hi peeps, now thats ive graduated i have a routine where i usually do a tuesday 5-10k slow a 5k on a thursday at tempo pace and parkrun on a saturday. Sunday i have my first proper 5k here: goo.gl/xoYhTZ . also the 2k fun run with the boy anyway i ran yesterday , feel good but dont really want a double rest day. do i go for an easy slow run today or do parkrun on saturday at a very easy pace? very easy pace would be about 6 minutes per km
do i run today or tomorrow.: hi peeps, now thats... - Couch to 5K
do i run today or tomorrow.

I have the feeling that if you go for the park run tomorrow you may forget that you intend to do the easy pace as you will be surrounded by other runners. If you feel you have to run, why don't you just do 3k today just to get it out of your system which means a rest day tomorrow before your event and also means that you aren't pushing yourself too much today.
I am not an expert on this - only a beginner - but my husband does triathlons and will run in his taper weeks for a shorter distance but at the same speed.
yea was thinking that, probably end up running faster as my competitive side will take over XD XD yea the boy is off school today as its PD day. see if he would like a 2k fun run practice

I would maintain a day of rest between runs as I think we need recovery time. Looking good for Parkrun then 🙂

just an addon question for anyone who has paid for both the main run and a fun run. do you pick up two goody bags? not being greedy but two extra running shirts would be a bonus right? lol
I think you get both, if you have paid same fee as all others or each..,..presuming there is a T for the fun run, often its just a medal.

It is reckoned that you need to run regularly for a year before you should consider running on consecutive days. Even then you never follow a hard run with a hard run. This is arbitrary, since we are all different, but caution doesn't get you on the injury couch.
I would maintain the rest day. There will be parkrun every Saturday and stupid to overdo it. Many graduates have their first injuries in the first few months following graduation................just a warning.
Keep running, keep smiling.

I would rest until the event- sorry just realised you said its this Sunday!!!

If you run hard on Saturday, your performance on Sunday WIL BE less than if you rest or run gently on Saturday.
If you run gently on Saturday, your performance on Sunday IS LIKELY TO BE less than if you rest on Saturday.