Hi All, I got back out after a week off due to my bad chesty cough, carried on where I left off and did fine so thanks for all your encouragement and advice. I'm looking forward to starting Week 4 on Friday! My next question regards hills. I am English, but live in France at the foot of the Jura mountains, this means when I go out for a run it's either up, or down to start with. There are some routes which are more steep than others, and some with more flat bits, (I found a flatter one for my first run back after being ill!!!) My question is, is there a reason as to whether I should go up first and then enjoy the easier run back down, or begin with the easy down and finish with coming back up? Or am I best to mix it up and do a different route each time? (which is what I have been doing.) I run VERY slowly on the up bits, and am quicker on the down bits. There really aren't any flat routes from my home and I don't want to have to drive to go for a run. Any thoughts, ideas or advice very welcome.
Thanks and New Question regarding hills - Couch to 5K
Thanks and New Question regarding hills

It is all a matter of choice, really. Personally I normally plan my runs to have the toughest climbs in the first half of the run, but living half way up a hill means there is invariably some climbing to be done towards the end as well.
Just keep running the hills.......they are good for you.

I live in France too, and it's pretty hilly here! I don't really have much choice, I live at the top of the hill, so I've got used to having my fastest KM at the beginning. If I had the choice, I'd start off uphill, and coast home...I always have to save a bit of energy for the warm down walk. Experiment, and see what suits you best, I don't think there's any reason why you shouldn't do either or both xx

Yes, as the others say, uphill first then coast home if possible...I find it's lovely and motivating to have that downhill bit to look forward to; but I don't think there's any technical reason why you should do one before the other. Hills are really good for your stamina and strength, so I (sort of !) envy you your routes. Tip: going uphill shorten your stride and really use your arms - I find this helps on the one (tiny) hill I've managed to incorporate.
Best of luck!

I've run on hills all through C25K and although I found it really tough I am glad I did as I can manage them now, albeit very slowly!! My favourite is up hills to start and then down at the end - doesn't always work out but that downhill run at the end is very enjoyable

Hills! How I hate them but living in mid Devon I cannot avoid them either, I do the up on the way but round here it's up/down all the way....but nice to end on a down, I really hope that these hills get easier!! Good luck