Why Did I Start Running. And Why I Won't Stop.... - Couch to 5K

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Why Did I Start Running. And Why I Won't Stop. Easy Guide.

mrrun profile image
36 Replies

I often read about lost mojo, various mental blocks, motivation going and not coming back, or simply seeing that some guys aren't on the forum anymore because they may have stopped running. I can offer my personal view on why l started and why l keep going, not as a tutoring guide (I am waay off any tutoring) but just as an illustration of what a previously unhealthy guy is doing and why. Three things helped me immensely:

1. The Reason

Mine was health, primarily. Weight was never an issue, always been slim, but under the 'fit' frame there was a 'silent killer', very high blood pressure, invisible and present in the family. A hospital check up, alarming news, bad prospects, and there l was, running outdoors for the first time since the early eighties. You all must have had your reason, for sure!

2. Will Power

No use of complaining against the weather, it is what it is, and you can also run on a treadmill if controlled environment is your thing. Then again, some can't find time because of work, family or simply 'lack of will power'. Some get bored. Some find it too hard and the lack of quick results (slim, toned body) put them off. I say, think of the Reason. Success (health, better looking body) comes very slowly and you need to put some mileage into it. Slow and steady, The Way Of The Turtle, (thank you Oldfloss ) is something that will yield results with patience and persistence. You need your will power to keep your reason intact, but the last bit that will hold your target firmly in place is:

3. Discipline

Now, that guy is crucial. You know why you want to run, your mind is set and now all you need is keeping the firm structure together, no matter what. I can't say that every early morning run in cold weather was a bundle of laughs because it wasn't. Getting up in the dark knowing that l had to run 5K-10K before the school run, getting out there and doing it, every kilometre without stopping, at times was and still is laborious but l do it all the same.

How? Without thinking.

Early? Yes. Cold. Oh yeah. Go!!! Don't analyse, don't muse about the weather staring into the darkness with a mug of tea, just go!

And finally - this is only my experience and my thoughts. But my blood pressure is now normal and my stomach looks the way it did when l was in my twenties. Flat. I think clearly, l don't supplement tobacco companies anymore and feel better than ever. Something, somehow, somewhere is working and it will also work for you if you stick to your target and don't give up!

Simply go, run, look beyond and enjoy!

Oh, and the very best to you all in 2018!

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mrrun profile image
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36 Replies
SaskAlliecat profile image

Well said. 2 and 3 are definitely the hardest as the days get shorter and colder and Christmas planning consumes our spare time. But the days are now getting a bit longer (not noticeable!), the Christmas feasting is done, and winter won't be here forever. Given the importance of keeping our whole body strong for running, I am trying to embrace cross training on the days it is too miserable to be outside. It may be an exercise video or some light weights, but can even be power walking in the mall or at the hockey arena. Just have to think outside the box a bit this time of year. I would add that a break is ok. If life got in the way and you had to stop for a few weeks (months), lace up the trainers and get out there again, with no pressure, just see what the body can do and build back from there. Part of the fun is the journey! Best of luck and happy running to all in 2018!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

Of course, at times breaks are inevitable. My post was more in tune with a life project, an odd time off makes no difference.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Totally agree. My motivation is the same and I use the same tricks for the discipline. No discussion; up and out whatever the weather. Only time I didn’t go was when a freak winter storm had the thunder and lightning crashing round me at 6 am - and the day after the Brexit vote where I got stuck on the couch, glued to my phone in shock. Otherwise I either run or walk before work. And it feels good in the long run, although at the time it can be horrible.

Happy runnings in the New Year!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

With Brexit l would understand if you took a week off. I'm yet to recover.

in reply to mrrun

And so say all of us. My profile pic was taken on the Manchester Stop Brexit march. I will now put my head below the parapet again because Im pretty sure straying into politics is not something we should be doing on the forum.

Sadie-runs profile image

I like this a lot. Thanks for posting, mrrun. My philosophy with running has always been to not overthink it. I get up, I drink coffee and water, and I run. That's all. No debate, almost zen calm. I know the rewards of the hot shower and tingles after are worth it!

Managing an injury right now, but mojo is alive and kicking. I have only been running for 4 months, so still learning, but intending this to be for life.

Happy running and a fantastic 2018 to you!


mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Injury? I jumped out of shower yesterday in a youthful way, following a run. Now I'm nursing a pulled muscle in my lower back, as youths do. :) Looks like my Discipline and Will Power can't do much about that as l won't be able to gallop tomorrow, the way things are.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to mrrun

Ouch! Sorry to hear that. I wish you a speedy recovery - ibroprofen, deep heat and rest (but keeping a bit mobile, you don't want to seize up) will be your friends until you can run again. I once sneezed and put my back out. The joys of being 40+ eh?

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

I did! Incredibly, in that particular order, plus I'm on the floor with a roller underneath. ;) An utter amusement for my visitors.

Timely post for someone who has overindulged and finally hauled her sorry arse out on the roads today. And what a joy - the sun was shining I got wished a Happy New Year by a perfect stranger and no Italians tried to run me down today. Good reminder of why I do it - thanks and happy running in 2018

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Hehe. Part of it was addressed to you. ;)

in reply to mrrun

Thank you Mr Nag! worked out my Alzheimer's challenge - so need all the nagging I can get. I've read Jo Pavey's book and now on Vassos Alexander's - really no excuse not to run is there?

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

None, none whatsoever!

in reply to mrrun

Agreed :)

Thank you for this post. I now have a possible silent killer to motivate me and I need to keep this in mind. I have young children and don't wish to leave them any time soon. But I do procrastinate before going out and this needs to be sorted!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Your posts come from a determined, careful person who needs very little motivation to get going. Wish you all the best!

icklegui profile image

"staring into the darkness with a mug of tea" ... are you in my living room??

A great post. Thank you for sharing your experience and your encouragement!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to icklegui

That's sarf London poetry. I mean, look outside at the mo, lol.

Wow! Just wow! You are an inspiration!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Ha, thank you but I'm hardly a guru. ;) All l was after was lower blood pressure and for that solid structure was needed. It is simpler than you think! ;)

That wasnt my point. You are inspiring because you heeded the warning signs, did something about it and stuck with it. Very few manage that, even given a dire medical diagnosis.

Sarakc profile image

That’s why I keep running! Off all medication now for high blood pressure and anxiety. Lost 2 stone too. I’m 53 and have never felt better!! 😀

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Sarakc

Something clearly works! ;)

ejvcruns profile image

Happy new year to you!

astrozombie profile image

It wasn't why I started but I have ridiculously high blood pressure too. I once weighed in at 200 in 2016. Nurse joked they were surprised I was alive. We had a good laugh about that one. I just wanted to shave a little time off a 50 min walk to the office and the rest is history. I know not the most exciting motivation but that is me all over. I first got into exercise way back in 2007. I was bored one day bought a walking book and off I went. I later realised this was pretty stupid and bought some OS maps instead. Later I joined a group, though they have not seen me much of late for obvious reasons, and even lead the occasional walk.

Maybe a byproduct of this will help with my blood pressure but not my primary motivator.

Same to you too

PS With regards your Twitter link just to let you know I am not being awkward but I don't do social media Twitter, Facebook etc as for me too much shouting into a void. At least people are nice here :)

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to astrozombie

I have no Twitter or Facebook links, I use neither. Not sure where you saw them.

Yeah, mine was hovering around 200 mark, stroke territory, but the doctor in A&E wasn't joking at all.

Now it's down to a much safer 115/120 mark. ;)

astrozombie profile image
astrozombieGraduate in reply to mrrun

Interesting. I pressed something and took me to Twitter with the sentence why did I start running and then I x'd out. I went in because I mildly cut myself the blood wouldn't clot and I was at 200 so I think it was a mixture of panic and hilarity as I remember saying to the nurse if you are in a panic then I have no hope and finding it hilarious,

Cool I am 160. I think that Is the best it is going to get at the current time.

Happy New Year

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to astrozombie

You'll get better, mate. You may have missed my posts about injuries that l ever so generously donated to myself, and l can safely say that if the docs can fix the wretched glass knee and ankle joints that hold me up and simultaneously lower my blood pressure then l can except the humans to walk on Mars any time soon.

All the best!

Oldfloss profile image

This is, quite simply, one heck of a post.. thank you!!!

Wishing you a Healthy and Happy 2018 :) x

Mummycav profile image

Fabulous post mrrun ...you are an inspiration to many...thank you for this post & yes, I agree, don’t analyse the weather etc, just GO!!! Happy new year to you

I was just finishing a report that's due in on Tuesday, bemoaning the fact that I wouldn't be able to run because of it when I came across your post MR....So I looked out the window and noticed that there was still quite a bit of light left (at 4pm Whoop!) and off I trotted. Thank you, I needed the push! Have a fab New Year and keep on with your funny and helpful posts :)

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Brilliant, I'm glad it works! Keep well & enjoy ;)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to mrrun


Is this you, mrruns?!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

I read that yesterday, no, it's not me. Great article and he happens to live where l am but we have different running routes. Great to know that we are everywhere! :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to mrrun

Ha ha! I didn't seriously think it was you; we are everywhere in Sarf London, that is true. I see at least 5 other runners when I am out at 6:15am.

I loved the honesty of it. Not every run feels great, but that is not a problem. And I love the fact he started out with C25K. 😀

Fishypieface profile image

Nicely put!! I don't even look at the weather before I go out, sometimes to my detriment! I'm not normally like that either at all - funny what this running bug does to us. But very grateful I've been bitten :) Happy Running for 2018.

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