Winston and I set off thinking 'we're gonna breeze this'! How wrong?! It's really cold today and the first 5 min run nearly killed me. I couldn't get my breathing right, my legs were really cold and heavy and I was thinking 'there's no way I'm going to be able to do 8 mins'.
However, the next 8 were better in comparison breathing wise, but legs were still heavy.
Then the 3 min walk to get breath back, felt I didn't need for breath, but legs were a bit jellified.
Hurray, last 5 mins, really strode out in the last minute and felt I accomplished far more than I at first thought.
Poor Winston's eyes were on stalks, with his tongue lolling out to the side, and drool slavering down his chin - oh wait, that might have been me I've got a nest of cold sores, and chest feels a bit tight so might be a bit under the weather, but, overall really happy
! C25K has just brought me down to earth with a bump though...xx