have not beenable to run since my week6 run 2 last Sunday as my right knee in pain, which is really frustrating me as one to graduate before the end of this year!!
painful knee: have not beenable to run since my... - Couch to 5K
painful knee

Graduation early in 2017 will be a lovely start to the year and much better than trying to push things too hard with your knee. Hope it recovers quickly.

Definitely try and incorporate some knee strengthening exercises into your routine. Knees can be a right pain. It was around week 5 mine started playing up and the knee exercises really really helped. Rest up as long as you need to. As orchards says, graduation in 2017 is preferable to lasting damage. Hope you're on the mend really soon

I a break of nearly 2 weeks during week 6 and found I didn't need to drop back any further than the beginning of that week.
I hope your knee improves so you can get back out there soon - then you can join me in graduating early in 2017!

Let your knee get better first, don't run before it is well again. Have you seen the GP? Have you RICEd it? Don't rush anything, you have all the time in the world
My knee used to hurt a lot but I discovered it was actually because I have weak hips. I started doing exercises targeting my hips and my knee pain has gone away.