Here goes. Having almost completed the programme I went over on my ankle. It took ages to heal and I lost my mojo. Now I am ready to start again.
Ready To Start Again: Here goes. Having almost... - Couch to 5K
Ready To Start Again

Well done Nightingale
Keep posting and letting us know your progress x

Welcome back Nightingale
Oh that mustve been such a blow for you
Great that youre back again though and giving it another go .
Good Luck ! xxx

Last night I laid out my running gear so that there were no excuses this morning. It was a glorious morning and I walked the five minutes along a country lane to the field where I was going to run. This morning I awoke the inner athelete who is buried under layers of fat. Week1Run1 completed.

Great stuff... welcome back! You know about all the support you will get on here, so head on out there and careful on that ankle

Take it nice and gently - you know you can do this!
Ahh what a bugger! But you did it once do you can do it again! Good luck!