Well, when I say run I use the term lightly....it was freezing & if you read my posts you’ll know that I usually run in the morning, all done & dusted for 10am..huh, not today...fat club first thing 3 1/2lb off..whoop whoop!!! Home afterwards but as I went into the kitchen the faffage began...dishwasher emptied then refilled....vac on, which looks like I’ve vacced up a Christmas tree already!! Took clean towels upstairs & made the mistake of going into one of the kids bedrooms...bomb site!! Nearing dinner time now, still Daddycav’s lunch to deliver (meals on wheels!!!!)...so I cheated, got in the car & called in the deli for some soup, cornish, Christmas cake & cappuccino (he’s spoilt rotten!!) called at Sainsbury’s on way home so by the time I actually got home it was going on 2pm...so I thought ‘no, I’ll go tomorrow’ but there was a niggling in my head...’you want to go...you really want to go & if you don’t go now, you’ll regret it...& what if something happens tomorrow & you can’t get out, then you’ll be really peeved...’ so, trainers on...headphones in..extra top on too coz it’s still freeeeezing...& off I went...gorgeous sunshine, one of those ‘glad to be alive’ sunshine’s that make you want to avoid the shade!! Crispy white grass under foot....set off running after about 7 minutes...but I could only manage short bursts of running..I couldn’t get in the zone again at all...never mind though, any run is a good run...I had to take a layer off half way round so I did work up a sweat...I’m my earlier post graduate days, this kind of run would’ve been a disappointment but I know & understand that every minute is building up stamina & fitness...so it’s in the bank...out again Wed....hopefully at my usual time...otherwise I’m gonna try Eve running so I’ll be investing in some Illuminous clothing!!! Happy running my lovely family xx
An afternoon run...: Well, when I say run I use... - Couch to 5K
An afternoon run...

Good Work Mummycav - we have had a fair amount of snow over the weekend, so cant safely get out for a run, and im becoming increasingly jealous of everyone else's runs!
Well done for getting out. I was full of good intentions this morning but we still had around 8 inches of snow underfoot, with a nasty layer of ice lurking beneath, so I decided to stay indoors, make leek and potato soup, and then start on some of the cooking for Christmas.
I would love to try a snowy run, but not quite this snowy...

Well done for getting out there. And well done on your weight loss too. X

Great to get out there! I’ve managed a rather wet slushy walk today - pavements are very slippery and hard going.
Well done for getting out. Sounds like it is a bit messy over there at the moment. We also just got a lovely white blanket over everything this morning.

Ha ha!! The faffage!! I have to try and avoid the faffage this evening and go to my wee jog Scotland group at 7pm! It’s bitterly cold here but no snow luckily! Well done for getting out! I definitely prefer mornings!! 😀

Very, very well done... It is so chilly and here, the snow and ice is making it impossible to run here...
You did well to get out there..despite life's daily hazards x
Well done. I can't be doing with this cold and running ,I've been doing it on tread mill in my son in laws gym .
Well done for getting it done 😊

Love it! Well done you (and that Daddycav's a lucky man)

Fab stuff! You are out there, doing your thing, soaking it all up, enjoying it, being a runner. It doesn't get better than that Brilliant weight loss too! Love your posts MC x

Hiya mummycav . Not running related but do u follow sw? Thinking of rejoining in the new year . Gotta shift some chunk x

Fantastic Mummycav, 😄
Love, love, love, the 'glad to be alive' sunshine and crispy white grass!
Brilliant results on the scales too - whoop indeed, - I also go to "fat club" so I know what an achievement that is.😀

Good lass, you got out there, and that's what counts. Short bursts are great! You inspire me, dear MC, as always. 😘

Well done Mummycav - it was bloody cold up ‘t north today. I only did a flyer to Colne today or else I would have given you a shout and we could have dragged each other round for a few k (I need dragging right now)..!! Maybe next visit..?? Hopefully when it’s not so cold 🙄
Great boost with the weight loss too, that’s brilliant..!! 🤗

Well done for getting out there, that bagging doubt we have in our minds, never let's go, does it? You did it and it doesn't matter how shlrt your run was, it's a run. I've not been out for a month now come Saturday, so par yourself on the back Bev. Well done xx