had a good morning, cycled 15 k to swimming, swam for just over 1 k (then squeezed in a wetherspoons breakfast) cycled 15 k home and did a 6 k run . According to endomondo I burned 2500 calories so even with my breakfast I 'm still ok! First time I've tried to run immediately after cycling and was relieved it was fine, not my fastest run but comparable with my recent runs . I now feel I'm probably going to survive my short triathlon in 6 weeks, but would like to improve my speed a little bit. I was averaging 6.40 minute km's at graduation, but recently have been over 7 mins on a lot of km's particularly on longer runs which is ok but now I would like to work on getting a bit faster over 6 k ( race length) . My question is , do I have a realistic chance of improving my speed in 6 weeks, and what is the best way to improve speed? I have thought about intervals as have some preset in an app but not sure how to proceed, how often etc or if there is another option.
Tired but happy! Advice on how to work on spe... - Couch to 5K
Tired but happy! Advice on how to work on speed now please!

No idea, but you rock! :-).

No advice... but blimey!

Blimey, I'm tired just reading that! Intervals are a great way to improve speed and although there are various programmes and apps out there you can just mix it up and do your own thing. You could run fast for one or two minutes and then walk or run very slowly for one or two minutes. Doing some hill work builds stamina and strength but intervals and hill work should be done only once a week as they take a lot out of your body.
I would imagine that on the day the adrenalin and competitiveness will speed you up without you thinking too much about it!
Thanks , I have done my fastest run of 5 k in 30.29 at my first parkrun ( a flat one) without trying and I have never got much under 34 minutes since, but the group did seem to spur me on and I found I still had plenty of acceleration to pass people when I was catching them up so I didn't stay breathing down their necks! Maybe its a case of properly pacing myself as I don't often feel I have reached my limit and usually feel I could do a bit more.

There's a speed podcast available which is hard work, but short and sweet. I'd suggest doing that once a week.
Deliberately slow down for "longer" runs - they are to build your strength up and you shouldn't be running flat out every time.
A couple of years ago I used a training plan (endomondo - MyAsics do them for you too) with a target time to improve my Parkrun pb. I found it very odd that most runs were much slower than I was used to running - I found it hard to go slowly enough at first! But it did the trick.
Adrenaline and the atmosphere will make you run faster on race day, but don't get carried away at the beginning -start off slowly and then you'll be able to pick off all those who started too quickly as you tick off the km and finish strong

thanks, I never feel like I am going flat out, I just settle into a rhythm and seem to stay there, I am always conscious of keeping steady to get the distance up but I seem to have got so used to that pace that if I try and speed up a bit ,I slip back to my normal speed when I am not paying attention, or I feel like I am working harder..but the splits show my pace as no different to normal!
Wish I knew, but I don't,
I just want to tell you that I am full of admiration of how far you have come! Wauuu!

Wow, I feel shattered just reading your post, you really are amazing to manage all of that and still be upright!
But it reminded me yet again that if I put my mind to it, I can achieve my next run. Inspiration comes at the unlikeliest times, thank you and good luck with your triathlon. You'll smash it, I've no doubt...

Are you superman/woman or what?
haha nope I am a previously very overweight mum of 3 in my 40's who decided to enter a triathlon to get fit and stop myself putting weight back on! Seems to be working as a plan and I will have to enter something for next year as I am never letting myself go back and now realise the mental benefits to having a focus and a reason to escape for an hour or so every day as well as the fact I actually like getting fit, which was a bit of a surprise!