Anyone else feel like vomiting after a run. Am thinking maybe I am super unfit or doing something wrong has happened three times now
W3d3: Anyone else feel like vomiting after a run... - Couch to 5K
Are you going really slowly? Don't eat beforehand, say for 60 to 90 minutes.
Make sure you're hydrated before you run and run at a speed where you could talk. The second piece of advice might seem a bit laughable, but do try to run very slowly.
I read something about nausea recently and one of the tips if you start to feel nauseous was to suck on a peppermint. Sometimes have similar problems so I bought a pack of Pools but am happy to say haven't needed then yet. Might be worth ago as well as the above advice.
Exercise induced vomiting is a real thing. It happens a lot to even elite athletes but is generally a sign you are pushing too hard. It is to do with the diaphragm and hammering the stomach. It has happened to me a few times with quite spectacular results during a variety of types of exercise. The common factor was that I was pushing myself harder than I was used to each time (plus I have no respect for my fellow man ect ect chiz chiz). If you are newish to an activity that can happen even at a relatively low training intensity. It is not whether you are running hard in absolute terms, just that you may be running hard relative to what your body is used to. Which is almost certain to be the case.
Be hydrated, but not sloshing about (drink lots the day before running). Don't worry about it as that will probably only make it worse, and don't worry about it in general. It is not unusual, it will probably pass quickly as you get used to the running.
Is it possible you might be too excited too? After an awesome run that leaves me feeling strong and amazing, I sometimes get a bit excited with all the adrenaline and endorfines whooshing through my body, and it results in me feeling rather nauseated sometimes (like yesterday, though I could easily blame the espresso I had just before, that was laced with Moon Dust).
But otherwise the theories and advice above sound very plausible too.. If it has to do with the core like Rignold suggests, maybe engaging the core could help a bit?
Yep, this happened to me the other morning. I had a good run and got a bit cocky so I ran through some of my cool down time. Then as soon as I drank some water at home, it came back up again. Could have been worse...
Thank you. It's more like when you stop I seem to just want to reach then I'm ok hahaha so I think it could be worse and it's not put me off just wondering if I was missing something I should be doing. You guys are great thanks for the advice and support