Wk1 struggle to success?: I’ve never been a... - Couch to 5K

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Wk1 struggle to success?

Tasha99 profile image
16 Replies

I’ve never been a runner. Even when I was younger and very fit, I couldn’t run. Now I’ve just finished week 1 and found it hard! Anyone else similar who’ve gone on to succeed? I think maybe some people aren’t cut out to run 🤔

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Tasha99 profile image
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16 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Welcome...have you checked out this post... lots of great and useful info here. Really useful:)


Also... many folk felt like you do... many thought they might collapse in the first runs... many ran near to hospitals, just in case... they are all still here.:) I thought I may die in those first runs... I run 10 K and beyond now... and am 68!

At this stage... relax... slow down, and then slow down more... think a Snail on a go slow:)

Just follow the programme... take it as gently as you like and you will be fine. Trust the programme...

Gee9 profile image

:) I've just started week 9, but felt like I was dying during and after week 1!

This is my third attempt at C25K and the first time I've dragged myself past week 2 and into the light.

You can do it :)


ToniCR profile image

I have never been a runner either and struggled a lot at first. It was very difficult for me to get through 8 one minute runs. But I just finished week 4 and I'm excited about week 5 starting tomorrow. I didn't think I could do this, but I'm doing it and you can too!

RuthL profile image

Just keep going. Trust the program. Week 1 really IS the hardest week cos your body has no idea what’s going on. Follow Oldfloss’s advice and take it really really slowly during the running part of each run.

I too have never been a runner and Week one was so difficult for me, legs ached or as we say at work, my legs were like fag ash!! All my body ached and the runs weren't the prettiest by any means. I'm now in week six and loving it!

Trust the program and believe in yourself!!!

ruralfrance profile image

You can do this, Tasha. I started last August, in my 65th year, having never run. I graduated in January. It was definitely not easy!!! But it is definitely doable, as hundreds of people on this forum will tell you. Take it very slowly and just try to keep getting back out there three times a week. Above all, don't beat yourself up if you think you're not fast enough or elegant enough or whatever! Just keep trying, you'll get there.

Good luck and keep posting.

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to ruralfrance

Thank you! I’ll keep going 👍🏽

You CAN do it. I’m a lapsed graduate, now repeating the programme. It is easier second time round because I know it is definitely achievable.

Millsie-J profile image

Yayyyy, week one finished, brilliant!

Keep going , slow and steady.

You are doing great!

sarah65 profile image

Hi Tash, I’m just about to start week 4 - stepping it up to 5 minute runs and I’m nervous but excited about. I couldn’t complete W1R1 and ended up repeating W1 because my breathing was so bad (party due to badly managed asthma but I’ve sorted that now).

Never been able to keep up any type of exercise (I’m 52 and overweight) but am determined to complete this programme. I visualise myself running with my dog in all my favourite places in the Spring and this spurs me on.

What makes a real difference for me though is this forum. I have spent a lot of time reading all the posts on here, absorbing all the advice and information and really enjoy hearing about other people’s experiences.

What I’ve learnt is that this programme works for everybody. I have confidence that each week I will be building strength and stamina in preparation for the next stage and that my body won’t let me down. Bodies were made to run. (Think fight or flight response!)

Every time I seek some advice or reassurance, I get great responses. I’ve been blown away by the support and encouragement to be honest.

You’ll be fine. Just get your kit on and go out of the door, don’t think about it too much and remember the ‘Slow and Steady ‘mantra which goes through my head like a chant!!

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to sarah65

Yes I think slow and steady too. I think that’s where I’ve gone wrong before - trying to go too fast. I can manage these intervals but am worried about 3 minutes next week!

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Gotta be blunt here, sorry. Rubbish. Anyone can do it if they want to. This programme is for non-runners to learn to run.

I was a non-runner. Didn't think it was for me. Didn't think I could do it.

The programme is proving me wrong.

Stick with it, you can do it! 👍😁

hblewett profile image

All as said by others, but also, remember that you don't have to complete every week in one week. Many have found that at some stage they may not be able to complete a run - if that happens you haven't failed, there is no such thing, you've had a practice run which is always a step forward.

Move on to the next week when you feel ready; the only thing is that you DO move forward when you can confidently complete the week before and not to think you can't do the next step, because you will be able to - maybe you'll need a practice run for that too, but that's OK.

It's not only training your body, it's also training your mind to believe you can do it - you can and you will, the programme does work. Good luck - you CAN do it

BathfordD profile image

I was in all sorts of bother by week 3.

Just go slow and steady. Slower than that. Reeeaal slo That's it.

The above is what I now repeat each run - and finding week 4 much easier for it...

We are all non-runners. Good luck, you won't regret it...

Andimcc profile image

I was really exactly the same, was so out of breath I thought I would die, I couldn’t even speak a word to my run buddies in week 1 and 2. Asked for some advice on here and was told I was running too fast, took advice on board and slowed way down, now on week 8 and can run for 28 mins non stop, still slow but I’ll work on getting faster after I can run 30mins for a few weeks,

Don’t beat yourself up about it you can do it!

PS I now run alone at my own pace but listen to music 🎧 it sort of helped me get through the runs ie 1 song was 3mins, 2 songs 5 mins etc so now I sort of think 7 of my favourite songs is roughly 28 mins - run done lol

marg3182 profile image

Hi, I’m the same doing this as need to lose weight and get healthy. Just completed W2R3 it’s hard but just keep pushing you can do it. Good luck xx

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