Today I completed a park run of 5k, my first, in just under 50mins.... not the most impressive time but as I live with rheumatoid arthritis and have only just got back into running a bit I am chuffed. The run is a 2 looper and on both loops I walked the one hilly part and ran/jogetted the rest. I will stick with the park run because there are others there who morally support you on your way round and this has helped me run the route rather than walk it.
I'd like to thank your good selves for your positive forum because I have drawn from this over the past few weeks and it is what has given me a little umph to my notion to getting running again so THANK YOU! ๐
I don't follow the NHS podcast/recorded 9 week programme cos I don't have an MP3 player or phone that will play the recordings as I run so I tune into you guys and draw on your positiveness. Thanks again for being out there.
All the best