can still talk. One problem is I find I tend to speed up a bit so that I'm not uncomfortably close behind or in front of them for long, and when passing them. Ruins my pace a bit!

Catbee profile image

It’s probably something we all feel at some point or other, I had to run past a group of school children the other day. Wow, did I have to work hard at pretending they didn’t exist!

Don’t get put off, you’re doing brill 💪🏻👍🏻🏃‍♂️

JB1506 profile image

I go along the canal too and go early to avoid people, usually at 6.30. This morning I passed a group of lads with cans in their hands en route, I asked if they were going out or just coming in? They were heading to the river for a swim they said, but had been drinking all night (one had vomit across his face🤢).

When I did my route along the canal they were just getting out of the river in their pants, so instead of running past them I took the longer, less scenic route along the road.

I was miffed that they’d disturbed my flow!

At least they hadn’t drowned, I did think drinking and swimming wasn’t a good idea.

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to JB1506

Yes! Loads of drinkers along my canal route too! As in I think actual alcoholics hang out there various times from 11am - 7pm I've seen them. Today there weren't any. I think it was busy with other recreational people from the sun. Only drinkers were students with a blanket and the odd can socially drinking.

These bench drinkers it's all cider and special brew. They aren't harming anyone, or aggressive, they don't even say anything to me as I pass, but they litter. Annoyingly today there were plastic bags under one of the bridges with empty cans, a random item of clothing, and all cans are oft left on the benches (even glass).

Why must we ruin nice things? Also a lot of people smoking cannabis whilst sat there. A heady waft of the smell I describe as "grass and poop" mixed together.

Not in Leicester too, are you?

Tasha99 profile image

I thought that too 😂 someone sitting watching told me to run faster this week! I said well I’m going (f’in) faster than you 😳 Turn your music up and look straight ahead. They’re probably looking at you thinking that they wish they could be doing that too. That’s what I try and think anyway.

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to Tasha99

My fear is that I'll get to a 'recovery walk' as I pass and someone will say 'keep going, you can do it!' And I'll have to say 'no! I have a SYSTEM!' I like the 'I'm going faster than you' retort. Though I'd worry if they gave chase and I've already used up my energy reserves and can't sprint away!

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Adam657

Worry less is what I reckon

DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOnGraduate in reply to Adam657

I used to worry about that! Thinking that people would think I was giving up rather than following the programme and enjoyed eventually hitting the continuous runs for that reason.

I really care much less now I'm more confident. There'll always be folk running faster than me and there'll always be folks sitting on the couch and so long as I'm somewhere in between I'm happy!

What week are you on?

Adam657 profile image
Adam657 in reply to DebJogsOn

Just finished W3R3. To be fair it was my worst yet. I did it, but this time during the cooldown walk I could barely walk briskly, my heart was pounding and it took me seemingly ages to get my breath back. Feeling a bit worried for next week as I found all three of these difficult. I think it may have been a combination of first time in heat, running faster due to the audience and dehydration. I'd only peed a couple of times and it was still a moderate yellow.

For w4r1 I'm aiming to ensure I've been up an out of bed for a decent amount of time, to eat properly and drink plenty throughout the day. And take it verrrry slowly!

DebJogsOn profile image

Aha Weeks 4-6 - the wonder weeks. You'll love them. Weeks 1-3 are definitely the worst - I bet you'll be amazed at how much progress you make in the next 3 weeks.

I remember at the end of Wk3 noticing that nothing was actually physically hurting when I ran (every part of my legs seemed to ache one way or another when I started) and by the end of Wk4 my breathing suddenly seemed much more under control (no magic breathing trick it just seemed to work it's self out).

I wouldn't take your last run as representative - it's suddenly hot and none of us are quite used to it. And you're right slowly is the way to go - you've got all the time after C25K to get faster.


Sarararara profile image

I find wearing a cap handy for incognito running- keeps off the sun / rain and makes you look the part even if you’re feeling self conscious.

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