Sat on my bed to put running kit on . An hour later at 7.30 pm I got myself off the bed & into my walking boots .......and I did it . I’ve finished wk 1 !!! So hard getting out after work . Going to buy trainers for wk 2 ! My knees ache !
Tired after work : Sat on my bed to put running... - Couch to 5K
Tired after work
Well about a morning run?
I leave for work at 7.30 in the morning so no chance to run first . I don’t mind the evening but by the time I’ve motivated myself , got back & eaten there’s hardly any evening left .... but the good thing is I feel happy with myself for running . The problem will be if the length of run increases with the progressive was - I’ll have no time left in the evening
I used to get up at 5.30 when I worked.... Just a case of organisation.... not doing 5K then..just a run/walk... for 30 minutes... then back home to get ready to leave at 7.30
Everything prepped the night before
That’s commitment . Couldn’t ever see myself doing that .
Try a morning run if you can. I prefer it as I can enjoy the feeling of "I did it" for the most part of the day.
Once I went at 04.30, just to fit life in, now I'm not saying that was a perfect solution, but I actually really enjoyed that run.
My husband prefers an evening run.
You will find your best time.
There will be no stopping you once you have your new trainers. Good luck and you must keep going....
Well done!!
I know the difficulty all too well! For me the key is not sitting down between getting in from work and going out to run. I can potter, do various jobs etc. but I know that if I sit down, lethargy and tiredness will be overwhelming.
Well done on getting out and doing it! And I’m sure some well fitting and supportive running shoes will be *much* more comfortable than walking boots!
Check this post out...get the correct shoes and head out... well done you though... walking boots????
Well, most of it is walking to start with 🙂.
Lighter nights and mornings are on their way so more chance to run
Well done you.🌟👏👏
I think you are on your way, so many positives, footwear, better weather,🤔👏👏
Let’s hope the C25k love bug bites.🌟👏👏
Hope you have managed to progress the advice given in your post two.Another big positive for you either way.🌟👏👏