Since my Saturday run, I've not managed to get out, so tonight I rang Mr Rainbow as I left work to say I wanted to run as soon as I got in so please don't have my dinner nearly ready! (I know, what a terrible problem to have, right?! ). That was fine, so I got changed as soon as I could and headed out to have another go at Speed.
Well, what a run! Cedric made a half-hearted attempt to tell me I couldn't do it, after all I'd walked a bit on my last run, so I already knew I was a failure, didn't I. Yes, that nasty gremlin used the F-word! 😳😡 But I told him it's only a five minute run, and I know I can do that, then six short intervals, and they fly past. So there.
Usually when I run I'm aware that I'm taking very short steps, but tonight I managed to lengthen my stride a little. I wasn't planning on it, it wasn't a conscious decision - just somehow it felt easy and comfortable. Even the last of the intervals, I was aware how much I was striding out compared to normal. Final result: 12 seconds a mile quicker than my previous two Speed runs! Definitely happy with that And Cedric can take a hike!