The Perks of being a C25Ker (and no that's not... - Couch to 5K

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The Perks of being a C25Ker (and no that's not a euphemism :) )

Fishypieface profile image
42 Replies

Sat on the IC I’ve had time to ponder (a little impatiently) what C25K does for us….apart from the obvious improvements to physical health - toning of muscles and tightening of flab; strengthening of lungs; fitness; lowering of cholesterol; blood pressure; balancing of stress hormones; sweating out of toxins; blah, blaherty, blah. It clears, strengthens and trains the mind, helps us to cope and gives us a breather from the daily grind, our personal lives and things that life chucks at us. Allows us time to think - or not, whichever we need. It gives us discipline - a seemingly unpopular trait these days.

For me, all this is now a very welcome and hugely appreciated side effect to the original hope of simply to be able to run for 30 minutes and / or 5k. I never expected for one minute to get all these other benefits (well, I hoped I might get a body like Jessica Ennis, but that hasn’t quite happened yet….. Can I get my money back??), but I’d heard about the possibilities and hoped some of it would rub off on me. And it certainly has. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth the persistence and finding my own way through the difficulties.

What I didn’t expect was that I would actually find my own way. I had hope that I wouldn’t give up, but I also thought at some point I would give up. I wasn’t sure I had it in me. Ordinary, old (ish), overweight me, non-exerciser for many years, having tried different sports on and off, ultimately giving up it a big guff of shame… never really getting into anything or feeling like I could be a part of anything or good enough at anything and mightily intimidated by sporty-types, givin’ it large.

Then, with this programme, I do it. And I’m so ridiculously chuffed I could burst. And I start to build a quiet confidence in myself that wasn’t there before. I can run for 30 mins….I can run 5k…. I can run for an hour….I can run 10k (well, I could before the IC!), has all lead to a subtle new assurance that transfers into all of my life. Because I can bloody well do it, don’t you know :) . I am now doing things I never, ever thought I would - going to the gym, attending exercise classes, sticking my bottom up in a downward dog without trying to pull my top down over it at the same time (just not possible :) ) and not caring. This is huge. Yes - both my bottom and the fact that I don’t care. Yippee! I value myself more at work, my own worth and I have the courage to try and change the things that aren’t right for me anymore. And all of this as a direct result of putting one foot in front of the other for 30 mins.

This isn’t a ‘me, me look at me’ post (really, please don’t look at my downward dog); it’s to say that I am no different to anyone else who feels like they can’t make it or shouldn’t do it…. Having been that person for all of my life :) But also that the perks of running go far deeper than what we obviously know and see. Running: refreshes the parts other sports can not reach :)

We are never really too old, too fat, too unfit, too sportingly inept to achieve and succeed at this. For anyone starting out or struggling, yes it can be hard at times but it’s not impossible, our bodies are truly amazing at adapting once they realise what the hell is going on….and this forum is just wonderful to help you through…. it’s all about making it work for you, at your own pace (s-l-o-w-l-y of course!), in your own way. So many of us have, it’s truly possible :) x

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Fishypieface profile image
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42 Replies
AndG profile image

Lovely post. You’be summed it up really well - looking after your health by doing something active has lots of other benefits!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toAndG

I think you just summed it up really well - I could have just said that and saved a big old load of words!! :) :) :)

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply toFishypieface

But then we'd have missed the hilarious vision of your downward dog!! 🤣🤣🤣 I love Downward dog, such a good stretch!🤗

AndG profile image
AndGGraduate in reply toFishypieface

Agree with GoGo-JoJo 😀 Your experiences are the thing that demonstrates the advantages! (Sorry I am sales rep by day and often find I slip into business speak without thinking!) can’t think of better words tho! X

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toAndG

Ooh, I like that kind of sales speak, I wish I knew how to concisely sum things up!

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Oh my, you've brought tears to my eyes. 100% bang on.

It's not just about running at all. It's about self belief, self esteem and self respect. Yes, we bloody can!! If we want it we CAN do it and sod what anyone else thinks.

Bless you 🌼 here's to lessons learned on the sidelines! 🥂👍😁

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toGoGo_JoJo

Exactly! We can and sod anyone else!! :) I'm getting a bit evangelical about it all, but it's so true, I want everyone to know it! :)

Pippayoungart profile image

Wonderful motivational post - nearly made me cry...!

Sadie-runs profile image

I love this post so so so much. x

AnnieW55 profile image

Great post, nicely put and all true.

I was doing yoga at home sometime ago wearing a baggy jumper and doing downward dog. Kitten walked into the room, took one look at the new hammock that had appeared and promptly jumped in and settled down for a sleep! Needless to say I now think of this as kitty hammock.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toAnnieW55

Oh that’s so cute!! 😂😊

Hey FPF, sorry you are still broken but happy to see that your humour, optimism and ability to write a great post remain intact. Its about a year since I started (wish I had made a note of the date!) and I am feeling quite reflective about this whole process because of the anniversary. Running has truly changed my life and my feelings about myself. I hope that you will be fixed very soon x

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to

Thanks very much! :) Hopefully I'll be back at it in a few weeks.

It's such a great thing c25k, so easily accessible for all different types of people and life-changing like you say. All anyone need do is give it a go and the rest will follow. I started at the end of May last year and I've learned so much since then, it's been the best kind of eye-opener I could have wished for :) x

Mummycav profile image

Lovely, lovely post Fishypieface ...I remember first reading your posts & you have come such a long way...its true, we all have our hurdles to cross, some more than others & everyone deals with those hurdles differently but when you have running, you have an extra weapon to help you deal with’s been a pleasure following your journey fishy...I’m proud of you & how far you’ve come...this forum wouldn’t be the same without you 😘 xx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toMummycav

Thanks my lovely xx I've been having a bit of a think about it all, my journey and all that. I know we all feel the same and we are a team on here, encouraging, supporting each other. I'm so proud to be a part of it and at the same time I can't quite believe that I am and I've got this far! I just hope I can inspire others like me to give it a go :)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply toFishypieface

You are DEFINITELY an inspiration..definitely xx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toMummycav

xxx....You too MC absolutely :)

Nictwit profile image

That's a wonderful read 😊

ToniCR profile image

Very well said!! The physical benefits are expected. The mental and emotional benefits to running have far exceeded my expectations, and have changed my outlook for the future.

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toToniCR

I know.... it's been a right old eye opener! In the best possible way though :)

WalkingWithLabradors profile image

Great post Fishypieface! I’m with you all the way on that! I would also like to add about the great sense of kind and supportive community here. I’m doing mine to get my diabetic sugar numbers down and I believe it’s working!!!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toWalkingWithLabradors

That's brilliant news! :)

Elfe5 profile image

Yaaaaaaaay! Cheering for you so loudly I expect you heard me (wherever you live)!! Thanks for such a great post. Very motivational! Mend soon and run on! 😄

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toElfe5

Thank you, I hope it will be soon! :)

Pancakes profile image

Thank you so much for that! My plan is to start tomorrow after work with run 1 - I’ve got the clothes out to take to work with me but I’m gripped with doubt and full of anxiety about no being able to do it and feeling more ashamed of what I have become (having been a super fit swimmer and slim meticulous exerciser in my younger days) and embarrassing myself! My self esteem is 👎 at the moment! I definitely need a boost!

Fishypieface profile image

You will be able to do it! And anything you do will be so much better than sitting in the couch not doing it! Take it slowly, a gentle jog is good. I bet you will be secretly chuffed by the end of it. Let us all know how you get on, everyone on here is so lovely and will be full of support for you. Good luck! 😊

SaskAlliecat profile image

Great post Fishy! You are a great example of the benefits of C25k! You're early posts of doing the programme in your garden so to not be seen, to venturing out to the rec centre (which were always my favourite posts of yours! The characters you wrote about were hilarious 😂), to now joining a gym and being comfortable in your body now to do yoga with others (nothing like putting that tushy up in the air with downward dog). You have come a long way baby! Running Power 💪🏃‍♀️😁

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toSaskAlliecat

My reply is below! :) I keep getting this all wrong today, twit that I am!!

Fishypieface profile image

Running power, exactly that! Everything it can do for us, well it's quite unbelievable really...and I'm feeling grateful, like I need to spread the word! Now I know what missionaries feel like! :)

I hope your work has calmed down now? Or that there is light at the end of the tunnel for you very soon :) x

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate in reply toFishypieface

Unfortunately I'm still in the thick of it at work and we keep getting nailed with more snow and cold weather on the days I could run so it feels like forever since I ran. They are forecasting above zero daytime highs next week so fingers are crossed for a run next week. I can definitely feel it physically and mentally that I haven't been running or doing anything for myself lately. Just keep truckin' on though. This too shall pass and then it'll be some lovely summer lake runs 🤞

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toSaskAlliecat

You deserve every beautiful summer lake run you can get, having to poke up with all this in the meantime. I know you will savour every second as soon as you get the chance and it will be all the more sweeter, having endured an endless winter.

We are embarrassingly moany about the weather in the UK by comparison!!

rolysmate profile image

What a truly wonderful post fishy my friend (another benefit, new friends) and you have put into words how I'm sure so many of us feel about the changes that have/are happening to us xxx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply torolysmate

Thanks RM! :) Although I've not run for a month or so now but I still feel the benefits :) How are things with you? Still lengthening your runs?

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateGraduate in reply toFishypieface

Well longest run to date is 11.5 miles however have struggled with injury myself and have only run twice since march 10th but seem to be back at it now so still have my hm in my sights

Over all though I am physically in a much better place than before I started and mentally, well it gives you time to reflect

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply torolysmate

Wow, you are getting there though! Glad your injury is hopefully a thing of the past. Onward and upward :) x

Madsimmo profile image

Fantastic post! 👏🏽🙌🏽

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Ah bugger, you’ve got me all emotional now..!!

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply toHeadInTheClouds

Is that there you?!!! Really??! Missed you HITC, we all have xx :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply toFishypieface

It’s definitely me 😊 Awww fanks lovely. Xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply toHeadInTheClouds

HITC! I have missed you too! x

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply toSadie-runs

Thank you lovely Sadie. I will be back... one day (hopefully soon). 2018 has seamlessly flowed from one health disaster to another, but I’m determined to kick ar$e as soon as I can...!! 😘

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply toHeadInTheClouds

What a bugger, you poor thing. When you are well and ready, be sure to let us know so we can cheer you on. It will be a triumphant comeback, I just know it! 😘

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