Feel good Friday....?: Morning my lovely family... - Couch to 5K

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Feel good Friday....?

Mummycav profile image
49 Replies

Morning my lovely family...firstly, can I just say thank you to everyone who has sent me hugs, wishes, messages, positive thoughts, replied to my posts, run along with me, taken me out with them, sympathised with me...the list is endless, you have all been so lovely. I have been watching the goings on from the fence, but haven't had a minute to catch up with everyone...my Son is Oliver in the Am Dram Society at Cleckheaton town hall & its on every night until Sat so my time is taken up with that & we're not getting home until 11pm every night so its straight to bed for us!!!! I must have been the proudest Mummy in the country this week as he has just been absolutely fantastic...so, when I have managed a bit of spare time, its been a question of ironing pile or run? So I have decided to choose a run, well, after all, I am a runner.....

So this morning, Beelzebub was in my womb, (Ladies, you know what I mean???) so I wasn't really feeling it for a run, plus there was a ground frost when I opened the curtains that made my nose & lip curl up, I am not a lover of the cold, but anyway, kids all ready for school, I donned my running gear, which I have to say are my favourite clothes, took the kids to school, came home, posted my car keys through the letter box & walked over to the park.....I hope Mr Smooth isn't feeling used today as I decided to opt for week 6 run 1, I still need a bit of structure & I thought, if I feel like it, I can run the walking bits & wont feel too guilty if I do stop as I'll have had his permission, for some reason, I have felt like my stamina hasn't been that good over the last few runs so this is why I go back to the programme now & again, just to make sure...I know I've had an emotional time lately so that may have played a big part but that's what I felt would be best for me. So Mr Smooth said it was time to run...off I went, it was freezing...my fingers felt like they could snap, the grass was like iced French fries that crunched under my feet, I could easily have gone home, but then....

I had been running maybe 3 minutes when I looked up & there was a smiley face running towards me with her hand in the air "WELL DONE US!!!!" she yelled & we high fived each other!!! Well, she has no idea how much she lifted my spirits....I looked for her as I turned the corner of the path & there she was running opposite me on the other side, at the same pace as me, "she looks like a runner" I thought, "so I must look like one!!" Whether I looked like a runner or not, I certainly felt like one...the first 5 minute run was over & it was time to walk for 3 minutes, but I just kept on running, ran the next 8 minutes, ran the next 3 mins that were the walk, ran the last 5 minutes & then ran the warm down 5 min walk too...plus a minute, then walked for the usual 5 minutes...So I kind of used Mr Smooth as a timer it was good running in 'chunks'....I was really chuffed. I cant say that I had robot legs because I couldn't feel them half of the time so I'm not quite sure what happened to them, all I know is that sometimes, when you're least looking forward to getting out there in the cold, just go, you'll soon warm up & you'll feel so much better...I have had a lovely week so far, watching my little one in his starring role...we are so lucky just to be able to enjoy life as much as we can...Have a lovely weekend....go out & make the most of it....xxx

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Mummycav profile image
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49 Replies
Blitzy profile image

You have no idea how much you inspire others too! Thank you so much for this spirited, uplifting Post. How wonderful to watch your son in a starring rôle; magical pride for a Mum.

I hadn’t run for over a week, due to a ghastly kidney infection, but this morning I began again. My Running Buddy is on W8R3 so we did that together. I thought if I can manage 28 mins after so much time off, that won’t be bad.

Like you, I was therefore going back to a previous run, but what the heck? I felt so good afterwards and having the structure, as you say, of running in chunks, spurred me on.

I have now “walked the Course” of the ParkRun I am booked to do Dec 9 with my Triathlete daughter. I have made up all manner of excuses to postpone, as it’s very hilly, but she is having none of it and assured me that she will stay with me, even if we sit on a bench!

She has started a group of new young mums running without their babies in London on Sundays; says it’s brilliant.

Thank you again for your fab Post!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Blitzy

What a fantastic Daughter you have there....motivating you & the Mum without babies group...sounds like she makes the most of getting out there...I am sure you’ll be fine at the park run...you can always have a little walk as & when you feel like it...just remember, it’s your run, you don’t have to keep up with anyone, so no pressure eh? Just enjoy the atmosphere...I’ll be thinking of ya xx

Whatsapp profile image

Well done Mummycav . Great to hear you are getting out and enjoying your running.

Reckon that lady may have been Oldfloss

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Whatsapp

I wish xx

lardofale profile image

Great stuff again! Just getting out there and enjoying running is an amazing thing, not so long ago it would've been an alien concept and the cold stuff would've stayed outside whilst the coffee and ironing would've won the day! It's a great feeling when people who have obviously been runners for a long time acknowledge a fellow runner oblivious to the fact that it's a brand new thing for us, it adds a little spring to the legs doesn't it!

Brilliant to read about your lad, I loved it when my eldest daughter got involved in drama, they work so hard at it.

Have a good 'un too ;0)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to lardofale


Oh so so glad you had a nice run . Isn’t it great when a fellow runner does that?

And your son a star in the making too - just like his mum already is.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Aww, you’re so lovely xxx

Decker profile image

Thats good to hear Mummycav. Its so nice when a run takes a nice turn like that. And you must be very proud of your son! Golden moments. Have a great weekend as well.

poppypug profile image

Lovely post Cav xxx

Yes its so great that a kind word or a gesture can really light up your run like that and a really big Well done to your Son !

Happy Days :-) xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to poppypug

Thanks poppypug ...she was really enjoying her run & made me enjoy mine even more!! The strange thing is, after I’d looked at her on the other side of the path, I looked again as I turned the corner at the bottom of the park, getting ready to high five again...but she’d disappeared!!! 🏃🏼‍♀️

misswobble profile image

Am dram is fab I reckon. We have our own am dram theatre where I live and they do some amazing work. Your son could make a career of it one day. Busy for them- and you - when they are doing shows and school though

I stash my ironing out of the way in the conservatory behind an arm chair. Out of sight out of mind 😎. Well, I say my ironing. None of it actually is 🤨

Sounds like you’re really enjoying your running Cav 😃🏃‍♀️👍

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

He’s never done anything like this before, only school productions...so talk about being thrown in at the deep end!!!! I’m sure he’ll want to carry this on, he’s really taken to this part & is so confident!!! That’s a good idea you have hiding your ironing, I can see mine every time I go in the kitchen 🙄

I love my running...it’s fab x

SC1472 profile image

It was a great run Bev - great time too! I am glad that you are back on an even keel.

Great fun you are having this week - best wishes to you and your family (especially your son).

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SC1472

Thank you so much SC1472 ...I’m feeling quite strong at the moment...thank you for you good wishes xx

IgaT profile image

What a lovely and inspiring post :) Thank you for that.

High five and "well done" from another runner - amazing! I'm sure you look like a runner :)

Have a happy day!

Martin_Rose profile image

Well done MC, wonderful to see your son performing.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Martin_Rose

It’s fab Martin...thanks x

quirkybee profile image

Fab news and that you're back with the running again. It makes you feel so much better once you've done it. I think it's good that we can use the C25K podcast to revert back to too, such a consolidated training programme. Hi 5 to you chick ✋👍 xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to quirkybee

Hi 5 back quirkybee ...how are you doing?? X

Rockette profile image

Great post as usual , lovely to hear of a fellow runners acknowledgement, . Sounds like you have had a good week all round and love the photo of your son you must be really proud . Keep enjoying the running that's the most important thing

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Rockette

Thank you Rockette ...sometimes you either get a nod & sometimes you get nothing at all...but she really made a difference to my run this morning...I’m sure I’d have kept going but she just cemented the fact!! I am very proud of him...he’s playing the perfect Oliver!! Have a lovely weekend xx

Fishypieface profile image

What a little cutie! How lovely to have a week (if knackering!) being lifted up by your own son performing his little heart out, just what you needed I think. Sod the ironing or anything else that eats into running time! It's an essential that keeps us sane in an increasingly mad world. So glad your mojo joined you too :) x

Oldfloss profile image

Oh wow!!!

Beautiful post, and beautiful boy.... how simply wonderful!

It is great to know that you got out there and had such super run...:)

That run was meant to be and meeting that other runner.. everything falling into place and just when you needed it to :) x

I love the, 'grass like iced french fries' I love it.

As ever, a lovely post and as ever,so. so ,motivational and full of the joy of running :)

Thanks you!


Now running all the songs from Oliver, in my head!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Ha ha...I know the play backwards!!! I wake up singing ‘consider yourself’ most mornings!!!

It was definitely meant to be meeting that other runner...after I’d seen her opposite me, I was getting ready for another high five when we passed each other but when I looked around, she’d disappeared...it was like she’d just appeared for those few moments...x

Shelby1973 profile image

Aww bless him ❤️ please sir Can I have some more xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Shelby1973

I’d give that little face some more.....wouldn’t you??!! X

Shelby1973 profile image
Shelby1973Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Definitely x

ejvcruns profile image

Hooray!!! Runny runny runny mummycav! High five!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to ejvcruns

Thanks ejvcruns ....high five back at ya!!! X

Cornet-Carolyn profile image

Oh I'm glad you ignored the ironing and had a great run.

I had my first hello from another runner on Tuesday as she sped past me. I even managed to say hi (can't normally run and talk). It was great as she looked like a very professional runner. 😉

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cornet-Carolyn

It’s good when they acknowledge you...I was so surprised by her...she obviously loves running too 🏃🏼‍♀️

SaskAlliecat profile image

What a wonderful feel good Friday post! You should be a proud mummy, your son looks amazing and I'm sure is doing an amazing job as Oliver.

How uplifting it must've been to get that high 5 and accolades from a fellow runner. There was a post a little while back about something like this where someone got a high five from another runner and we all agreed how awesome that would be. It makes me wonder, could it be someone from this forum 🤔? Wouldn't that be amazing!!! I would love to give someone a high five on my run, but they the few I meet all look pretty serious. Some will give an eyebrow lift or a finger raise (not the middle one 😆) but there are some that refuse to even make eye contact. If I had bigger cojones, perhaps I would try high giving the scowly ones an emphatic high five .... maybe better to start with the more pleasant ones first ....

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SaskAlliecat

He certainly is doing amazing..not fazed at all...

Lol...I wouldn’t dare high five someone...they’d think I’d proper lost it!!! Makes me wonder if I looked like I needed a high five??!!! Whatever I looked like, she made me look different in a second x

PetrinaB profile image

What a fab post. Warns the cockles on a cold weekend!

And, @Mummycav, I think you’ve inadvertently given this forum its theme tune/mantra (I think I’ve got this right, apologies if not)

“Consider yourself at home!

Consider yourself one of the family

We’ve taken to you so strong

It’s clear - we’re - going to get along...”

What d’ya think fellow members? It’ll certainly be in my head tomorrow!!

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to PetrinaB


Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to PetrinaB

Ha ha...love it xx

SuzyKK profile image

Perfect post, & I loved the bit where you choose to run rather then iron, because, "hey, you're a runner!"... :-)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to SuzyKK

Absolutely...& I’m better at running!!! Lol x

HeadInTheClouds profile image

What a lovely post 😊

Well done for getting out there in sub zero temperatures and doubly well done for running with the uterine bear trap..!!

My pyjamas were shouting louder than my running gear when I got home tonight... so the pyjamas won 🙄 Too bloody cold for me..!!

What a gorgeously handsome Oliver he makes... no wonder you are a proud (albeit exhausted) mummy.

So glad the stamina is coming back... you’ve had your stuffing knocked out recently and I’m sure that uplifting run has really done you good.

Have a lovely weekend ☺️ xx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Aww, thanks HeadInTheClouds ...he is very scrummy!!!

Oh, pyjamas, there’s nothing like them...but getting out of them & into my running kit I don’t mind....especially when I have a run like today...I hope I meet that runner again!!! I have def had ‘one of those runs’ today xx

TJMazz profile image

Wow, your son looks amazing. You must be so proud of him. 💙 How lovely to have that smiley face with that mutual appreciation fur running. Of course you are both runners. Well done for getting out there when it has been so hectic for you lately 👊🏻

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to TJMazz

Thanks TJMazz ...it’s hectic but worth every moment when I see his little face up on that stage xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Mummycav, just read your fabulous post..😊

I saw that you had run this morning, but having spent the day with my lovely daughter, I had no idea what a super, uplifting run it was... that fellow runner does sound like one of us... and I love that she greeted you and spurred you on....that was a bloomin' good run💪😊..

Your son makes a perfect Oliver..and I can feel how proud you are of him from your post...Special times.

Thank you for sharing this with us, it has made me smile inside 😊xxx

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Aw, how lovely spending the day with your Daughter, I know you’ll have loved every minute of that...it’s his last show tonight, he’s shattered but has had a brilliant week...it’ll be strange tomorrow with no rehearsals to dash to but can resume normal family life, if there is such a thing?!!!! xx

Lindarunner profile image

You know the phrase ‘I’m a lover not a fighter’?

In your case Mummycav -

I’m a runner not an ironer! 🙂

Well done to you and your son this week. From experience, I know exactly how hard these productions can be - for all the family. My youngest is now 22 but played an adorable red-headed Oliver when he was younger in a similar am dram. Fast forward 12 years and he’s now in his final year of drama school in London. Like you, very proud.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lindarunner

That made me laugh out loud!! I’m def not an ironer!! Wow, well done to your Son...how privileged we are having our gorgeous children to admire x

Elfe5 profile image

Great photo of your son - he looks so focused and in role & great post too. Those proud mum moments are wonderfully special. I love the high five smiley runner - maybe we should all dish out some of that. 😃

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

If I could make someone feel how she made me feel I’d give them out every time I saw a runner!!! 🤗

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