week 6.... but looks like its all over for me :( - Couch to 5K

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week 6.... but looks like its all over for me :(

kazdoc profile image
24 Replies

well folks - i have done W6 runs 1 and 2 - completed each one - back was sore again but after cool down walk i was fine - again.

however - from later in the day of walk 2, my back ached and steadily got worse - also - and more worrying was the pain in my leg had returned BIG STYLE.

my original back op was done because a vertebrae had slipped and was hitting my spinal column which caused massive pain in my leg - the op moved the disc back and the leg pain stopped - totally.

i do have degenerative disc disease and this won't get any better - but the leg pain was gone and i was delighted.

but.... its back - with a vengeance - so! i stopped running with immediate effect - didnt even attempt W6R3 - I'm 'resting' and taking brufen to keep down any swelling..

I've self diagnosed one of three things ....

1/ overdone it and just need to 'rest' and maybe re-think the running!..but all ends up ok again - or

2/ something in my 'implant' has 'moved' inside me causing probs..- or

3/ 'another vertebrae has shifted and its gonna get worse again!

either way - I've been in touch with the spinal nurse and she agrees i have to go back for an MRI to see whats what.

I AM GUTTED - i really thought i was doing so well - i was dead chuffed with myself but now I've defo stepped back - before this i could walk pain free for miles, on thursday i could barely get thru the shopping at tesco.....

so friends - i would REALLY like to thank you for all the support and comments since i started this wee journey - i'd love to say i might be back and you never know??

but for now I'm afraid its on the Injury Couch for me.

good luck to everyone on the course and hopefully we'll be able to chat and compare 'runs' at some time in the future..

thanks again



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kazdoc profile image
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24 Replies
Hallebelly profile image

So sorry to hear you news. Take it easy and hope to see you back soon

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to Hallebelly

thank you, i hope so too ;) x

NeverSayNoToJeffing profile image

I think you need some professional guidance before you do anything more. You've done really well so don't write it off until you check what you can and can't do. I hope that this is not the end for running for you. 🙌🏻

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to NeverSayNoToJeffing

yeah thanks - i'll defo be getting advice - hopefully I've just 'over-done' it and can back on the treadie at some point! - thanks again. x

ANewMe2022 profile image

Oh kazdoc that's so disappointing for you :( ! I'm disappointed for you too, but you've done the right thing by quitting and calling your specialist. Hopefully she'll have good news ie it's self diagnosis 1. In the meanwhile, there's no reason why you still can't enjoy the posts of others though, to keep your 'eye' in as it were :)

Don't be a stranger, just get stronger :P (see what I did there...) and hopefully you'll be back plodding with us at some stage in the future...xx

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to ANewMe2022

thanks for that - i'm really 'hopeful' i'm correct with diagnosis number 1 !!

to be honest the pain in the leg was such a blast from the past - exact same - thats whats upsetting me the most - and THATS why I'm worried it might not be just 'overdoing' it.

we'll see - thanks again

Kaz x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

So sorry to hear this Kaz. Good luck with the MRI hope the results are favourable. xxx Take care hun.😊

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to Bluebirdrunner

thank you so much - hopefully i'll be back with the C25K group at some point in the future - cheers.


Oldfloss profile image

Get back on that couch... but, never say never. Get it checked out and hopefully sorted...!

But, we shall keep everything crossed for you and await your results!

Until then... follow the antics of us all on here, laugh and cry with us, plan some new routes and have lots of treats... purely medicinal you understand.

Big hug too ( but gentle) x

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to Oldfloss

awwww thank you so much - I'm truly gutted - was becoming a right smart arse about how good i was - asking my hubby how it felt to be sleeping with 'a runner' !!

hahaha - but seriously - i'm crossing everything for 'self diagnosis number one'!!

hopefully you'll be hearing from me again..... cheers

take care

kaz xx

McFitty profile image

Oh Kaz, I am gutted for you. I really hope it's just a setback and not the end of the road for your running. You have done so well and come so far. You've already beaten the most daunting runs.

I really hope your specialist has good news for you (and that is that you haven't done yourself any damage). Please let us know how you get on!

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to McFitty

thank you - you've all been great - fingers crossed i'll be told its all ok 'inside' and just over-done it - i'll get expert advice and take it from there - hopefully you've not seen the last of me yet!!


kaz x

Davoda profile image

Everyone has said what I was thinking. Gutted for you, but at least you'll soon have the answer you need. 🤕

What you do now know is you do have the ability to do more & go further than you ever imagined - so if it turns out that you can't run, then whatever the right exercise is for you, you've got the mental resources to do it.

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to Davoda

thats lovely - thank you so much - to be honest if i can get to walking long distances without pain again i'll be happy - i'd built up the walking over the year and when i thought i'd cracked that i started the running, thinking i was improving my health and fitness - so - bit gutted at the big step-backwards.

but - we'll see how it goes - fingers crossed its just over-work and i'll keep you all updated either way.

you've all been great - thanks again



Von99 profile image

So sorry to hear this. Wishing you a speedy recovery. X

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to Von99

thank you so much

kaz x

davelinks profile image

Sorry to hear about this kaz! My wife has sciatica, and gets a bad pain shooting down her leg occasionally, she does also run, but has been out of action for about 6 months with another medical problem, but hopes to be back running in the near future. I must say during the time she was running she had no sciatica attacks, but had one after she had stopped for about 4 months. Is that just a coincidence? or maybe the running is beneficial, don't know yet, remains to be seen. So, what I'm getting at is don't write yourself off just yet, as you say maybe you've overdone it, and it'll calm down with rest, and of course take professional advice.. good luck!😊

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to davelinks

thanks - yeah I'm really hopeful that its just overdone - either way i'll be happier when ive been 'seen' at the hosp and know whats happening on the 'inside'.......

hopefully - everything will be ok - if thats the case i'm defo gonna ask about starting the programme again - REALLY carefully - maybe doing each week twice?

anyway - fingers crossed - and i hope your wife gets better soon too - all the best and thanks for your comments.


kaz x

IgaT profile image

Sorry to hear that :(

Take your time to heal, discuss your options with spine nurse and/or doctor. Maybe after a week or two of rest, you could do some swimming and / or Pilates / yoga to preserve and build endurance and core strength in a little different way.

Hopefully, you will get better and be able to go back to running. Just progress slowly, but constantly. Whichever activity you will choose.

All the best for you! I wish you speedy recovery!

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to IgaT

thank you so much - yeah I'm hopeful i'll be ok - i was doin a wee half hour pilates class on 'rest' days anyway but at the moment i'm doing nothing till I've been seen at hospital - just in case! - haha.

so - maybe later - if I'm given the all clear i'll defo be doing something - sitting about doing nothing is defo the worst thing for bad backs...


Kaz x

IgaT profile image
IgaTGraduate in reply to kazdoc

Sure, wait for results with any exercises involving your back. You can still exercise feet, ankle, hands, wrists ;) Be creative and stay positive!

I wish you and your back all the best.



ancientrunner profile image

fingers crossed for you.

kazdoc profile image
kazdoc in reply to ancientrunner

thank you so much - I've got everything crossed too!


Kaz x

melly4012 profile image

Oh no, so sorry to hear that, big hugs for you. Your health needs to take priority though so you are definitely being sensible. Your achievement thus far is amazing regardless of whether you need to stop or not. Hope we see you back again at some point.

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