I often read about lost mojo, various mental blocks, motivation going and not coming back, or simply seeing that some guys aren't on the forum anymore because they may have stopped running. I can offer my personal view on why l started and why l keep going, not as a tutoring guide (I am waay off any tutoring) but just as an illustration of what a previously unhealthy guy is doing and why. Three things helped me immensely:
1. The Reason
Mine was health, primarily. Weight was never an issue, always been slim, but under the 'fit' frame there was a 'silent killer', very high blood pressure, invisible and present in the family. A hospital check up, alarming news, bad prospects, and there l was, running outdoors for the first time since the early eighties. You all must have had your reason, for sure!
2. Will Power
No use of complaining against the weather, it is what it is, and you can also run on a treadmill if controlled environment is your thing. Then again, some can't find time because of work, family or simply 'lack of will power'. Some get bored. Some find it too hard and the lack of quick results (slim, toned body) put them off. I say, think of the Reason. Success (health, better looking body) comes very slowly and you need to put some mileage into it. Slow and steady, The Way Of The Turtle, (thank you Oldfloss ) is something that will yield results with patience and persistence. You need your will power to keep your reason intact, but the last bit that will hold your target firmly in place is:
3. Discipline
Now, that guy is crucial. You know why you want to run, your mind is set and now all you need is keeping the firm structure together, no matter what. I can't say that every early morning run in cold weather was a bundle of laughs because it wasn't. Getting up in the dark knowing that l had to run 5K-10K before the school run, getting out there and doing it, every kilometre without stopping, at times was and still is laborious but l do it all the same.
How? Without thinking.
Early? Yes. Cold. Oh yeah. Go!!! Don't analyse, don't muse about the weather staring into the darkness with a mug of tea, just go!
And finally - this is only my experience and my thoughts. But my blood pressure is now normal and my stomach looks the way it did when l was in my twenties. Flat. I think clearly, l don't supplement tobacco companies anymore and feel better than ever. Something, somehow, somewhere is working and it will also work for you if you stick to your target and don't give up!
Simply go, run, look beyond and enjoy!
Oh, and the very best to you all in 2018!