Inspired by my speed-work run a few days ago I thought I would be a bit clever and design a 'cadence pyramid' 5K.
The 'pyramid' was 1K: 300m@150-160 cadence, 150m@160-170 cadence, 100m@170-180 cadence and then down again. The actual 5K was 1K warm up, 3 pyramids and 1K warm down.
If you go to the link in garmin and look at the 'Cadence' section you can see the shape of the pyramids, which I am pretty chuffed at.
I didn't even pay attention to pace or heart rate, it was all about the cadence.
And you know what, it was great fun! It really didn't take long for a cadence of 160-170 to feel 'right'. 170-180 just felt like I was in one of those 80s cartoons where the feet were just blurry but not moving forward at all :-). I am wary of increasing too much too soon but I think I might, if I notice it, try and stay around the 160 spm on my 'lazy' runs.
Unfortunately I don't think I left enough time after my speed-run for my poor little legs to recover, so my legs aren't thanking me at the moment. My next run will either be a lazy 5K or a meandering 9K.