Hi I completed W1R1 on friday and R2 just now. During R2, my calves were aching from the first run. I powdered through without stopping but is it normal for my legs to feel like this? They are still a bit sore now! Any advice welcome
Sore calves: Hi I completed W1R1 on friday and R... - Couch to 5K
Sore calves

You are asking your muscles to do something I'm guessing they haven't done for quite some time so yes they will ache (which is why rest days are important) but every run you do will strengthen them just a little bit more

Rolysmate is right... it’s normal to feel a few aches when trying something new. But if it’s pain, that’s different. Take it nice and steady/slow and maybe an extra rest day before R3?
Liz x

Totally normal; make sure you stretch!! Look in the pinned posts for advice on how if you're unfamiliar. Walking on your rest day should help loosen you back up too.
Aching is fine but pain is not. If it is pain, you should stop and get it checked.
Best of luck with your running journey!
Thank you all! You’re all right I’ll take a couple of rest days and see how I feel. So excited to progress further... I’m sure my calves will love me at the end of it haha xx

Aching muscles seem to be ok. After my first run last Monday, my thighs were very sore on Tuesday, so much so that I had considered having two rest days. I didn't and when I ran on Wednesday, I was absolutely fine and with no additional aches. By Friday, I had no aches before R3 and after I felt a slight ache but nothing more so was pleased to see that my fitness and body is adjusting so quickly.