...my IBS had me running for home instead of .... - Couch to 5K

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...my IBS had me running for home instead of ......

CentralPark profile image
16 Replies

Dammit I was supposed to be on for graduation this week and suddenly I have a bad flare up of my IBS which completely ruined Week 9 Run 1 :( I've suffered/lived with IBS for around 35 years so I'm quite used to it rearing it's ugly head just at the most inconvenient times (we've missed a few ferries, a Euro Tunnel crossing or two and been late - a lot - and I know where every loo in our town centre is and which shops would let you use them!) So yesterday after heading out at 6.45am and having managed 15 minutes in the lovely warm sunshine that switch flicked and out of nowhere abdominal cramps stopped me in my tracks - literally! Catching my breath I had a decision to make - try and make a run for it back home (which was about 5 minutes with the short-cut across the village) but which could actually bring on the attack quicker or march home clenching my gluteus and risk looking like I was auditioning for a place in Monty Pythons Ministry of Silly Walks! A quick decision and the Silly Walks won out and I made it home just in time.... So I'm feeling a bit down today as I know it's going to take a few days for all this to settle down again...and I thought there must be lots of you out there suffering like this and I wondered how are you coping - all tips appreciated - ps - anyone got a map of all the loos in Central Park, NYC ;)

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16 Replies
GoogleMe profile image

Oh that's miserable. I used to be very much like you but being pregnant seemed to reset things a bit, menopause, a bit more, very careful management of my mornings with a lot of going back to bed between each thing that needs doing - means I have to make an early start so I have a couple of hours at least.

It was a problem with my running in the early days but it has settled a lot (sometimes just accepting the sensation... although clearly that's not always an option!), and I think that's quite a common experience.

You might find that if it came on whilst running that it isn't an 'attack' as such that is going to last for a few days.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Hi GoogleMe, thanks for your advice - mine too was better whilst pregnant - but that was a looooong time ago and unfortunately being menopausal has had the same results :( I'm hoping you're right and having done some reading on this now maybe it's not an attack per se but just what I seem to have discovered might be 'runner's trots'......

Son1 profile image

Oh no, that's not much fun! I'm having an IBD flare up at the moment and it's pretty rubbish, so I can sympathise.

I tend to make sure I am as empty as I can be before running so that I stand a half decent chance and I always run in black shorts. I don't drink anything before I run too and have a good drink when I get home.

I really hope the flare up passes quickly for you and that you can get back to your running with confidence.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to Son1

Thanks Son1 - I hope your's settles down quickly :( I'm going to be a bit more careful in future and really think about things the night before if I'm going out for an early run...I'm thinking back now and it seems evening runs might just be better for my system :)

Son1 profile image
Son1Graduate in reply to CentralPark

I always run in the evening, can't do mornings. I'd really like to do a park run, but they are way too early for me. I'm think I'm going to go out tonight... not sure.... will be risky *sighs* I hope that your evening runs are enjoyable and uneventful.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to Son1

Hope your evening went ok Son1, I'm going to give it another go tomorrow evening after work and see how it goes...

Son1 profile image
Son1Graduate in reply to CentralPark

It was okay thank you, just did 20 mins, better than nothing and no accidents :-D

I hope that all goes well tomorrow for you

runswithdogs profile image

Ministry of Silly Walks. I suffer from IBS-D myself and this truly describes many walks in my life.

On the positive side, if I'm bloated a run can help.

During a flare up it's tough. I try and eat breakfast I know has chances of a low reaction. I plan small circular routes around home or where I know the washrooms are. Or take the time off and do yoga or weight training, etc

If you ever sign up for a race, the smaller ones can be better. I have the personal number of the race organizer for one of our race series, because if I have to drop out of a race partway through to use the bushes or the loo, I don't want them coming to find me, and they want to know I'm safe.

I've also heard of people using the bushes. I haven't yet while running, but it's worth tucking some paper up your sleeve or in your shorts just in case.

Also, check to see if New York has an IBS or public washroom ap telling you the location of public washrooms.

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to runswithdogs

Ah thanks runswithdogs - good advice all round and I'm going to check out re the IBS/public washrooms ap :)

AvatheGardener profile image

Loads of empathy from me. I have on and off issues with IBS-D which seem exacerbated by painkillers ( especially NSAIDs) and have had to dash to the bushes whilst out walking and running. I always have to have been to the loo. It seem to still. E able to have sudden onset requirement with very little warning. I revised my running strategy to run various loops around my home. Unfortunately I had the Ministry of Silly Walks to complete with my house in sight and didn't make it, total loss of control. Traumatic, third time that happened when I was just out walking with dogs... Haven't run for a month since then.

runswithdogs profile image
runswithdogsGraduate in reply to AvatheGardener

Oh no! I feel for you. That's happened to me while driving and walking, never running. Are you not running now because of that?

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardenerGraduate in reply to runswithdogs

How horrid to have it while driving too. It's ghastly, embarrassing, traumatic- thanks for sharing I don't feel such a freak now. A little bit, anyway! I'm not running at the mo, really need to get back out there and get some tone back but the gremlins have control just at the mo!

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to AvatheGardener

Oh rainshine that's just awful it's been so bad and traumatic that you haven't run since...were you enjoying running before then? If you were then I really hope you can find something that works for you so you can stop this from happening...I'm going to try the going to loo before hand...AND taking an immodium an hour before I go out if I'm any further than 10 minutes from home (or the nearest loo). Have you had your IBS for long? x

AvatheGardener profile image
AvatheGardenerGraduate in reply to CentralPark

On and off for years, CentralPark. I was enjoying running, getting back into it after IBS and various other health issues had stopped it- hadn't had anything quite so bad. I think it's a whole host of gremlins now. I really NEED to get back out!

Ullyrunner profile image

Oh bad luck - but don't worry, this is just a temporary setback, you will soon graduate!

CentralPark profile image
CentralParkGraduate in reply to Ullyrunner

Thank you Ullyrunner...I'm going to go out tomorrow evening after work ... just around the village...and see how it goes.....

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