I'm new to the C25K plan. I was absolutely loving it until the end of week two but I've been on the sofa since Friday morning as both my knees are banjaxed. (The sofa and I are now one and we plan to announce our engagement shortly.)
I'd been doing warm-up and warm-down exercises and taking the runs very slow and steady and light, so I was doing it all right and everything. About two thirds of the way through my run on Friday, I felt a twinge, not actual stabby pain, about two inches under the knee on the insides of both legs, but I carried on. Well, that was a terrible error. My five minute walk home afterwards took me three times that long and there were many tears and swears as I hobbled home.
There is no swelling and only a tiny bit of pain when I touch the affected leg bits. I did the RICE and no HARM shenanigans all weekend but there's been next to no improvement. I can't walk around the house without holding onto things for support and I'm having to go up our spiral staircase like a sad old cat, which my actual young and nimble cat thinks is some kind of hilarious funtime game.
I spoke to the doctor yesterday. He reckons it's pes anserine bursitis in both legs. Basically, when I put weight on them, the tops of my tibiae feel like they're being stabbed with red hot daggers and it makes me feel like my legs are about to go full Shakin' Stevens.
Long wafflesome story short: my quads are weak. I'm about a stone overweight and I'm nearly 40. C25K was my way of doing a fit thing and I was really enjoying it. Like *proper* enjoying it to the point where I run along grinning like a weirdo, occasionally arm dancing to Lady Gaga and talking back to Sarah Millican as she chats to me in the app. Even in the rain.
Don't be thinking this is a doom and gloom post, though. I'm absolutely determined to get back to the plan when my bursa sac things are all better. (Bursa Sac sounds like a bounty hunter from a planet in the Ryloth system.) The doctor was fully aware of C25K and he gave me some really good advice. He says that I mustn't let this put me off and that it's quite common in new runners, especially not-really-very-fit-and-active-40-ish women. His advice was to get my legs totally better, then do leg strengthening exercises—quaddy ones like squats and lunges—then to make sure I have the correct footwear, and then to restart the plan, doing each of the first few weeks twice, to really get my legs and body used to this running thing.
In the meantime, it's rest and staying off my legs as much as I possibly can for about a fortnight, accompanied by icing my legs and taking ibuprofen. I think my legs feel slightly better today than they did yesterday. I will flippin' do this!
I've been lurking here but I've picked up a lot of tips by searching and reading, and the posts are very encouraging and helpful – thank you for that. I thought I'd post this in case it is helpful to anyone in the same position as I am right now.