I am really enjoying to couch to 5k and have just completed w5 r 2. Enjoyed it so much I want to get on with the next run. Would that be ok??
Do I have to have rest day : I am really... - Couch to 5K
Do I have to have rest day
No you need to take the rest days they are built into the programme to help muscles rest and repair you stand a good chance of injury at this early stage if you don't. You willl probably get a lot of posts now advising you to take the rest days
Take your rest days.
It's really not worth risking injury. Believe someone who has taken eight months to reach week eight.
Follow the program and take rest days = Graduation and a future of running
Skip rest days = Not graduating and getting injured!!
Rest days are sooooo important, there's a reason they're in the program!!
You can do other things on rest days such as walking, swimming
No, have a day off running! You can Cross-Train though..😊
Go do some squats.
Nope! rest days are very necessary if you wish to stay off the IC...
If your eager to still get those endpophins going on your rest days, it is a great time to add in some cross training. It is not unusual to want to do something on rest days and walking, cycyling, swimming, or fitness classes or basically anything that doesn't involve running will go well. Running uses specific muscles and they need to recover but cross training is good for stamina in the the future.
For those using the fancy schmantzy app, with all the buttons for pressing, I think there is a strong argument for one to press to show you've completed your "I didn't run today"