Given up: So i completed couch 2 5k. A week ago... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Given up

21 Replies

So i completed couch 2 5k. A week ago and tried stepping stones podcast i hated it. The music the pace at the begining was too slow. I have also tried 10k app there is no motivational speaker and 4 10 mins was too much. I asked on here what to do and people kindly suggested doing some 30 min runs to consolidate. So i went out today and it was cold. Not even 5 mins in my head said why are you doing this. So i stopped my hubby said carry on got to just over 5 mins and i stopped. What was the point there is no end goal no achievement. I dont enjoy running even though i have done couch 2 5k it is the achievement. So right here right now i could give it all up as there is no programme to follow

21 Replies
pilquin profile image

Im on week 7 starting on Monday. I have considered this and planning to keep repeating week 9 ? To keep me going. Have you considered this ?

in reply to pilquin

Thats what i did today but why waa what my brain asked me

Make your own programme. What do you want to do- go further, faster? You could do the programme again but running and jogging the walk sections. You could do parkrun, join a running group or find a race to train for....Loads of options really

I guess you know what motivates you and no one can MAKE you want to run. Good Luck!

in reply to

I am not a runner so why would i join a club, park run or train for a rave this is my peoblem i am not a runner i am an achiever so need a programme to follow

in reply to

Sorry I thought you wanted suggestions. Seems you are determined to hate this. Maybe try cycling.....

in reply to

Already am a cyclist. Really wanted a proper 10k proper programme

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There are a number of apps to train to 10k (or whatever goal you have). Maybe just consult Google

mrrun profile image

The only real program is your own goal and motivation to get there. That's literary it. You drop that, there's nothing left.

But why on earth would anyone drop all that work that you've put in? That's another thing that should spur on your motivation.

in reply to mrrun

But motivation to what i am addicted my acievement but dont like running

You have gone too far to give up. Most likely you struggled to run for a minute, now you can run for 30 minutes. You will have had some benefits from running such as feeling fitter, do you want to lose that? The key at this stage is to make running a habit so challenge yourself to keep running 3 times a week, use the last week 9 podcasts if you need. Look out for some 5k or 10k events, sign up and work towards that bling (that is motivating). There are virtual events as well as local events. Challenge yourself to run so many miles per month and set yourself a reward. Running is a journey which will have its ups and downs. I have a love/hate relationship with running but I like the benefits of going out. You need to find what drives you.

Millsie-J profile image

Go on line and pay for a programme.

Here endeth my suggestions.

RuthMargaret profile image

Congratulations on your graduation!

I had planned to use the podcasts post-graduation, but didn't have the success I wanted. I have been going running with a friend once a week (30 minutes can fly by with some company), and I've joined a local beginners group. If you do want to keep running, you unfortunately have to bear with the cold at first at this time of the year. Today I started off with 4 layers, and by the time I was 20 minutes in I was down to one layer.

Maybe you could get some motivational music on your phone to take your mind off the initial cold?

I hope you find your comfort zone now that you've graduated, it would be a shame to give it all up after all your hard work!

in reply to RuthMargaret

Hi i have a run buddy and my music yes maybe more layers or just the gym

RuthMargaret profile image
RuthMargaretGraduate in reply to

Whatever suits you 😊

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Do you need a programme for living your life? Does there always have to be someone telling you what to do and when? Does there always have to be achievement? If so you will end up being a very unhappy person. Because the only person you are accountable to is yourself.

I don't run because a voice in my ear tells me to. I run because it helps with my weight, keeps me fit, gives me more energy, helps me sleep better at night, makes my breakfast taste fantastic (I run first thing on an empty stomach), and 1.000 other things. Which have to do with ME and my body. Nobody else. And some of those runs are horrible. Most of them are indifferent. And some of them are brilliant. But the overall effect is better health - and that's the only motivation I need at the moment. But I'm not you. If your motivation is only external it ain't gonna work.

in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Words fail me

Wizziewood profile image

Oh no, please don't give up. Completing C25k was a fantastic achievement and you're a runner now.

Like you I didn't really get on with Stepping Stones etc and I looked at one or two plans and didn't fancy them. So I'm doing my own thing. Each week I do one run of 3-4K around where I live, then I drive somewhere to do a longer run of 5k+ and on Saturday I do Parkrun. I find the variety keeps me from getting bored and I'm slowly increasing my distance (but not my speed!). I run to keep fit not to win races so this seems to be working for me.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do but please keep running.

Oldfloss profile image

Give up then !

Have you tried Speed... have you tried Stamina... have you done intervals or strides.. have you even tried to consolidate your 30 minute runs... you say you like achievement and yet you want to just give up... ? Hmmm.... I don't see that !

Do the other podcasts.. do different routes... and distances, and speeds....then.. try one of ju-ju- 's 10 K plans or, as many of us did..use the Sami Murphy 10K programme...

If you are cold.. wear a hat and a buff, gloves and a lightweight jacket... if you hate running.. then maybe choose something else... !

BUT... if you want to do this.. and you like achievement.. you will do the consolidation... follow a plan and pick up those shoes and get out there!

Hi mersey chic, I didn't like the look of the stepping stones thing either, and I tried a paid for app and didn't like the shouty man on that one at all. It can take a little while to find the right plan as we are all motivated differently.

But what I did do was allow myself to consolidate for about 4 weeks at 5k, giving myself mini targets, such as going a bit faster, or doing more hills in a particular run.

Then I started on targeting greater distances to get me up to 10k, following IannodaTruffe fantastic posts on the subject of the 10% rule.

But if you like a programme and the achievement - have you looked at the 10k challenge post, by our own ju-ju - that may be the kind of thing you like?

I am not sure there is a guaranteed plan that will give you exactly what you want from running, some folk on here swear by the zombie apps, and for instance if you don't mind paying for it, apps such as map My Run have 10k plans, half marathon plans that kind of thing?

Park Runs also give you your timings and relative placing in your age group, and that can be quite a motivation to see how you can improve your Park Run times...

It might be worth just doing a bit of pick and mix on activities and see what floats your boat.

I hope you find a running recipe that you like..

Elfe5 profile image

Sounds like you need to roll a few questions around your mind,

Maybe try..,

1. Do I want to keep fit with some sort of exercise as a routine part of my life ?

2. If yes, what type of exercise do I most enjoy ( or least hate!!) and would be most likely to do?

3. If yes, when is the best time to fit it into my week?

4. If yes, do I want to exercise on my own, with other people or a mixture of both?

5. If no, that's your choice about your own life.

At the start of C25K I didn't really enjoy the actual running- I just sort of coped and was amazed that I did & loved the feel good factor at the end. But very gradually I have changed from inner groaning to thinking, "this is ok". Now I am starting to actively enjoy some of the running, but not all of it. Overall I like the many benefits and so have chosen to continue and definitely feel a bit addicted now!!

It's your choice too, no one else's Good luck whatever you choose. 😃

Cornet-Carolyn profile image

It's a shame you don't enjoy your running. I love it and am happy to just go out there for me. I feel very proud of what I've achieved.

If it's not for you then I'm sure you will find something that's more to your liking. But it is such a shame to waste all that effort.

Good luck in whatever you decide 👍

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