Having trouble with my headphones falling out while running. Looking for some Bluetooth headphones that won’t dislodge on longer runs. Any advice? Don’t want to spend a lot 😜
Any recommendations for a good pair of headpho... - Couch to 5K
Any recommendations for a good pair of headphones?

My hair isn’t long enough to tie back so I ordered a hygge band online. They do a try before you buy and all you pay is p&p for a black on. It’s a non slip headband that I use to keep the hair out my face, stop the sweat going in my eyes and it keeps my headphones in as well which is brilliant - 3 in one and the p&p would be less money than new headphones. Sx

Ooo sounds interesting. Will definitely have a look. Thanks

Whatever you do, don't spend more that £20 on bluetooth headphones. Treat all running headphones as a consumable item.
That said, I evangelise about my MPOW brand bluetooth headphones - search on Amazon. I have the 'magnetic' ones that you can clip together when you take them off. Doing this automatically pauses the music from my phone. Magnetos seem to be £17 at the moment.
But other MPOW headphones are currently £14. What could possibly go wrong?
They use the same USB cable for charging as an Android phone - USB 'micro' and have a reasonable battery life. And come with a variety of 'adaptors' to fit into your ears and hold them there. To be honest, I've had mine for nearly 2 years, they've never fallen out and I am totally impressed. Especially at the ridiculous low price. And they'll handle a phone call if someone tries to call you when you're running, and I also wear them when I'm cutting the grass and doing DIY jobs around the house.

I have a set of Skullcandy Method bluetooth headphones which cost around £35 from Amazon and I just love them. I have no problems with them falling out when I am running and the sound quality is great.
I just use headphones that go over my head instead of the ones in the ear - Much, much better! As I had the same problem