Just as my knee injury was becoming part of that litany of past minor niggles that has disrupted my running over the years and I was back up to 6.5k, looking forward to some lovely longer runs, I mildly sprained my ankle on Saturday last week, while walking (what a foolish thing to do, walking that is).
Strangely, after turning it, it felt fine, being barely discernible when I ran on Sunday. However on the Tuesday run I only managed a couple of ks running before having to call it a day. I spend my working life on my feet and again no problems at work, apart from a very minor tenderness, but enough for this old body listener to know that running would not be wise. I put this second delayed reaction down to my age and the old body I have been listening to for so long.
Tendons and ligaments have a relatively poor blood supply, so any injury is going to take longer to recover than with muscular damage, so to get the blood flowing, having checked my facts, I had to resort to the old bike again. Cycling would only be working the ankle in the correct forward and back plane. Great.
After a late start, even with the extra hour, I headed out along my speedstrip running route, where I set my 10k PB a couple of years ago. The Autumn colours were beautiful, the sun flashed behind scudding clouds and the road whizzed under my knobblys. Amost worked up a sweat, almost made me smile.
So back on the one day at a time regime and start off again at building things back up gently, when it feels okay. But for the time being, this mentor on a running forum is…..ahem, not running……….. yet again.
Keep smiling……..at the very least!