I somehow got it into my head that W5D2 would be my Waterloo. Even though I could not believe I had come this far (see my story - deformed feet etc) for some reason I had a sense of dread and pessimism about it. That 8 minutes run after only a three minute walk after the five run preceeding...wow, that's a lot, isn't it...especially if oyu have deformed feet, asthma, nocotine stained lungs etc etc etc.
I even kind of knew I was setting myself up for failure when I ate too 'just a little' much pizza last night. I also had to start my run an hour earlier than usual, and I did not sleep well...in other words, I have every excuse to fail....right....
Got up, outside temp only 82 so no excuses there, no rain and even the humidity not bad. Found myself delaying going out the door - where's my favourite Bandanna gone now!...where did I put the phone this time!...wonder if there is any word from....nope! If I 'just check my email for a minute' I absolutely know I won't go running this morning and most likely will quit altogether.
I think what I was most worried about was my lack of enthusiasm - no way was I going to get through this am but would I be able to keep my motivation up to keep trying it maybe for a couple of weeks until I could hit 'Did IT' and move on? And - worst of all - what if I never can reach it????
So - out the door, five minute warm up walk and I notice my breathing is pretty ragged already. Nerves are jangling over this even though I know that is stupid. Start running. A guy who obviously works out walking towards me with his wife and teenage kid. He looks at me with a smirk, says something to the others who then look at me and start smirking - wow! Like I don't feel bad already.
Get through the first five. Feeling better. Overlap the smirking three again while in the three minute walk, more smirks from them. Now the dreaded 8 minutes.
I kept forcing myself to slooooow down anytime my legs felt too heavy or breathing just too much. Slow slow slow while still making sure 'both feet off the ground at the same time at some point' as I alternated footfalls.
Overlapped the smirking trio again. Kid not smirking this time, looking at me a bit puzzled, wife not looking at me at all, Gymn guy looking at me with blank expression.
Dang! 'Slow downnn and walkkkkk' goes Laura! I did it!!! Eight minutes continous running! DANG!!!!
However - the last running stage of each day/section is usually the hardest to do - so, walk the five minutes and don't get too over enthusiastic...
Man...this is boring, I still have a minute to walk before running the five. I wonder if I shhould just...nope, TRUST THE PROGRAMME.
Start running. Minute four is a bit tough, minute five passes before I know it. I once more overlap the no-no longer-smirking-trio. I look Gymn guy dead in the eye and say 'Hope you are looking after your body now son, so you will be able to do what I just did at my age" and I smile congenially and leave them and all the smirking asshats behind me both physically and metaphorically.
And the icing on the cake. What now has me feeling like I ran the Boston Marathon? I was confused about time/distances but just now downloaded the stats' about my eight minute run.
I covered exactly - give or take one yard either side) - seven tents of a mile in eight minutes!!!! I am FLABBERGASTED! i had NO idea I was covering the ground at that rate. I honestly thought I was crawling around the circuit I do.
And during that run I was forcing myself to 'go really slow now pal - it's about time not distance and as long as you have both feet off the ground you can legitimatly call yourself a 'runner' " but feeling embarrassed at my sloth-like pace....
The First Revelation of Irish-John. WE CAN BE OUR OWN WORST SMIRKERS WHEN WE FORGET THE REAL REASON WE WANT TO DO THIS RUNNING PROGRAMME. (subtitled - 'Trust Laura, and Trust the Forumites who say 'slow down and slow down some more when it gets overwhelming' )
Thank you all, W5D3 next. I have a feeling it may take me a few attempts - but never again will I feel I will NOT attempt it and the whatever stages I get to
Would not be at this point without all the honest posts about how hard it feels sometimes, thank you for making me realise I am not the only person who feels like 'heart bursting, lungs ripping, head exploding' at SOME points