I think...maybe...I’m ‘a runner’...: Warning: it... - Couch to 5K

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I think...maybe...I’m ‘a runner’...

Gabby08 profile image
44 Replies

Warning: it’s a long one!

Five months ago, the idea of ever being able to run for 30mins seemed like an almost impossible goal. I’d signed up for the Race for Life with no idea how I would achieve it. Fast forward five months and here I am, the proud owner of a Yorkshire 10 Mile medal. And I owe it all to C25k and you lovely people on this forum.

This morning started well with my usual pre-race peanut butter on toast and being from York, I had a sneaky shortcut in mind to avoid the worst of the traffic. I had a last minute change of heart about which shoes to run in, opting for my trusty Asics, which now have a good 300 miles under their soles, rather than my newer, snazzier Brooks pair.

Things started to go a little bit awry once I arrived at the university for the start of the race. I struggle with anxiety at the best of times and this is usually compounded by large crowds. By 9.45, I had a serious case of the jitters. My right calf felt stiff, my contact lenses were hurting and I had a perpetual need to pee. Why was I doing this to myself?

Lining up for the warm up was my worst nightmare. I couldn’t hear or see the person leading the warm up and I had no space around me to follow her instructions anyway. I was being bowled left and right by big, strong, scary men all trying to push their way to the front and everyone else seemed to be wearing a running club t-shirt, to my mind declaring they were a ‘proper’ runner.

I almost bottled it. But then I took a few deep breaths and looked down at my shoes. They were far more tattered than many of the running shoes around me. And that’s when I realised - I’d prepared for this. I’d done my miles. Me and my trusty Asics had as much right to be here as anyone else.

And so I started my first 10 mile. Honestly, it always takes me ages to really find my rhythm and the first five km were only made bearable by the beautiful views of York Minster. I was overtaken by Batman, George and Zippy from Rainbow and plenty of people who were old enough to be my grandparents. But I was running fast, by my standards. Endomondo assured me I was running at a very steady pace of 6.20/km - which isn’t far off my optimum. I thought I should probably slow down so relaxed my pace a little and by the time I hit 8km, I felt great. My lungs seemed to open up, my muscles were raring to go and I couldn’t wipe the dirty great grin off my face. Imagine my joy then when I hit 10km at 1:03 - in line with my pb for a 10k and still with plenty left in the tank. I high-fived all the children who were lining the streets to show their support. It might have added a few seconds to my time but more importantly, it might also have inspired a tiny person to one day grab their trainers and take up running.

With about 4km to go, I was tiring, so I sucked on an energy tablet and grabbed a bottle of water. Staring back at me from the bottle was an image of Darth Vader, which made me chuckle and inspired me to chant “may the force be with me” for the rest of the race.

With 2km to go, I stupidly took a jelly baby from a roadside stand but really struggled to swallow it; I won’t make that mistake again! Now there was just a horrid ascent back up to the university and we were almost there. Finally, I thought the finish line was in sight but it turned out to be a banner declaring we were ‘almost’ within reach of it - whose cruel idea was that?!

With just 200m to go, my foot seemed to give way and I limped over the finish line with a time of 1:46:05. Now, given that I’d hoped I might make it round in under 2 hours on a good day, if I was lucky, I still can’t even begin to wrap my head around that time. How on earth did I do that?! I haven’t the faintest idea but it’s fair to say that I’m pretty chuffed with myself.

So I’m sitting here in my race t-shirt, feeling like a runner. And it’s all down to C25k and all those of you on here who’ve inspired me along the way. Thank you!

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Gabby08 profile image
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44 Replies
Kimterry profile image

Absolutely brilliant! What a lovely description of the run - I was with you all the way! You've inspired me, I'm still trying to run 5K but your story has confirmed to me that anything is possible. Wear your lovely shiny medal with pride and keep on running! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏅🏆

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Kimterry

Thank you! You’ll get there! Trust in the programme and listen to the experts and you’ll be running 5k before you know it. And from there, you’re absolutely right - anything is possible xx

Wannabefit19 profile image

Wow absolutely fan...taby...tastic you ... I can only dream of this but your post very inspiring .. Thankyou 👏

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Wannabefit19

It’s not so long ago that I’d have been saying the same thing. Trust in the programme, listen to the experts (and your body) and who knows what you’ll find out you’re capable of? Good luck? 😃

Mummycav profile image

Wowzers?!! Gabby08 ...You can add yourself to the inspirational people on here because I am dying to get my trainers on now!!! I was going to have an extra rest day tomorrow after my deflating park run on Sat but your post has made a run irresistible!!! Brilliant post by a brilliant, awesome, fantastic runner...you should be so very proud of yourself...enjoy the feeling...I want to be able to run forever like that, I only graduated last weekend so it’ seems a long way off, if not impossible, but then again, running for 30 mins non stop seemed impossible only a few weeks ago, so thank you...you’ve made my mind up with this post xx

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Mummycav

Aw, what a lovely thing to say! Being able to run for 30 minutes is a fantastic achievement and you’ve already come such a long way by graduating. Sorry to hear you had a deflating parkrun; we all have those ‘practice’ runs though - I’ve had my fair share of shockers along the way! There’s nothing wrong with taking an extra rest day here or there if you fancy it; I took a whole week off last week with a yucky cold. Listen to your body and add the distance gradually (the wise people on here told me about the 10 percent rule) and you’ll soon find you’re able to run further than you ever imagined. Let us know how you get on tomorrow if you decide to go for it xx

ShannieP profile image

What a brilliant report and so glad you enjoyed it.

Yes you are a runner congratulations

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to ShannieP

Thank you! Think I’ll be racking up a few extra miles in my dreams tonight as it’s all I can think about!

ShannieP profile image
ShanniePGraduate in reply to Gabby08


I will sleep well as up at 6am as

I did a 10k today and is first race I didn't enjoy any part of it,was really well organised just think the route was to twisting and turning for me.

Run Gabby Run

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to ShannieP

Aw, sorry to hear that. I never enjoy the first part but I’m yet to do one where I’ve not liked the whole thing. Hope your next one is more satisfying x

rolysmate profile image

what an absolutely wonderful post,exhilarating, exciting and wonderfully inspiring

Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to rolysmate

Thank you! I wouldn’t be running if it weren’t for all the inspiration and advice on here ☺️

Decker profile image

Wow, that was one inspirational post! I sense the force is certainly strong in you! This makes me want to train more than ever. Wonderful post and a beautiful medal too!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Decker

Thank you! The force was strong in those final few km; that did make me giggle.

I’m terribly pleased with my bling - I don’t want to take it off!

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to Gabby08

I don't blame you. I'd keep it around my neck all week! Its a great achievement! 🏆

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Decker

That’s a great idea. Perhaps I’ll just keep it on...

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to Gabby08

It's small and subtle so it should not be a problem, right? 😀

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Decker

Plus it’ll go with everything! 😂

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to Gabby08


Brilliantly done and described... where you have gone others will surely follow

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to

They will if I have anything to do with it. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve coerced into downloading the app!👍

Wella_Bella profile image

Loved reading this post 👍🏼

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Wella_Bella

Thank you! ☺️

ejvcruns profile image

That is ... incredible!!! Congratulations!!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to ejvcruns

Thank you! I still can’t quite believe it! ☺️

Polly2810 profile image

Just brilliant...well done, amazing post, hope for me yet!! 5k seems out of reach as yet...But day at a time 😊 enjoy your 🥇

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Polly2810

It’s not that long ago that I felt exactly the same way. Believe in yourself, believe in the programme and listen to your body - if I can get there, so can you!

TJMazz profile image

Congratulations 🙌🏻 I love this post. It makes me realise that it is possible that I could become a runner too. Well done for overcoming your anxiety and getting through the race. You should be proud of yourself. 😀

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to TJMazz

Thank you! You really can - that’s the beauty of this programme (and the super-helpful forum). Good luck! 😃

Prudanced profile image

Had to re-read and double check: miles. You actually ran 10 miles. Not KM, miles. Wow! Seriously impressed!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Prudanced

I still can’t believe it either - I told one of my friends at work today and she corrected me to km. I had to say, “No, miles. I ran TEN MILES!” I think she thought I was fibbing! Ha!

Sinross profile image

AMAZING!! I'm doing my first 10 in a few weeks and I will feel exactly the same - the anxiety, constant need to pee, the why I am here?? Thoughts. I will think of you when I am struggling!


Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Sinross

Good luck! If I can do it, you can too. Just remember not to take the blasted jelly babies! Ha!

Trust in your body and your training and enjoy every moment! 👍

Sinross profile image
Sinross in reply to Gabby08


Sarahb18 profile image

Congratulations on your achievement!!


Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Sarahb18

Thank you! Still buzzing today!

Fishypieface profile image

Love, love, love this post - amazing!! :) You are a true inspiration, just...... amazing!

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Fishypieface

Aw, thank you. It’s nothing compared to the incredible achievements of some of the amazing and experienced runners on here - but we’re all fighting our own battles and more importantly, we can all win them 💕

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Gabby08

Erm, I think it is!! 10 miles!! Definitely amazing - shout it from the rooftops :)

Getfitok profile image

Absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!!!!

SueKen profile image

Wow - amazing!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

What a fantastic acheivement Gabby... you are an inspiration 😊xx

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Graduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

As are you!

skysue16 profile image

Fantastic achievement - well done 😄

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