Exhibit a: Observe my face smiling whilst running 13 miles up an actual mountain just under 3 years ago.
Exhibit b: Observe my face being very calm and zen even though I have been in labour for 14 hours and have just been told they're taking me to theatre to attempt a 'manual rotation' of my stuck baby and that this means *they are going to take away the gas and air any second*
Exhibit c: Despite the evidence above that I am a reasonably tough cookie, observe my face thinking about week 5. Oh ye gods, week 5! It's coming! Send good thoughts!
Seems to be taking me about 10 days to get through a week rather than 7 due to hungry baby and busy husband, but I'm walking lots with about 20lbs of person strapped to my front in between, so am hoping 3 repeats of each run and then moving on is still ok. We shall see.
Hope you're all doing well and enjoying any interludes of sunshine between the howling gales and sleet that seem to be all over at the moment.