So, I ate a full 200g bag of mixed nuts yesterday and felt absolutely disgraced with myself. Going out for my run today I thought, right that’s it, go harder, go faster, and work those blooming nuts off (not literally )!
However, the 5 min warm up walk was really hard. It was breezy and cool and I was absolutely freezing, had earache, coughing and spluttering, blowing my nose, and very nearly turned around and went home. Then I thought of all of you, willing me on, my wonderful cheerleaders ! So I continued my walk further into the wilds, but boy those 40 mins were hard work! Winny was thoroughly enjoying himself with all the rabbits and pheasants that we saw. I just wasn’t feeling hopeful for the run at all.
The first 5 minutes running nearly saw the last of me. My legs felt like ice and I couldn’t breathe. ‘Sort yourself out, you’ve done this twice already’, I thought. I slowed down and concentrated on my breathing. ‘Our Laura’ piped up about having a steady rhythm going now – well, yeah, in a fashion!
I thought about those bloody nuts, and battled onward. I must get my 1 stone badge on Monday otherwise I’m going to ‘thqueem and thqueem and thqueem until I’m sick’!
Anyhoo, did it, Week 8 – check!! Didn’t run as far as I had on Wednesday but hey ho, not bothered. Onward to graduation !
Oh, and then, still working those nuts off, had an 8 mile bike ride! Be gone you pesky nuts…xx