Final run - lovely day - never flunked a run before - but I had to stop after about 22 mins, just too tired and also desperate for the loo (Google runners' trots!!!). I think I set off too fast (first km in about 6 mins, when I usually take about 6:40!). Managed to get home before disaster struck. I've put it down to experience, confidence is a little dented, but I hope to graduate this weekend. Any advice welcome, I do find 30 mins a challenge. How long does it take to get used to it???
W9 R3 - Doh!!!: Final run - lovely day - never... - Couch to 5K
W9 R3 - Doh!!!

You'll do it next time, as you say, setting off too fast can have such a negative impact on a run, I struggled with the same problem. Slow and steady. I look forward to seeing your post over the weekend, good luck. 😊
Yes I often set off a bit fast, but this was even faster than usual! Hope for 30 mins without rain this weekend! Thanks for the good wishes xx

I always tend to start off too fast -_- leaving my last kilometers to be quite a struggle. Also, every run for me is different, sometimes I feel I can run forever, other times I feel lie I can't run past 3km! This all depends on what you ate the past couple of days, how much sleep you have gotten the night before, and the weather conditions!

You are fast! I usually average 8.30 mins per km but then I never looked at stats or timings until I had finished C25K. Don't worry, you will definitely graduate next time. We all have off days - that's life. Keep going, you have done brilliantly!
Thanks. It's just a shock on what was supposed to be my last run!!

Pelican...I’m doing this run in the morning...three things are a deffo before I set off 1) a big drink of water 2) a banana 3) a wee
I’m looking forward to it, my last run left me amazed & elated..& I want to have the same feeling tomora...& run with a smile on my face...just like you will next go xx
Best of luck!!! Look forward to hearing how it went!! 😀

Aw that's such a shame😢 Don't worry about the 30 minutes thing . It will fade into the past over the coming weeks... (remember W5R3 and what your brain probably did to you over that one?!) You and we all know that on your next run you will completely nail it! (Loads of forum members running invisibly alongside you😀)........... And then you will be a GRADUATE! Yay!!!!!!
Thanks! I'll just go for it (slowly)!!! 😁

Only one to go, you can do this !!!
Hi you'll be fine next time out, I found towards the end of the programme I was naturally starting faster, so actually made a conscious effort to look at my stats so I would go slower.
I also did an old floss type chant, which when I got hoarse sounded like a horror movie chant, but saying it loud acted as an NLP prompt and seemed to do the job.
I kept saying variations of go slow, go slower, remember old floss go slower....
Judging by the weird looks I got I am not saying you should say it out loud but maybe in your head is better...
Good luck for your podium run
Thanks so much! I will try and remind myself to go slow!!!
Hi Pelican, Yes definately start slowly, at the beginning of your run your body has to take on more oxygen to cope with the exertion. This takes up to 10 be kind to yourself and relax into the run by the time you are running aerobically you will feel more relaxed. We are not sprinting so its better to have energy left at the end and less lactic acid in our legs.
Hope this helps.
Good luck with that Graduation run you definitely will do it next time😊xx
This is really interesting Jan, could it explain why in the past I often find the second half of the run easier than the first?? I'm just off to Google this subject and find out a bit more. Thanks!!
Read a bit more on this, the body taking 10 mins to adapt properly to the exercise - really useful, I will concentrate more on slowing the first couple of km from now on, and see how that affects the rest of the run. Thanks again - all you runners read what Jan said! ☺
Good luck over the weekend...every confidence you will smash it
Thanks! 😀

I ran 10K once morning without 'working up' to it ( not advisable by the way - I was at about 8k and the previous run I felt every centimeter of it )
Then there were days even after Graduation I ran maybe a mile and then thought 'sod it - I JUST DON'T WANNA DO THIS TODAY!" and would abruptly stop.
We are not machines So many things can throw us off our stride....em, yes, no pun intended but apt enough I suppose
...that it's really not worth worrying about what is merely an 'aberration' and not a 'pattern'.
when you have what turns out to have been a 'practice' run ask yourself this - how did it compare to Day One?
I still have to keep in mind that a 'mere' two or three times around the park for a couple of miles is now FAR MORE achievable than those first 60 second runs were
I built up to this - and had to repeat several stages along the way. Just do what got you this far - take it slow and steady and at your own pace.
You will get there
Wishing you many happy miles in your future