NEGATIVITY………..POSITIVITY: There seem to be a... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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IannodaTruffe profile image
137 Replies

There seem to be a lot of posts recently about being scared and frightened about upcoming runs…..Week 5 Run 3 seems, unsurprisingly, to feature heavily in these posts. This may be because the forum is busier, or it may be to do with the times we live in. While on my run this morning, before I had heard about last night’s atrocity in London, I was trying to work it all out in my head.

We all learn, pretty quickly, that a major component of learning to run, is dealing with the psychological challenge of doing something that we have never done before. Apprehension and caution are natural but once you have embarked on C25k, whether you are using app or podcasts, you really do need to listen to the calming voice of your coach. In my case it was the goddess Laura, who made it clear early on that having to repeat runs was in no way a failure…...those repeats just make you stronger… what is there to fear?

Fear is an utterly negative emotion. It can cause physical tension, shortness or difficulty in breathing and increased heartrate, all of which on top of the stresses that running puts on the body are unhelpful. Sure, it may serve a purpose in life and death circumstances, but we have a remarkable ability to let it creep, in an irrational way, into our daily lives. Fear of being seen jogging by anyone who might know us…..fear of being laughed at by total strangers…...fear of being seen with a beetroot face…..all common threads on this forum alongside the fear of not wanting to “FAIL” a particular run.

I remember being excited by the challenge of W5R3 ( for those of you who have not looked yet, you will be ready for it when you get there!!). In no way did I fear it. I am not a superman, I just knew that if it was a step too far and I could not complete it, then my first attempt would have helped me be prepared for the next attempt…….every run is training for the next one, wherever you are in your running career. Take the positives (there are always some) and move on. It is about preparing your body, not a tick box exercise. This, to me, is a far more positive way to approach the programme than repeating weeks just because you are not sure that you will manage the next one…… do you know until you try it.

Voicing our fears can be helpful, especially when there is the reassuring presence of this forum to confirm that you will be okay. However, the language that we use and the way we think through these “fears” to ourselves has a potent effect on how we feel about something and how others relate to our concerns. C25k is a series of challenges, superbly constructed to keep us progressing to the target of 3 x 30 minute runs. None of them should be dreaded or feared and I believe even using those words can subliminally raise anxiety. We limit ourselves by telling ourselves and others that we will never be able to do something. So leave your anxieties at home. Running should be stress free and you will actually perform better without those self imposed stresses...........relax, physically and mentally.......

Stepping outside our comfort zones is empowering.

Starting to run C25k, nearly four years ago, flooded me with an absurd surge of optimism, which has stayed with me, although maybe not quite as extreme now as back then. It was bolstered by the beacon of supportive positivity that is this forum. Running has changed my confidence and self esteem along with all physical benefits gained and all that is reflected in my life and relationships.

Now I know that some think that 'positive thinking' is airy fairy nonsense, so let me tell you a story..........Between 1952 and 1954 an Australian, John Landy, ran between 4 minutes 2 seconds and 4:03 no fewer than six times in his attempt to become the first runner ever to record a sub four minute mile. In December 1953 he only needed to run the final 220 yards in 30.6 seconds to break the four minute barrier, but he tied up in the home straight and finished in 4:02. He told reporters after that race, “I feel I could go on for ten years, but I don’t think it is worth it. Frankly, I think the 4 minute mile is beyond my capabilities.”

In May, the following year Roger Bannister famously became the first man to break that barrier, running the mile in 3:59.4.

Forty six days later John Landy smashed the mile record with a time of 3:57.9……….four seconds faster than he had ever run the distance before………..this is the man who had spent two years trying to knock two seconds off his time.

Nothing had changed physically in Landy's training or form and although his feat has been dissected time and again, the only conclusion is that a barrier in Landy’s mind had been removed, enabling him to achieve what he believed impossible just a few weeks earlier.

This is a lesson to us all, not to limit ourselves............

The only way to fail with this incredible training plan is to head back to the couch on a permanent basis.

It seems to me that we live in a world overflowing with negativity, hostility and fear, but as we know, in this little microcosm of the world, positivity and communication garners fabulous results. Talk to the stranger, don’t worry if the question is silly, offer your advice, help the other person, because, actually, they are just like you, with the same hopes and ………..

......well, I will leave you to fill in the gap with an appropriately positive word.

I know that next week there will be the same flood of “I am terrified about Week…..” questions and this post may not be of help to many, but if just one person thinks “Right, breathe deeply, keep calm and positive, face the challenge and do the best I can.” then maybe it was worthwhile.

Keep running, keep smiling.

There are more FAQ posts giving general information here

Written by
IannodaTruffe profile image
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137 Replies

Very well said 😊

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

Thank you

MichaelH070862 profile image

Nice one lannoda so eloquently put I agree people seem to want to give up before even starting or have a fear of pushing ones ability(for anyone reading this these are not criticisms but observations of what people have posted).

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to MichaelH070862

Self belief does seem to be in short supply!

Millsie-J profile image

Brilliant and encouraging post Ian😀

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Millsie-J

Thanks Jacs!

Burrows79 profile image

Awesome post, well said that man 👏👏

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Burrows79

I wasn't aiming for awesome, but will take it, thanks.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Sometimes we get places we weren't aiming...

Paul46-ipswich profile image

Excellent post, well said

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Paul46-ipswich

Maybe we can flood the world with positivity.........

Running-girl profile image

A great positive read Iannoda. So instead of worrying about my first ParkRun and it's uphill section I'm going to turn things round and breathe, face the hill and do the best I can. No more worries !!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Running-girl

Thank you, it was will have a ball!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well said Iannodatruffe 😊

I postively agree with you...

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Just got your running name Ian..

You know the truth!!

I always thought you were Lannodatruffe with an L.

Know I realise Ian knows the truth..😄 love it...Lol

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Actually, because of the limitations restricting dashes or spaces in names, most people have never understood that name. It should read Ianno da Truffe, which needs to be said quickly and is not as self centered as you name is not and never has been Ian.

Regards, Tim.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Oops sorry Tim, I always thought it was a slightly unusual name like Rignold. Then when I saw someone call you Ian..

nuff said...

Never thought of you in any other way but inspirational and wise.x

Rignold profile image
Rignold in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Actually, I must confess Rignold is a Nom de plume as well. In honour of the great Hugo Rignold, former conductor of the CBSO.

My real name is Billy Rhomboid.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I read it as truffle!!! 😂

Bonkersbrit profile image
BonkersbritGraduate in reply to

Me too!

CarolineLou71 profile image
CarolineLou71Graduate in reply to Bonkersbrit

same... mmmm, chocolate 😍 ... guess that's partly why I'm here; #easilydistracted! 😁

Tomas profile image

Well said.

As my dad used to tell me when I was 7 years old: you can do twice as much as you think you can. And five times as your mum believes you can.

pollyp1 profile image
pollyp1Graduate in reply to Tomas

Your dad sounds fab.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Tomas

You didn't have me as your Mum...

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Tomas

Ha ha ha brilliant

ancientrunner profile image

Brilliant - very well said and already having the desired effect.

Realfoodieclub profile image

I love a bit of positivity, so much to learn in life. Great post.

seacaow profile image

"This, to me, is a far more positive way to approach the programme than repeating weeks just because you are not sure that you will manage the next one…… do you know until you try it?"

This was certainly something that crossed my mind! Thanks for putting it into perspective.

Ok. There is maybe a difference between anxiety and fear. Fear is a necessary emotion so we can fight or flee a life threatening event. Anxiety is a curse of the modern world; an exaggerated response to threat. So yes , I entirely agree: we need to be braver; warriors in a battle against negativity. But at the same time I really understand that people are scared of all sorts of things. Those anxieties maybe irrational- but they are real.

I try and help my kids to know that you can't achieve if you don't try and I hope that people on this forum know that too.

Thank you for the thought provoking post Iannoda

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

I love your reply and it would be great to sit down and debate semantics, but my main intention was to point out that we can limit ourselves by our own negativity, in a totally unconscious way. Many of our real anxieties come from our own insecurities and I believe that by taking a positive approach they can sometimes disappear. That doesn't mean they aren't real, but that we are partially responsible for constructing them in the first place.

I try not to post if I have nothing to say.

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I don't think I am disagreeing with you at all (I am brave!) but just pointing out that there are lots of people on this site who are fighting real demons with anxiety and it's tough, y'know?

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

I don't think we disagree at all and I am not belittling anybody's anxieties, I just believe that positivity can prevail.........

My personal philosophy is that we are just a bunch of chemicals and separating mind from body is futile. Put that mix into an environment with so many variables and anything can happen. Positivity, for me, is my, possibly delusional, way of feeling I have some control.

Oldfloss profile image

Your name is Winston...:)

"The positive thinker, sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible ".

Thanks you x

poppypug profile image

Top drawer !

Really Well put , great post Ianno ! :-) xxx

Redperil68 profile image

Well said, today I tried week 5 run 3. I didn't get to the end and did 16 consecutive minutes. Will try again on Tuesday and know I'll do it. No fear, just taking one run at a time.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Redperil68

You got it! Great!

Maddee_6333 profile image

Well said.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

A very interesting post. Many of us have been brought up to get things right - and not just right, it has to be perfect. If it's not going to be perfect then don't do it. It is very difficult to adapt this way of thinking to real life. Your thought-provoking words help!

CarolineLou71 profile image
CarolineLou71Graduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

I've been wondering whether anyone else sees the thread of 'perfectionism' that seems to hold us back. Helpful post and response, thanks!

Mum68 profile image

Wise words...that was me yesterday thinking of doing W5R3 today. Actually when I got up today I was feeling slightly excited about attempting it and that change in attitude apparently worked. Currently sitting here with my well deserved glass of water having just completed it. The last couple of minutes were tough and if my legs had stopped, no was further than I ran last time. I'll try the same approach next week and hopefully it'll work for me again.

SandieB67 profile image
SandieB67Graduate in reply to Mum68

Well done 🏃

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well done Mum😊

pollyp1 profile image

Spot on. And very eloquent.

Rubyrama profile image

Excellent piece! Thankyou 👍

SuzyKK profile image

Great post (& replies)... as a certified optimist myself, I can only add the old saying "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again".

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to SuzyKK

Ah, that's what I was trying to say........ nicely succinct!

SuzyKK profile image
SuzyKKGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

& on that note, just finished wk7:1... my bugbear is hills, or even slight inclines... so decided after all the posts to go for it & although hard, I got over my fear of hills... now I can run anywhere!

Trying9 profile image
Trying9Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

As a teacher I used to share this saying with the children, "If you think you can or think you can't, you are probably right." ANd if I asked a question and the child I picked said they didn't know the answer I would say "ok, but if you did know, what would you say..." It was surprising how often they then would tell you a suitable response. (They were Primary age.)

ground_level profile image
ground_level in reply to Trying9

Love this approach and the idea of coaching answers from pupils with open-ended question prompts, you sound like a great teacher. :)

stevy profile image

The fear of the unknown,especially as we have to put our own bodies through a physical effort which we have never tried before.What is this FEAR? Is it the possible PAIN that will consume our bodies.Each of us have reached apoint in our lives through painful events however small.There is an old adage " We don't know unless we try it".I am sorry 😞 I.T. if I have gone over with what you have said; it just got me thinking 😔 and l had to put it across in apost toyou as agree with you.Stevy

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to stevy

The fear, as I see it, is one of perceived failure.

Maztink profile image

You are so right, but posting wee worries here is always so reassuring

The advice is always good and that feeling of being cared about just gives you the wee prop you need to get out there and do it. You are esp helpful Ian with your blend of optimism, common sense, and tough love. Thank you.

BexHM profile image

What a great post. I've just done W5R2 and loved it...I never ever thought I could say that. I don't feel like a middle aged out of shape woman any more...I feel like a runner and I can't wait to have a go at W5R3 because as you so widely say, I will do it. Maybe not on Wednesday, but I will do it! Thank you for your positivity!

TiredOldMan profile image

Very inspirational post.

I was worried about coming back after a bit of knee trouble. I am now going to just go out and enjoy my run and stop when I've either had enough or I get to the end of the workout. No worries now, cheers Ian :)

Rignold profile image

Do one thing every day that frightens you.

One of the main things that C25k gave me was the confidence to do things I previously thought I was incapable of. Often it has turned out I'm still not capable of them - C25k didn't grant me omnipotence - but once you've tried a thing, you've demystified it, and then it's just a matter of chipping away until you can do it.

ground_level profile image
ground_level in reply to Rignold

“One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.” - Sophocles

Gladysw12 profile image

Wonderful! Thank you

GirlCanDoIt profile image

Fabulously written! I am on week 6 run 2 on Wed and if you had said to me 5 weeks ago you can jog for 20 mins I wouldn't of believed it! I can and I will!! Thank you 😁🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

mrrun profile image

Great and honest post! Very true, I felt a bit afraid before that 20 minute run and by listening both to Michael Johnson telling me 'I can do it, it's all in my head' and Miles Davis calming me down further, I actually ran nearly 4.5k without pain or losing my breath. I felt fantastic, now I'm on W6R2.

My fear came from the fact that I was so prone to injuries previously and when back in early January I actually completed the course, I picked up an ankle trouble that kept we off running for months. A mix of age, very bad shoes, no insoles and running harder than I should have done all dented my confidence and busted my ankle.

Got new great shoes, custom made insoles, wise words and exercises from my physio, and paced myself as Michael Johnson repeated to me every time. This time, no pain, better runs, more confidence and, fingers crossed, no injuries.

Reading this forum helped me understand what we all can achieve, boosted my belief and confidence, and it's just amazing what a simple exercise can do to achieve all that.

I can hardly wait for my evening run today, thank you all!

MrBassmanjazz profile image
MrBassmanjazzGraduate in reply to mrrun

(I realise this is old). I haven't had the opportunity to run with Jazz, yet I would imagine Milestones would get you skipping along nicely.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to MrBassmanjazz

I’m still around and have since graduated at marathon and ultra running. And still with Miles, although I’ve only kept Kind of Blue and that’s only for relaxing runs up to 10k. 👊😉

RainbowC profile image

Well said :) And as for that scary ol' w5r3 - yesterday was my first run for a month, so I went back to that trusty 20-min favourite as I was pretty certain I'd be able to manage it. And I did! :) Mountains are never as big as the first time we climb them (or something!)...

GoogleMe profile image

Thank you for this... I think you are so right that certain experiences, and completing C25K is one, stay with you and empower you. They are not magic wands (didn't cure my underlying condition for example... and although fundamentally I knew that (as some might not) I still had a sneaky little hope) but they do shore up resilience which you may never know when you are going to need next.

It's not that we should berate ourselves for a bit of second guessing, we have imaginations after all... and sometimes putting it down here on the forum gets it out of ourselves where it does the damage. We just need to know it doesn't mean anything important. We know that the aim of the programme is to get us running continuously for 30 minutes and not just as a one off stunt, so we can safely take it one run at a time.

LDS1961 profile image

Great post, I could do with someone like you following me round everyday shouting in my ear 👍🏻👍🏻

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to LDS1961

Never shout when running.........wasted energy!

ju-ju- profile image

What a delightful post, Thankyou for sharing, very wise words... I still do remember that W5 run3 and I will never forget the elation I felt after me and my son completed it... those feelings dont ever go away 😎

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to ju-ju-

Hi Julia, my dear. Is he still running?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Yes he is!!! my beautiful 15 year old ran every day on holiday at my mums in Hayle on the beach with me last week. He's my favourite ( and only) running buddy, I feel very blessed....

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to ju-ju-

You got him started at just the right age. I thought maybe he had hit that teenage slump....... What a joy!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I know.... for a while I thought I'd lost him but he still comes out with me. Cycling is his main sport now tho!!

SunnyMummy profile image

Love this. For me, something changed or clicked when I started this programme. Or maybe just before which is what gave me the drive to just go for it in the first place. I couldn't complete the very first session properly - I had to miss one of the middle runs & cut a couple of the latter ones a few seconds short. But rather than give up, I made a decision to do It again until I was able to do it 'properly' then could move on. Thankfully I was able to do it with my next attempt & I have no doubt my change from normal anxious mindset had a lot to do with it. I'm now on week 7, running (slowly) for 25 minutes & really looking forward to doing the Race for Life in 2 weeks time. And that's just the beginning... 😀

IannodaTruffe profile image

Reading between the lines, I think I detect an addict...........great, isn't it?

SandieB67 profile image

Great post Ianno 🙏

This was me last week dreading Wk5. Then after coming on here and hearing the positive replies, it gave me encouragement and put me in a different mind set.

What's the worse that can happen? I have to walk some of it, there!! That's what I've been doing for the last 4 weeks, nothing has changed,

I'm not gonna die and I'm not a failure. And more importantly, I'm out there giving it a go, which is what I wasn't doing 5 wks ago!

So now my mind set has changed (thanks to you lot) and I've wk5 r1 in the bag, the next 2 are mine!! 💪💪

I'm glad I put the dreaded post out there. It helped my immensely.

Happy running peeps 🤗

CJ24 profile image

How eloquent 👏🏾

AncientMum profile image

Cracking post, young man. i don't get on here nearly often enough these days but definitely couldn't miss reading this one. Was it FDR who said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."? Dunno, but whoever it was knew a thing or two. Nothing limits us more than our own lack of confidence.

T'would be good if this posted was pinned.

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'd like to add to your post some thoughts on the negativity of "gremlins" Some people like to name their gremlin, and give them a personality and traits... and blame them for their inability to complete certain runs etc... personally I think this is a bit dangerous, sometimes there are times when we should listen to our bodies (how many times have you heard that?) and STOP! It's kinda fashionable on this forum, I've never heard of Gremlins anywhere else, to blame these imaginary gremlins, and attempt to keep going when sometimes it would be prudent to do the opposite...Gremlins don't exist, they are in your head. We're all adults here, take responsibility for your runs, successful or otherwise...

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Like you say gremlins are in our heads. My understanding is we use the term gremlins to refer to our inner critic (telling us we are not good enough, etc.), rather than to refer to any physical aches and pains.

Polly2810 profile image

I have just read this on the advice of jancanrun...I was worried about next I say come then let's get this done!!! If I don't succeed totally the. Will just do it again, and again until I do it!!! Thanks, brilliant advice!!!

PaddyD68 profile image

Got my wk5r3 in 8 hours I now raring to go....muchos gracias..

Irish-John profile image

(Applause) :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Irish-John

Whenever I felt any fear about a step up, I would tell my brain that this feeling was not fear, but excitement. Worked for me!

happyhammer73 profile image

Really glad I read this thank you, WK5R3 coming on Fri I don’t know what it is and I don’t want to until I walk out the door and then I will get on and do it !!!! (He says hopefully) 👍

barbararobson profile image

That Labour bloke is a big inspiration! Watson says at first he ran "from lamp post to lamp post" and I remember a big lady who turned into a marathon runner who began by pretending to run for a bus. I guess fearing looking an idiot is one of though fears we have to over come. At least I am not famous, but like him I would love to lose 7 stone !

Irish-John profile image

I wish I had simply focused on one step at a time instead of "all" that time.

Very well written and very much needed post. Thank you :)

JT489 profile image

Having just read this post I wanted to say thank you for it. 🌈

Tbae profile image

That is motivational magic and wisdom Ian.


Floyjoy profile image

What a gem of a post ,I'm taking that awesome positive message as my mantra for the rest of my C2ck journey you guys rock 💪

ButtercupKid profile image

I find the word apprehensive useful. Afraid means I’d rather not. Apprehensive means I think it may stretch my capabilities so I need to make sure I’m properly prepared and clear about goals and how to reach them. Same butterflies, different attitude.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to ButtercupKid

Language is powerful and the way we put our own thoughts into words can have a potent effect on how we respond to them.

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

So true !

ninky3 profile image
ninky3Graduate in reply to ButtercupKid

very well said, thanks ButtercupKid for sharing!

Purdyeve profile image

Love this Ian - thank you for taking the time to write it (albeit a while ago now!). I am about to do run 2 of week 5, and am excited! I find it fascinating watching how my body is changing and adapting through this process. I have always tried to keep fit, but have done this through classes in the gym - from kettlebells to yoga - and have never been a runner. It's early days I know, but I feel like I am unlocking a piece of the jigsaw, if that makes sense! Onwards and upwards!

Kertesz profile image

I can't tell you how many times I've read this post. It's SO helpful on the down days - and I've shared it with others too. (If you run as beautifully as you write, you must be some runner!) Thank you so very much. I can't imagine how many people your words have given hope and a 'Darn it! I can do this!' to... (Raises hand... 🙋🏻).

Irish-John profile image

A very good reminder :)

Wow, thank you! 👍

BJH-59 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to write that post. I will read it again before my next run. I am sure it will be very helpful. 😀

Shoot profile image

Thank you for that post. I tell my kids fail means First attempt in learning.

Shoot profile image

Oops forgot to add I also tell them that end means effort never dies

Lisam1977 profile image

Thank you for linking this for me today , I needed to read this 😊

robew88636 profile image

This should be a "pinned" article. It would help a lot of newcommers in the initial stages to ignore inhibitions and try out the task at hand. Very well put and a little bit of history to inspire never harms.

Sofafit profile image

Glad I found this. Thank you. For me and I am sure others, It’s always at the point were I want to give up but choose to keep trying that I do my best and realise new capabilities. It’s taken me until I pushed through the C25K runs to appreciate that and it has positively affected my life and relationships. Getting there has been a matter of balancing what I want to achieve against what I think I can achieve and finding the middle ground. ☺️

philevans68 profile image

Fantastic post! Thank you.

Goslow profile image

Well said! Thank you

Ouchto5kmummy profile image

I will read and re-read this. Isn’t it great by running we can all learn a bit more about ourselves.

Foss487 profile image

Thank you for sharing. This is exactly what I needed to hear today.

Secondtimelucky profile image

...really inspirational thank you...why don't you re-post this every week, I'm sure even graduate members, along with newbies will appreciate this ...even if they have seen it before:-)

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Secondtimelucky

It is sitting in the FAQ Posts, which are in the Pinned posts and we hope everybody reads those.

Calcan profile image

Found this post last night when I couldn't sleep. Completed W3R2 yesterday - my first run outside and really struggled with the 3min runs and kept thinking if I can't do 3mins how am I going to do 5mins, 8mins etc.etc. - this post very helpful. Thank you!

SarahBash profile image

Just about to go into week four and was psyching myself out - really needed this, thank you!!

LittleIreland profile image

Thank you so much for this. I try to be as positive as I can, and the odd thought does creep in. Now, I'm going to try to push myself even more. Your positivity shines ☺

Fatbags1 profile image

Thank you. I have read this and actually I am excited by this challenge, but have never said that to myself before. Thank you

Big_maz profile image

I’ve come this far and I am impressed it deffinatly is mind over matter that is the key and I feel mentally better than ever 😊

Trying9 profile image

Really appreciate this post...several of your comments hit home (I tend to be a really negative thinker.) I am beginning to believe that the plan will prepare me for my next run, that doing (trying) is better than not as some improvement will ensue. Only just finished week 2 but feel I am mentally ready for and will enjoy the challenge of the coming weeks. I feel buoyed up by reading all the positive comments. Thank you everyone.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Trying9

You really can do this,,,,,,,so believe it.

NickSX profile image

Beautifully written.

Healthisfun profile image


you obviously picked me up wrong, I wasn't negative at all and if I feel a bit of apprehensive, when I saw the jump from 5 min to 8 min, I thought ok, well I better step it up then . Once I turned on Laura I focused reconnected with myself and knew I could do it.

I never thought for a second I would fail as this app is putting you through the paces in away you are building up your stamina.

I'm very positive person

Thankyou for your input and will take on board

Greenk profile image

Just....thank you..!

Daisy-runner profile image

Great Post, loved the John Landy story. I have been positive about all my runs on here, never feared any however did have a wobble Wk 7 and a moan on here as had 2 consecutive really hard runs, got some great advice put my positive pants back on, set a challenge for my next run and had a great one. Positivity, determination, fun and self belief are all key as hard as they are to achieve sometimes. Thank you for the inspiring words and constant support 😊

Bumblebee43 profile image

Brilliant!! Well Said 💪

Scruff55 profile image

Definitely a good post with positive advice thank you

Ucha profile image

Thanks Iannoda! Very inspiring!

Kernyk123 profile image

Got it!

changing-woman profile image

well, i say, what a post... thank you and of course, you are right. thank you for reminding me of all of that x

mantras_mum profile image

Thank you. Just what I needed. Got to just past the 18 minute mark on W5R3 and feeling a bit disappointed, but I'll do it next time.

Frizzbomb67 profile image

Hear hear!

Gill2021 profile image

A very good read thank you

Returnagain profile image

Ok thank you for this, wk5 it will be then. Since writing my post I have looked at my runs for wk4 and they have got slightly quicker each time. So without looking for what wk5 entails I will get out there on Sunday and if "Laura" says I can do then I will trust her and the programme. Thanks again for the info.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Returnagain

Just stay nice and slow.

Kookaburragirl profile image

I just completed wk5 run 3 yesterday and I feel so great ! I slept 8 hours last night and I feel so much more positive !

Biscuit-binger profile image

Thats pretty good life advice - if you don't achieve your goal first time, you've gained invaluable experience and can build on it next time. 👍🏼

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Biscuit-binger

.........and don't let something that you (or anyone else) have never achieved stop you from believing that it can be done.

Bonnym profile image

This was wonderful to read.. thank you 🙏🥰

Jilldiamond profile image

Really useful thank you

Jules30 profile image

Inspirational words, good to read. 👍🏻😁🏃🏼‍♀️

Nannysam52 profile image

Right ! I’m going to breath deeply, stay positive and tell myself I’m doing this !

Thank you 🙏

KathBils profile image

I love this post. Love it!

Earlymorningsun profile image

hi 😀!

I've just read this and what an inspiring article! thank you so much, 🙏. Being a newbie runner this is such good advice to read.

This is my first post here - I don't do social media, but this feels a much nicer and safer space than a lot of other forums. It's a few months since I started C25k and have read a lot of the posts though and find them very helpful and friendly.

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