So I wake in my hotel room in Limerick, the gym opens at 7 am and I'm one of 2 queing up to get in, I sign in and head to the treadmill in the corner, I then realised I'd forgotten my water bottle but hay ho.
I set off on my warm up walk using W9's podcast just so I have the structure, etc, the warm up walk finishes and I'm off, the treadmill is in MPH again so I set it on a comfortable speed, higher than normal but comfortable.
20 minutes in I did slow a little but then at the 5 minute mark I picked it back up again, total distance 2.6 miles, Wednesday will be a normal speed run and when I'm home this weekend I'll give the outdoors another go I think.
Another 30 minute run under my belt, distance increased slightly, more work to do.