..... I'd had a long day yesterday, driving and on my feet a lot, so today I wasn't that enamoured by the 'dreaded' 20 minute finale run of week 5 😱
However, I have the 'rents staying at the moment - mum with failing body, dad with failing mind and their dog ..... who is deaf 🙉 By 5.30pm my nerve endings were feeling a little tattered and a 20 minute run was gaining more and more appeal by the minute..!!
I battled my way into the appropriate under-scaffolding and compression garments, did some stretching and waited for hubby to come home from work (I figured he'd relish the opportunity to hear me whinging about the events of my day during my 5 minute walks) 😉 ..... Mmmm, he foiled my cunning plan - because he was late home... very late. The light was failing, I had to go it alone 😳 Left message with mother to tell him where I was going and to bring the dogs on (what seriously could have been) a search and rescue mission..!! 🙈
I ventured to the park - one I wouldn't normally go to (bad area), but I fancied a change and I knew hubby would be along shortly..... or so I thought 😔
Warm up walk done. No husband. First five minutes run. No husband. Ten minutes run. No husband. Calf muscles cramping. Getting dark. Packs of teenage vampires start to emerge from the undergrowth and gather around the park. I tell myself I will NOT be deterred (as I trip over a mole hill then stumble into a hole). Over half way, must run through the cramp, must run past the vampires..... I think of you all there with me, by my side (well, 100 yards ahead of me 😂) and it lifts my spirits. 15 minutes in, cramp gone, vampires now all hanging upside down from climbing frame in children's play area. But STILL no husband.
Then everything seemed to go numb... my legs, my arms, my mind and I seemed to go onto auto-pilot. I was aware of Sarah telling me I had just 2 minutes to go and I thought "bloody hell, I'm REALLY going to do this"..!!
Then, as Sarah congratulated me and gave me permission to slow down to a walk (along with some lame advice about having some water and a piece of fruit 🙄), I saw a figure in the distance... hubby, at last... and then my dog came racing over, as pleased to see me as I was to see her.
As for the husband... well, he got a bollocking for being late and not being there to protect me from the vampires...!!! 😂
But, hey, I did it - sloth pace with the occasional stumble - but I did it... and I feel beyond amazing...!!! 5 weeks ago I was ready to keel over after 60 seconds of running and now I've done 20 bloody minutes.....!!!!!
Without this community, the support, encouragement, advice and inspiration, I would not have the desire or the will to be doing this. You are ALL amazing..!!
Thank you 😘