Who is running New Year's Eve or busy making N... - Couch to 5K

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Who is running New Year's Eve or busy making New Year's resolutions?

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
35 Replies

I have a choice between 2 New Year's Eve races. I am definitely doing one tomorrow but haven't decided which yet. You just turn up on the day and enrol before it starts which could be chaotic. One race is the "Pfannkuchen Run" which involves running through the forest and finishes, enticingly, with an uphill segment to the top of Berlin's only real hill. As you pass the finish line, they hand you a Pfannkuchen - which can mean either pancake or doughnut; however I'm thinking the logistics of the thing make it likely it is a doughnut.

The other race is through the centre of town with no hills or doughnuts.

I have also decided this is the year I try a HM. Only thing worrying me is what if I develop a violent urge to go to the toilet in the middle of a longer race?

Is anyone else running New Year's Eve or Jan 1st or have you made any running plans for 2017 yet? Let's hear them. You know if you write them down, you're more likely to stick to them ;)

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boptillyoudrop49 profile image
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35 Replies
davidy233 profile image

I'm doing week 8 run 2 tomorrow

As for the violent toilet urges - Matthew Inman who draws The Oatmel comic describes his adventure in this interview theoatmeal.com/blog/ultrama...

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to davidy233

Woah what was that davidy?! The image of those toe nails will stay with me for a long time! Eew

Wiping your bum with moss alongside the trail has not really made me look more favourably on the HM but it is actually a straight forward urge to pee that I'm more concerned about. Either way a portoloo or 2 along the way wouldn't be a bad thing surely? Do they not have them for marathons then?

Well done heading out for your run. This close to graduation you really wouldn't want to miss one

davelinks profile image

Hey bop, I'm doing Parkrun with nephew on NYE and NYD and possibly, depending on if I feel good will do a 2nd one on NYD..

Yes, it is possible. If you find yourself stopping to pee during your long runs, you're most likely drinking too many fluids prior to your run. You should drink 16 to 24oz of (non-caffeinated) fluid 1 hour before your workout or race. Stop drinking after that, and keep emptying your bladder.

Enjoy your race! HNY!!😊

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to davelinks

Wow that's a lot of running in 2 days! Good for you Dave. I do drink just before a run , I'll keep that in mind about not drinking for an hour before your run. How is slinky these days?

Ullyrunner profile image

I will be running in the morning but just on my own.

After all the excess of Christmas- is another doughnut a great idea? However, a run through forests sounds great.

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Ullyrunner

I won't be eating the doughnut in any case but it is traditional here to have them for New Year so the bakeries are busy taking in mass orders. Your quiet day sounds nice :)

davelinks profile image

I generally make sure I'm well hydrated through from the day before I run, And only a few sips before I go out. If needed during warm weather I'll take a small bottle, on your organised long race you should have a water station, only drink if you really need it and then only sips, don't glug it down as I did on my 10k race and make yourself feel I'll.😁

Slinky is doing fine, thanks for asking, wounds healing nicely & back to work, she still avoids lifting heavy shopping, so I do all the heavy lifting stuff that could impact on her chest, it's good workout for me anyway, but she's good, probably will be Spring before she gets back into running, so, watch this space, I'll post a comment or better still, she may come on and post a comment..😊

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to davelinks

That would be great. Really glad to hear she's on the mend Dave. I do drink from those drink stations on summer runs, but as you say maybe not the best idea to drink much. Perhaps I'll just tip it over my steaming head instead!

Ullyrunner profile image
UllyrunnerGraduate in reply to davelinks

Great to hear. All good wishes to Slinky!

Millsie-J profile image

I have just arranged to do a neighbouring parkrun on NYD with my lovely son. He however will be doing three, similar to davelinks above, he is quite a pr tourist and i appear to be getting the bug too!

Happy running 🏃🏻‍♀️😀🏃🏻😀

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Millsie-J

Goodness I'm impressed with this Park Run Extreme thing! One would do me I think. Enjoy your run together

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

I can only cope with the one at this point in my running journey, but who knows what will happen next new year? 😃😉🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Millsie-J

Exactly :)

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Bop, I'd only do the 2 Parkruns as an occasional 1 off being NYD, it's the only time 2 Parkruns can be run on the same day, I'll have about a 30 min break in between the 2 from when I finish the first one to the start of the 2nd one, so not too bad..😊

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to davelinks

Are you kidding me?! 30 min is hardly a decent break in my book Dave. Hope you're taking kryptonite for breakfast. Or should it be Superdave?!

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Have done 10k, so don't see it being a major drama! Will only do it if I feel OK after the first one, the way your reacting anybody would think I'm attempting 10k straight after graduating from c25k!😊

runswithdogs profile image

You're seriously debating between those? First one hands down! Runs with food win all the time. Even better if you had to eat the doughnut during the race.

I'm tailrunner at Parkrun in the morning and have a 5k race in the evening. I'll have to dig out my accessories, every year we add new festive bits.

I keep debating a HM as well (which I debate and don't do every year) but I have some health issues and really start to feel the impact of running after 10k. So we'll see what this year is like. Failing that I have my usual 8 mile race in June that I do every year along with many shorter events. And as for bathrooms, our HM events usually have Porta-potties along the route (thank goodness).

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to runswithdogs

Did you notice the bit about the finish being on top of the hill though?! That's why I am wavering. Still I think I'd prefer the forest air. Maybe it is standard for longer races to have some loos out? That would be good to know. I may well not need one at all. I'm usually ok running up to 2.5 hours without but just in case it was needed, would be excruciating not to have one around...Things I worry about :) Sorry to hear about health issues getting in your way at times but sounds like you have some good running plans in place.

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

My Parkrun ends on a hill. Most days I run good and fast up to it, walk the steep part, and right before the crest I start running again right before coming in view of the finish line. It's a great place for a sneaky walk to recover and finish across the line in style. Besides, every race I've done has loads of folks walking the hilly bits. Often for me it's faster than running them.

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to runswithdogs

I like the cut of your job. That sounds like the way to do it.

Razouski profile image

I'm having a rest day tomorrow, and will probably go to the gym and swim. Not sure about New Year's Day Parkrun, as have a heavy night on New Year's Eve so might require a lie in!

Happy New Year to you, whatever you decide to do.


boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Razouski

The heavy night sounds like fun. Have a great night and enjoy what you feel up to on NY!

Lorna9339 profile image

I am doing the Pollok parkrun on New Year's Day. Looking forward to it if I'm not too tired!

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Lorna9339

Hope you enjoy it Laura. It is a great way to usher in the New Year

misswobble profile image

They have portaloos on half marathons so I wouldn't worry. I have run two and not needed the loo thankfully.

I am busy tomorrow so no running for me. I am cooking lunch for vegans, dog sitting and then going out for a swanky do later.

Out for dinner on New Year's Day but plan a run at some point

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to misswobble

I never know what to cook for vegans. So many of my daughter's friends have turned vegetarian and 2 are now vegan. Sounds like you have a lot on. Enjoy your swanky do!

aliboo70 profile image

Hi bop!

We are doing medina isle of wight parkrun tomorrow morning and my Christmas pressie was a place in the HM version of the race below : lots of people I know did it last yr and loved it and the medal is amazing! 😊


I'm always one for needing the loo but the 3 HMs i did I was fine, but you will find alot of races have loos en route...

Have fun and happy New yr!

I would do the hills and doughnut run I reckon! 😊

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to aliboo70

Thanks Ali! HM looks great. Ok I'm feeling relieved on the cool front, so to speak. I did the doughnut race and donated my doughnut to a young lad who wasn't looking too happy to be there. It was a glorious sunny day but my was it cold! Brrr

Good luck with your running plans for 2017!

ladyharvills profile image

I've just done my usual Saturday Parkrun. Not a bad time, 30:40. I don't make New Year Resolutions as such, but I want to try and keep to a more health diet and work on getting my spare tyre down! I'm not overweight, but at my age the fat congregates in one area! Happy New Year.

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to ladyharvills

Oh I know all about that, unfortunately. Have you ever tried a low carb diet for a limited time? Opinion seems divided as to how healthy it is in the longer term but it is very effective at breaking down belly fat. I got my excess weight off that way and you could literally see a difference in the mirror week to week. Afterwards you gradually re-introduce more healthy carbs and the weight has not come back on. I wasn't really heavy but I did have stubborn fat around the middle and did need to lose some weight, unlike you; however I think you could do it for 3 months or so if you don't have any health issues - should get rid of the bit of extra you mentioned without leaving you too thin.

Oldfloss profile image

I shall run on January 1st. :)

I used to always have a New Year's Day swim in Cardigan Bay in Wales.. but since the family are now living up here, and Mr Floss banned me the last time I did it anyway.. ( I think he thought he would have to rescue me if I got into difficulties) I shall make a new year's day run a new tradition.

Hope your run was fun... whichever you did...:)

I shall ponder on the running year ahead after that. Happy New Year sweetie x

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Ooh you're brave, that must have been nippy! I hope you enjoyed today's run. I am shattered - fireworks go on here till 4 or 5 in the morning so it is impossible to sleep. I did the doughnut run. It was VERY cold. Oh my goodness was not prepared for that but running uphill certainly warms you up. Wow hills 😂 I'm a bit relieved that is the only one around here, hence easily avoided. The atmosphere was good but unfortunately my dearly beloved Gel Cumulus shoes are stuffed; the inside lining on one heel wore off and the hard plastic underneath dug a hole in my heel. Sniff, I love those hot pink shoes but they're not available anymore. I will have to head off to the running shop first thing tomorrow and get some new shoes. Perhaps we should always have 2 pairs just in case.

I hope you have a magical year full of new adventures. There is so much to learn, do, see and experience and I hope the best of it all comes your way 😃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Well done you...the run.. apart from the shoes :( sounds brilliant! You are the brave one... funnily enough, the sea in winter feels warmer.. ambient temperature and all that.. still nips your toes though when you first head in!

It was cold this morning, when I headed out for my run!

Thank you for the New Year wishes, I wish you a wonderful exciting year ahead... I think we are ready for a new adventure now.. do you ? x

boptillyoudrop49 profile image
boptillyoudrop49Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Yep, bring them on! This time last year you'd just graduated and I was nearly there. We're full blood runners now though. Not that anyone watching me plod along would notice, but we feel it inside, don't we? I think we need a new challenge for 2017. I might have a go learning the cello. I know it is very hard and I'm too old to ever be much good at it but it sounds so beautiful. Just love the cello.

How are your ribs now?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to boptillyoudrop49

... and I would like to learn to play the bagpipes, unfortunately nowhere round here to learn!!!!!! The cello is so beautiful... I think it is worth a go... :)

We have done well.. we really have... and it is, just how we feel inside:) I just go along, like you at my own pace, some days faster, some a lot slower, just enjoying every moment.

My ribs have healed amazingly, thank you... faster than when I broke them when was younger! The cross trainer kept me moving, without any impact on them and I was quite ready when I set out on my first proper run. My leg strength is good. Core strength still needs work! :)

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