W7R3 done, but how can I make this more intere... - Couch to 5K

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W7R3 done, but how can I make this more interesting?

8 Replies

Morning all, pleased to say that I've completed week 7 today, but I'm starting to worry that I still don't really find this running lark very interesting. Which makes me wonder how to keep up my motivation if/when I graduate.

Anyone else been in this situation and if so, have you had any success in overcoming it? I'm tempted to try out the Zombies, Run! app after C25K as it appeals to my adolescent sense of humour, but any other tips would be greatly appreciated.


8 Replies

Also, it seems my post has been tagged "panic disorder" - can't see how to remove it, can anyone advise? Thanks.

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That's probably mention of zombies!

I had exactly the same issue of finding running boring once I got past the alternating with walking. In the summer I found running in the woods was fun. Twisting paths so I was always having to think which way to turn next, plus wildlife, made it more fun. Now I can only do that in the weekend as it's too dark after work. I am trying listening to podcasts which is so far working. Also doing the C25k+ speed podcast which is short, hard work and alternates slow jog with fast run. That was fun.

To keep me motivated I am doing Park run whenever I can, going to the café after and getting to know people. I like that so I have to keep running in the week so I don't get slower each time.

Haven't tried zombies yet but I might give that a go. Fierce geese in the woods have a similar impact.

Oldfloss profile image

This has made me really smile... :)

I run and ramble.. check out my many, long and rambly posts. I am suffering at the moment, because there is so much of interest out there on my runs, but due to all sorts of weird things, I have little to post about them. My head is full!

First, well done you, on Week 7.. these are the beautiful, longer runs where you let your running legs carry you, almost without thought... finding your happy pace:)

Not sure as you only did another post, whether you are running outside or inside. I know form that post you were enjoying it.

So...maybe a change of route is needed. Add some variety to your runs... log them with comments, so you have a visual record of your progress. Take time to look around :)

Why are you running... ? I began to run in 2015, to lose the results of the hedonistic time spent in the Dordogne,, discovered I enjoyed it, then realised it allowed me to incorporate my massive love of words and language :)

Running cannot give the same thing to us all, but, if you enjoy running, there is much too be enjoyed. There are days when it is hard to get out, but if it is a constant battle for motivation, it may not be your choice of exercise.

Finish the programme, then if you feel you do want to continue, there are plenty of things to do, Yes, Zombie run is something folk use, but, there is, more importantly, consolidation of the 30 minute runs, then short routes, longer routes, C25K+ podcasts. Intervals , Strides. Time to work on style, speed if you wish or distance. Virtual runs are great fun too.. all for Charity and of course competing in the real world if that is your choice.

Give it a thought :)

The tags... they just link in with odd words.. do not worry , we have regular posts about how funny they are.. there is a huge amount that have drug related tags.. or strange physical oddities..no-one takes any notice:)

AnnieW55 profile image

Tags are random, you don't need to (don't think you can) delete them. Ok you feel yours is unfortunate but they are often a source of amusement with what they come up with. And I don't think anyone takes them seriously.

As for keeping it interesting you need to find something for you. How about mixing the runs up with different sessions (see c25k+ podcasts). Changing your route, terrain, play lists, just concentrating on what is around you, joining a running club, audio books, day dreaming, "writing" in your head, designing new houses/rooms/things, sign up for an event to train for. Just a few things to keep you occupied. Me? I just run, look around me and think with the occasional podcast of something interesting thrown in.

Running can be a bit boring, just one foot in front of the other - If you read around websites/Google you will see running, especially, longer distances has a "boredom thing" attached to it. You just have to find your way. But, remember, being bored is also good for you sometimes.

Irishprincess profile image

One of the things I love about running is all the weird/wonderful/beautiful/funny things I see when I'm out there! Maybe try running somewhere different. Drive there, get a bus or train and run back, seek out a forest, a lake, big shop windows.......a sunrise, a sunset......

It's a big, wonderful world out there and it's just waiting for us to explore.

What about music? I run to big epic orchestral numbers and have a vivid imagination so on any run I can be a gladiator, warrior, saviour of the world, running for my life, going into battle. But I'm always the star in my own movie 😊

Try it. Try anything. Just keep going 🏃🏃🏃

icklegui profile image

You can remove the tag by editing the post on the desktop version of the site. You should be able to click on the little x on the "suggested tag". They are ridiculous and often come up with something completely bizzare ...

As for how to make it more interesting - other people have given you great suggestions so I won't repeat! One thing I haven't seen in them yet is the idea of something like Good Gym, where you run with a "purpose" like going to visit an older person who may be lonely, or going to do some community gardening. Short runs but could be interesting.

I think it's really great though that you have carried on doing something you're not truly enjoying - if we could all do that I suspect we'd find things like the daily grind of work or housework much easier to do so kudos to you!

Razouski profile image

I found I had a very low boredom threshold so do the following which mean I rarely get bored (apart from when my Mojo got up and left me for a while 😂):

*make up back stories for the people you pass, are they mad axe murderers or spies on an undercover mission

* I used Mapmyrun to plot out new routes that I could run, the varied scenery gave new interest. To begin with I just had three routes which I rotated on my run days. It's lovely to see how things change with the seasons

* download a great playlist. I subscribe to Deezer and they have some ready made playlists - some I like (Rock Running Tracks and Running in the '80s do it for me) - or just put together your own music. ( see @jancanrun 's post about the Retro Runners, or one of my earlier posts/threads where there are lots of suggestions about music we like to run to

* use shuffle on your playlist to mix it up a bit

* I often find a song which sticks in my head and I make up alternative lyrics reflecting my run

* I used to make up alternative stories such as my Three Billy Goats Gruff post a while ago now

* try thinking about what you're going to tell your virtual running family about when you drop in here later

* run your usual route in reverse or from a different start point

* try a route which means you need to drive for 5 or ten minutes to a different location - park, footpath, cycle track, canal, woodland etc

* promise yourself a treat to some new kit as a reward for running (e.g. if I do three more runs I'll get myself a bright new running vest/leggings/socks/whatever

* buy a new piece of kit then feel you need to get your money's worth - you might need some winter items soon such as gloves: you could do 1 km for every pound spent - spend £10 on a top and you must pay back with two 5k runs, or a 4K and two 3ks (you get the idea)

* don't forget to take your kit when you go away. I love tourist runs - running either on holiday, when visiting other places, or when on a work trip

* set yourself goals or targets - when I graduated my first goal was to do a Parkrun, and then my next target was to do it under 30 minutes...

* and don't forget to tell the virtual running family here all about your run if you have time to post in here. Just because you finish the programme doesn't mean you can't keep posting. Newbies will benefit from your experience and you understanding

Good luck with finishing the programme and happy running. 🤓

Really, really helpful replies everyone thank you. On reflection I may have been wallowing a bit, having not really enjoyed my run this morning. You've all given me tons to try out once I reach graduation-land (assuming I do). Thanks so much for your advice and encouragement.

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