Hmmmm - Stalling Graduate Alert?: Hey there... - Couch to 5K

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Hmmmm - Stalling Graduate Alert?

59 Replies

Hey there running chums!

Forgive the over-dramatic title, it's probably not that bad.

I've not been able to run since my graduation run, due partly to insane business, and also due to this silly left knee of mine, which is very much up and down. To be fair, I did plan to have a rest until this coming weekend to try to settle my knee. But I'm not sure it's settling. One minute it feels fine, no pain whatsoever, even with movement, and the next it's really quite painful, certainly too painful to run.

Now I should point out I was rather silly. When I went out I thought my left knee might be niggling a bit, but it seemed to settle down. My right knee was fine, so I was just pleased it had finally sorted itself. But the right knee is the one that's always been fine, I just got confused!!! When running and puddle jumping, I tried to land on my left foot to keep the weight off my right. How daft am I? Now I fear I may have a bit of a stint on the IC, and come back and have to start week 1 all over again. Though it's worth it to spend time with you lovely lot!

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm only half way through my rest period, after all. I guess I was hoping for a little gentle(!) advice, some sympathy, and maybe a cup of tea.

Oh - also, sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days, or responded to much. I've felt a bit down about it, plus I was busy, and was trying not to drag any of you down, or discourage anyone.

As always, thanks for your support and encouragement, and endless supplies of common sense :)


59 Replies
misswobble profile image

These things happen 🙁. It doesn’t sound too bad so hopefully a bit of rest and you'll be back out there soon

Take care 🙂

in reply tomisswobble

Thanks misswobble, I hope so too! I have to say taking yesterday of my sedentary nerdy desk job to build a garden shed single-handed probably didn't help lol!

Cornet-Carolyn profile image

I'll make you tea! Rest a bit and you'll be back I'm sure

in reply toCornet-Carolyn

Thanks Carolyn :-) can you attach tea to a post on here like you can a photo? I hope that works!

Cornet-Carolyn profile image
Cornet-CarolynGraduate in reply to


Neverrunbefore64 profile image

Hope it’s not too bad and that you’ll soon be fit again

in reply toNeverrunbefore64

Thank you! It sort-of comes and goes... right now it's a bit achy, but a night's rest keeping weight off it should help, I hope.

Kettle's on - what's your fave biscuit? As a runner you're not allowed the whole packet I'm afraid.

Personally it's Tunnocks caramel wafer for me - fixes bust knees every time.

One cuppa and biscuit and some virtual hugs may help, other than that I think it's a doctor!

Rest easy, it's a nuisance this happening, but hopefully we will see you running soon

in reply to

Now then, there's an offer I can't refuse! :D

I love the Tunnocks caramel wafers, I put one in my packed lunch most days! Clearly I need to eat more of them.

Thanks so much for the friendship and virtual tea & biscuits, seriously x

poppypug profile image

Aw Neil , what a palaver !

Rest up and see how it is at the weekend, drink tea to your hearts content !

Hope you feel better soon :-) xxx

in reply topoppypug

Thanks poppypug. I shall certainly drink plenty of tea. Tea and biscuits fix everything, right?

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

They most certainly do ! :-) xxx

Windoze profile image

hey didn't see your grad post!! Well done can't account for everything...hit grad then came down with man flu.... 🤕. Think recovery then dig those runners out when all is well ☺

in reply toWindoze

Thanks :) still - apparently injury tends to be part of it, so all the sporty types at work tell me. I miss running though, and it's only been a few days :/

Mummycav profile image

Now now Hidden ....don’t you be getting down about it, these things happen & AS IF you’d have to start at week 1 again??? Just rest up, listen to your body & when you do get out again it’s slow & steady remember?? Like you said you can catch up with us lot on, milky or strong? Sugar? Kettles boiled for that brew.....custard cream with that?? 😉

in reply toMummycav

Thanks mummycav, spoken like a true Yorkshire lass :-) and yes please lol!

Windoze profile image
WindozeGraduate in reply toMummycav

omg custard creams...whens the tea party???

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply toMummycav

What do you mean 'week 1 again'?

Once graduated l wasn't too happy with how l did it so l repeated the whole 9 weeks, sound consolidation that one was :)

Won't bother you with how l did 10K...... ;)

Fishypieface profile image

I've only got half a packet of stale rich tea in the cupboard so not much of a welcome sorry about that! You've got the bug that's the key - you want to run, you have the drive and passion to continue. A little stint on the IC isn't going to put you back greatly at all, you've been doing really well all this time, that's not going anywhere. Get better and then take it easy coming back. Don't rush it. Post on here when you are going out and we'll support you, no probs :)

in reply toFishypieface

Thank you Fishypieface :) It's slightly easier this morning I have to say, though not perfect. I'm finding wearing a knee support is helping a little too. And don't worry, you've not lost me yet, I'll keep posting!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image

I would offer you tea but it looks as though you're swimming in it now 🙈 No more biscuits either, you've had enough already 😉

I'd be really peeved too if was on the IC, but better you rest a 'niggle' now than potentially b*gger it up for the long term. Frustrating, I know, but you're made of stronger stuff..!!

Have you seen anyone other than your doc for advice or suggestions..??

Sending healing vibes your way...

Rest up, and I hope it feels better soon 😊

in reply toHeadInTheClouds

Thanks HeadInTheClouds , and I think you're right about resting. I definitely need to take it easy for a bit. I'm going to try some gentle exercices too i think, see how that goes, just to ease myself back in gently.

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

I'm sure some gentle exercise will do you the world of good.

Keep your chin up an we'll soon see you back on the tow path jumping puddles 😊

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Chin up will be back running, take some time out to get that knee sorted then back to it.

Your running adventures have just started.😊xx

in reply toBluebirdrunner

Thanks Jan :) I'm fine really, just a bit annoyed, and feeling a bit silly. I shall report back though!

Richard7 profile image

Bad timing! But I guess there is never a good time. Treat it as a will earned rest following graduation but try not to leave it too long. Have you tried any knee supports either during the day or while running. I got some knee sleeves for the early weeks while my knees grew stronger whilst running. Have also used them to give support and some healing help sitting at my desk and whilst driving following a hard (by my standards) run.

As for tea and biscuits - I have shortbread if that’s any good and Yorkshire tea!

in reply toRichard7

Thanks Richard7 , ooh shortbread! I like shortbread! And tea :)

Funny you should mention knee supports, I haven't been using them, but have started to today, and so far it seems to be helping. Not sure whether that's just the placebo effect...

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Graduate in reply to

I guess it depends what the problem is but initially I found they helped me on the run and then found them constricting the backs of my legs. Wearing them after a run still had benefit. I now place my feet more carefully on the run and only use them when I feel I need them. Hope they give you some help and you are back on the canal towpath soon.

Debbie698 profile image

Now come along 316neil my good man. Be kind to yourself and also a bit selfish😬take some time out for just you both mentally and physically - yes I know it's incredibly hard to do this! Some warm 🛀 and maybe some heat gel for your 'bits' could help. Some extra rest days and bounce back- this should will do the job.virtual love and hugs coming your way❤️

in reply toDebbie698

Thanks so much Debbie, that's thoughtful. Yeah - a warm bath might be just the thing actually, I normally take showers. However I'm at work today, and I don't think they'd really appreciate me setting up a bath in the middle of the office :P

I don't know much about heat gel, but I shall research it. Google's always right, yeah?

Debbie698 profile image
Debbie698 in reply to

I just use a tiny bit of something like the asda equivalent to Ibuprofen - works for me if it's just now and again. It's Friday so anything goes in offices - yes?🤣

JB173 profile image

You're not going to let niggley knees slow you down! Do you wear any kind of knee support when you run? Might just give you more confidence? Anyways, all the tea & biscuits you can eat, coming your way until you're 'up & at 'em' ☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪☕️🍪

in reply toJB173

Thanks JB, I'm trying to be sensible, whilst not losing focus, it's a bit of a balancing act! Yeah, trying the knee support today, and it seems to be good so far. And funny you should mention tea, just having my second cuppa of the day! Yes, I probably drink too much tea..

JB173 profile image
JB173 in reply to

No such thing as too much tea! Happy running today ☺

TJMazz profile image

I’m sure you’ll be back out there soon Neil. You’ve had an incredible journey. Take some rest and get that knee better and then get out and enjoy that running that lifted your spirits 😀

in reply toTJMazz

Thanks TJMazz , just learning patience at the moment. In actual fact I had already decided to have a rest this week anyway, but it still feels frustrating that I'm not outside running.

Sadie-runs profile image

Aw Neil, don't despair! You will run again, and you certainly won't have to start at week one again, I promise!

I cannot remember what your doc diagnosed before? What advice did he give you? Just rest? Ice or heat? You could also consider a visit to a sports physio. I was considering this with my hip (but then it got better). Knowledge is key! Knowing how to treat an injury and how to prevent. I was even looking into getting a one-on-one with a running coach, just in case it was my form that was causing my hip injury. I still might do that at some point, as a coach can give you a running MOT and help with best form to prevent injury.

Looking at the body holistically is always a good idea with injuries, too. Tight hamstrings can cause knee injuries, for example!

This is all very fixable buddy, so don't worry. I completely understand your frustration though - I felt exactly the same when I was injured. Now I have a cold and am too poorly to run - and I am very frustrated!

And please never worry about posting on here; the forum is a place to share victories and woes - you will get support and kindness and cheers and advice. It certainly helped me when I was out of action. I've said it before and I'll say it again - injuries happen to the best of us, and it's all part of the journey.

Now rest up and chin up!

Sadie x

in reply toSadie-runs

Thanks Sadie, and I'm really glad your hip has settled now, but now you have man flu? That's not good, that's worse than practically anything you can get. I really hope you recover soon :(

I'm starting to do some gentle exercises again, which seems to be helping a little, and wearing a knee support. I really do think you're on to something with the holistic approach, and I shall certainly be trying that.

I suspect most of the reason I'm feeling a bit down is just frustration at my running being suspended so soon in to my illustrious running career lol Thanks for all your support though, you know I really appreciate it. x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to

Funny, we have had parallel journeys in a way, cos my hip came in right after my graduation run! And I too was totally despondent thinking my running life was over before it even began! But I am running again, and paying special attention to stretching and strengthening my hips.

Knee support and gentle exercises do sound like the way to go. Whatever you do, don't run until it is completely healed - and failing that, physio! GPs are not always the best at treating running injuries - you need a physio for that.

Can a woman get man flu?! I am all for gender equality, but even as a feminist I would be happy to forego that equality! 😀🤧😷

Take care, buddy. x

in reply toSadie-runs

Oh seriously. You girls have no idea just how bad man-flu can get! :P

Happily though, my GP is a runner himself (does marathons and things), and also an expert on sports injuries, I think if it's not sorted early next week, I'll make another appointment.

I'm going to try some exercises again tomorrow, but I'll stop if it gets too painful. I did walk to Tesco's today, which can't be more than half a mile each way, and, well, I certainly felt it... so gentle exercises only I think.

mrrun profile image

Mate, just over a year ago my left knee was playing up. There was a niggle in the top right end, nothing serious l thought. I rested up but the problem stayed. Then l simply 'eased' myself into slow runs only for the niggle to become an issue.

The knee ballooned in size and the pain was crippling. Cue physio (££££) and three months off running.

The point is, a single visit to a physio BEFORE l returned to running would have sorted it out, but no, l knew better, l soldiered on and paid for it.

My GP asked me to take some nurofen, oh dear.....

It's probably nothing but pro advise will not harm you, don't mess with your knees!

in reply tomrrun

Thanks mrrun, advice much appreciated. Fortunately my GP is himself a runner, and specialises in sports injuries, so if this doesn't clear up over the weekend, I'll make an appointment for next week. Not sure I can quite afford a physio at the mo!

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

Try the old trick and ask for referral. I will take time but once you are on the list it only takes a call to see one in future. For free.

Mine took 7 (seven) months on the waiting list. I simply had to pay for it privately, I struggled to walk, let alone run. I literary had no choice.

Very best of luck!

in reply tomrrun

Sound advice, thank you! A physio referral sounds like the way to go :-)

Shelby1973 profile image

Aww bless u , Ull be fine Neil just rest and take it slowly x

in reply toShelby1973

Thank you Shelby! Oh and I've just noticed that you graduated. Good on you! I'll read your post and respond properly a bit later x

Oldfloss profile image

A tad late... but tea and sympathy is here... Do not do anymore shed building... make sure you do rest up...but maybe a little gentle exercise so as not to stiffen up.

I have only home made Apple oatmeal cookies :) Will they be okay ?

in reply toOldfloss

Hey floss! I can always make use of tea and sympathy, don't you fret :) Definitely planning to rest up as much as possible, though having my girls this weekend it may not be entirely do-able. Of course the issue with the shed is that it really does need to get built. I think I shall have to enlist some volunteers!!

As for the Apple oatmeal cookies, they sound divine!

Sadeskin profile image

Neil I have only just seen your post, sorry. Here is a sympathy hug 🤗 a cup of coffee ☕️ and a slice of cake 🍰 if you fancy it. Now then, as others have said I think .. don’t be too hasty these things def do happen and are all part of being a runner. Don’t let any negative vibes take you over, you are a runner - you have ran for 9+ weeks and on top of it all you have graduated!! You are making a good choice by resting your knee, I’m sure it’ll soon be strong enough to get you back out there and then you will be able to develop your own rhythm, routes and times to suit your knees.

Keep talking, keep smiling. You’re a runner xx

in reply toSadeskin

Awwww thanks Sadie, that's appreciated. Oh - and yes, yes and yes to all 3!

I'm just a bit down that I've not seen that much improvement. I don't even know if I should be keeping on with the knee strengthening stuff, or just give it a rest till it's better. I'm hoping to see the doc again next week, he's great with sports injuries. Thanks for the support x

Sadeskin profile image
SadeskinGraduate in reply to

Keep us updated. Are you doing much walking on it? You will get there I know it. It’s understandable to feel a little low so don’t beat yourself up about it but focus on that positive .. you’ll be back out there so soon x

in reply toSadeskin

Well I usually walk on my feet rather than my knees :P I've been cutting out as much as I can, but I can't avoid walking completely. Driving an hour to work really isn't helping either :/

Decker profile image

Hey Neil, sorry to hear about your knee mate. Hoping you will be back in business soon.

in reply toDecker

Thanks, that's appreciated. So do I! It feels a bit too early to have my running journey cut short :/

Debbie698 profile image

How’s it going- feeling any better? If it wasn’t for my running pal(hubby) I think I would have given in some times!

in reply toDebbie698

To be honest, I feel like giving in at the moment. My ankle is still not right, and it seems my lovely doctor is not in this week, so I can't realistically get an appointment that I can make until next weds. But it is what it is, I'm quite sure I won't have to go all the way back to week 1 again, just wish I could be doing the graduate stuff now!!

Thanks for asking though :)

Debbie698 profile image
Debbie698 in reply to

Elastic bandage? Heat gel? Don't give up(not easy for me to say!)😩

in reply toDebbie698

I have a knee support... I have ibuprofen... I have whisky!! I'm going to rest it for a few more days, I'm really hoping it's good by this weekend. Thanks for your concern though x

Debbie698 profile image
Debbie698 in reply to

Hope it's a good malt!

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